My brother's been in a coma since 2007 and just woke up, the last game he played was Crysis...

My brother's been in a coma since 2007 and just woke up, the last game he played was Crysis. How do I explain to him that it's still the best looking game ever made?

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Put him back in another coma.
It's the best.

Show him Death Stranding

Holy fuck, Crysisfags are fucking delusional. Basically any game made post-2014 shits all over Crysis just because of the default improvements in material authoring and lighting engines. This isn't even getting started on realtime Raytracing, which is the biggest leap in graphical fidelity that consumer hardware will ever see.

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Can you imagine going into a coma right before the market crash and pandemix virus only to come back to a market crash and pandemic virus? It's like he didn't missed anything at all.

>How do I explain to him that it's still the best looking game ever made?
You lies will be revealed the moment he sees Crysis 3, though.

prove it

No it's not, plenty of objects in Crysis are low poly and low res as fuck. Not to mention that the lighting is less detailed than raytracing

I wish

Attached: tower.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

user. It is you who is in coma. Wake up.

Battlefront is the only game that compares, a shallow multiplayer game with photogrammetry and no destruction

Attached: crysis.jpg (1920x1200, 1.91M)

Crysis was originally made to be a tech demo and wasn't intended to be a full game. That's why it's so good looking.

what mod

it looked like shit in 2008 and it looks like shit now

It really shows.
Whenever there's a Crysis thread it's always the same part of the game in the sreenshots and webms. Lush jungle and sheds sprinkled with the slaughter of brainless gooks.
The second part with the aliens, snow, and concrete buildings is rarely shown. Maybe because that's when the game shits the bed hard, you start to notice it isn't really that pretty when out of the jungle, and all that fancy destructable stuff and predator-like gameplay gets thrown out of the window for more generic scifi fps boredom.

weird how a game that wasn't intended to be a game ended up being more interactive with more physics and destruction than 99% of games nowadays

remember when rocks looked like rocks in video games and not play doh?


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And all those physics and destruction didn't save it from being a mediocre, short, and forgettable experience, at least gameplay wise.
Wierd, almost as if there's more to a game than graphics and physics.

hardly anyone plays crysis and almost no one makes webms is the thing

I haven't played the game since webms came out and I didn't get past this part apparently

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i dont even give a shit about graphics anymore bros

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It's pretty fun to play like a predator, using the suit to shit on hapless chinks
But you tend to stop playing after the ayy lmao stuff starts up

I thought it had great gameplay and a very memorable experience. Weird, almost as if those things are subjective and you have shit taste.

Attached: explosion.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

>Whenever there's a Crysis thread it's always the same part of the game in the sreenshots and webms.
Name a single FPS game where most screenshots don't come from the early parts of the game.

Crysis 1 didn't even have SSAO. All these webm's and screenshots are modded versions of the game.

>Crysis was originally made to be a tech demo and wasn't intended to be a full game.
It's the spiritual successor to Far Cry after Crytek sold the IP to Ubisoft. What the fuck are you talking about?

Didn't it get some visual patches

>Crysis 1 didn't even have SSAO.

Yes it did retard

Crysis always looked dull as fuck

It was the first game to have SSAO, retard.

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Can someone explain to me why basically every highly successful FPS game is accused of being a tech demo? Is it jealousy or something?

Gameplay and story are legit better than what we have now tho

Show him Crysis 2.

I've been coming to this site for 10 fucking years and I swear there's always some dumb nigger that thinks Crysis is the prettiest game ever created. Fucking hell, have you never seen Red Dead Redemption 2? Or Bloodborne? Or God of War? And why do you never talk about Crysis 2 or 3? Stop living in the past old man

RDR2 is impressive but those other two look worse than Crysis.

Your... Joking, right?

Attached: god-of-war-screen-06-ps4-us-12jun17.jpg (1000x563, 159.52K)

nice fucking powder snow

Only homosexuals and pedophiles played that game, Crysis is a real man's game.

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say what you want about RDR2 or GoW's gameplay, but you really can't argue they're the best looking games of this generation.
bloodborne is a stupid example, though.


Attached: slower for the plebs to see.webm (1280x720, 474.45K)

Easy, its not mirror's edge, for starterss.

>Lighting from the explosion doesn't affect the trees right next to it
Lol indeed

man, imagine if they made battlefront but it was good, that game was gorgeous but holy shit I couldn't play it longer than about 20 minutes at a time

>tfw we peaked in 2007 and are now on the other side of the bell curve

Feels bad man

>Red Dead Redemption 2
Have you been to Guarma (the level that is comparable to Crysis)? Looks like shit in comparison. And it doesn't even have any physics or destruction to speak of.

Attached: crysis2012-12-0316-55zkyn9.jpg (1600x900, 719.07K)

How would it affect it?

Say what you want about Ryse, but it looks really damn good for Xbone launch title. Came out in 2013 and it still BTFO majority of current year games

Attached: 10-ryse-screenshot-1384141026.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Why can't games like RDR2 have this level of terrain destruction?


Attached: image_ryse_son_of_rome-23646-2061_0009.jpg (1920x1080, 692K)

>crytek hinted at a remaster on cryengine v
I haven't played it past the first mission despite my pc being beast, but bros, id have a rock hard erection if they do remaster it, one of the true next gen games along with red faction guerilla that got memory holed because they brought too much, too soon for plebs to appreciate.

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xbone came out in 2013? where the fuck did the time go?

Considering that EA is on a remaster spree and panders to PCfags now, it might be happening.


RDR2's destruction is pretty good though.

Attached: ryse.exe 2018.05.01 - (786x420, 2.94M)

Did you really type that with a straight face? I can literally see the fucking polygons on that tree next to that clay grass. If i wanted to destroy the same copy-paste tree + shack combo, i'd play Red Faction Armageddon.

See how the fire makes the people look highlighted? This should be happening in that webm but to a lesser extent since it's daytime.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 78.39K)

The difference being you can chop the trees down.

Most games don't have that kind of attention to detail, moot point from a dumb consolefag.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption II Screenshot 2019.12.13 - (1920x1080, 1000.03K)

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>I can literally see the fucking polygons on that tree
Yeah because RDR2's polygons are imperceptible right? Retard.

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They should, the next gen systems won't hold them back anymore with 8c/16t zen 2 being their base, as long as they bring the interactivity of these webms it would sell millions

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>waking up just for corona-chan
He better start playing plague inc.