Legend of Zelda

How does she have the time to be a princess and a ninja?

Attached: b303f10b6ea4a817210cc21c632581de.jpg (3575x2354, 624.29K)

>another coombait thread

You surprisingly get a lot of time off from being a princess when all of castle town is replaced with redeads

>and a ninja
What? when was she a ninja?

His art is so good , it saddens me that the girls aren't real.

Ocarina of Time
Zelda is Shiek

>This thread stays up
>That thread about vidya lore with actual discussion going on got pruned

Mods are fags.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18 v - LORE - Video Games - 4chan.png (1810x1930, 293.33K)

i know the trannies live rent free on your brain but sheik is a dude my guy
Besides Zelda was captured when sheik ran around, how do you explain that?

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I'll take the bait
She used magic
Ganondorf never found her until she revealed herself to be shiek
Impa taught her the shiekah ways

God there needs to be more fem Sheik porn

What people forget is that since Zelda was Sheik, that means OoT Zelda is the biggest weeaboo in the Zelda universe.

>>another coombait thread

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I don't think that holds up since the Sheikah actually exist, and used to live in the town next door.

I more think she's the equivalent to a late-90s white girl from the burbs wearing a sports jacket and cap off center and claiming she's repping East Coast Rap, but ignorant that Biggie was shot.

fucking zoomer

>Thread is about gay shit, traps, bara, trannies, whatever
>Not a single coom post in 200+ posts
>Thread about heterosexual shit
>First post is coom post
Really makes you think. I wonder who's behind this.

And ghost + pirate.


Attached: waifus.png (532x1192, 176.67K)

But Yas Forums is a foot fetish board disguised as video games board.

Attached: fa8b33bcdf65a4df7a1267a07327312315cbad3f.jpg (4500x3000, 2.72M)

No, Hands are better anyways

Attached: Sexy hands on a bun.jpg (850x659, 56.3K)

There's nothing special about pictures of hot women, you can post them wherever you want.

>my cum is being baited
Fuck off succubus

Hand fetishists are even luckier than foot fetishists.

There are a lot more art of barehanded girls than barefoot girls.

Foot fetish fap material at least is not considered porn

I agree, mods are kinda fucked in the head more than usual.

Because you need a fapbait containment thread for Nintendo related shit. And vidya threads that dont catch on after awhile will usually go that way. Im not condoning mod bullshit as I think both should stay up but thats how they think Otherwise if they delete this 100x more will spawn with the same Zelda ass pic over and over again...daily.

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Seethe less. coom more

Attached: 1580634886374.jpg (4600x5200, 3.82M)

Yas Forums has a lot more activity, that's why they pick this board. I am going to both /s/ and /e/ feet threads but there are only like 2-3 new pics added every day at best at Yas Forums you have entire thread with multiple pictures in a span of a few hours.


At least post something true to Zeldas figure and not a heavily edited model with bad anatomy

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Did you get written permission to republish that image?

Man I'd KILL to have the opportunity to worship those feet.

Built for anal

that is disgusting

I had a good coom tonight. Vibrating plug up my ass and vibrating billets on my nipples.

That had furrybait OP tho.

>draws divine-tier skin
>is a footfag
goddammit kairu

Nah, this is better.

post more

Attached: 1573876286390.gif (150x105, 150.99K)

It's boring because these dazfags use the exact same body on everything. As soulless as modern anime

no fur in that pic user....

Would you suck Zelda's magick dick? I know I would!

Attached: zelda cute.png (1486x2160, 3.11M)

Pick one

>fellow footfags

absolutely based

hope to see you guys in the blacked threads on /trash/ and /gif/

nah that's just for cucks like you

sorry but I don't go to gif
you can find me in /feh/

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god I wish that were me

Attached: Checkmate-scientists.jpg (500x583, 33.85K)

don't die

>foot fetish

Attached: 1464195593882.png (371x419, 246.52K)

Doesn’t look right without a spade

are you blind?

Imagine the smell.

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I honestly don't even have a fetish it's just a lot of artists who focus on feet pics also make the rest of the pic look cool. I like interesting angles in art and feet pics always seem to have that since they want to mainly highlight the feet. Either the angle is interesting or the character is doing a pose that I like

Attached: 7856657.jpg (584x900, 632.87K)

who drew this?

If only there was a way of searching images on the internet.

>smell lines
how to ruin an image in one move


what is this? a gif for ants?

>that qt face
>thin waist
>THICCCCCC ass and legs
>shapely feet
>that god tier coloring/lighting
I want to marry this knife-ears RIGHT NOW

if you weren't a coomer and actually played oot you'd know