release date when?

Attached: butterfly elden ring.png (1358x578, 1.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

big ol fish head army

Attached: Elden Ring Trailer 3.png (252x184, 49.27K)


PS5 reveal. New short video (1:53). screenshot this you mongs

Release date? They won't even let us see how the game plays


you promise, bro?

>working with george
>"i'll get around to it, elden ring n shit they like switch arms or some gay shit idk. There's Zeus... maybe you fight Thanos at the end. Then Jon Snow comes on his face.

Attached: ororochibitchass.png (1040x793, 1.5M)

It's literally the dude from the OP's pic. Those are wings on the sides of his helmet.

OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH he flies by another dude with the same helmet too.

Attached: Elden Ring Trailer .png (606x451, 306.92K)

Good eye user.

that thing on the groundreminds me of sekiros arm

Yeah there is a lot to analyze in the trailer, it happens when you have a lot of free time. But of course this can all change drastically on release so I don't try to be too confident about my assumptions.

Oh c'mon, what's the worse that could happen?

Attached: Souls.jpg (1920x1080, 240.71K)

I hope to god they dont cut bosses and change areas and cut good items and lore but I know they will.

Attached: old ds3 progression.png (575x610, 80.51K)

this sounds so good, but so in depth and they probably had a shitload of deadlines so they cut a lot of corners and we ended up with what we had.

grave of gods, in the grave of gods, THIS IS THE GRAVE OF GOD

Attached: GODS G RAVE DS3.png (451x610, 345.95K)

snake soul skybox

Attached: snake soul skybox ds3.png (1440x382, 137.12K)

no ladder

Attached: ds3 emma.jpg (1313x852, 80.72K)

I will forever praise dataminers.

oceiros path

Attached: ds3.jpg (1292x842, 69.41K)

ds3 giant with chain ball

Attached: ds3 giant.png (1152x609, 593.85K)

plaguemask hollow with an assortment of weapons.

Attached: ds3 masketta man.png (985x577, 616.19K)

the bridge

Attached: ds3 bridge22.png (542x601, 360.39K)

grand archives different room.

Attached: ds3 libra2.png (1920x947, 347.34K)

Attached: ds3 libra.png (1920x947, 734.8K)

this is bb assets in ds3 for some reason, lots of em

Attached: bb ds3.png (1073x609, 988.05K)

sandy londo

Attached: ds3 aldrit.jpg (866x547, 343.72K)

Very cool things, so much to think about now. Where do you even get these from?

this is a summoner of the eclipse, he has a attacking moveset and falling animations

Attached: ds3 summoner of eclipse.png (1083x610, 818.9K)

How can i trust you?

The gloryhole of the gods

Attached: ds3 untended.jpg (1291x843, 47.84K)

Probably because they were developed side by side. It would explain the bleed-over between the two in terms of mechanics and feel.

What the absolute fuck, tell me more

>Snake Soul
So the leak about having to fight the serpents in their true form as a final boss were true?

>so in depth and they probably had a shitload of deadlines
Is it though? There's like only one cut area in final game. I can't see the huge reshuffling the game had being something that gave them more time to work with. Like, they could've just cut some of the other weaker areas instead.

Attached: ds3 ponttiff.jpg (3515x1501, 2.2M)

snake soul is wicked spirit in translation to english, i don't really know, i think this serpent rumour is just someone pulling your leg, i have seen it too but icant find any references to it. i have another picture for you

Attached: snake soul eyes ds3.png (1083x610, 969.69K)

Devs reuse assets all the time. How is this news? FROM was using some of the PS1 AC games animations all the way up to PS3.

To me, an extra area in ds3 would of given it a lot more to it for me. Sounded pretty big too

Prepare to be forever let down:

although the roof is boarded up in the twin princes room, but i doubt it's anything of note

Attached: twin princes ds3.png (1083x610, 884.1K)

Has anything ever been uncovered about the Dancer NPC? It was seen in one of the leaked images and you can still see it as a ghost in Irythill.

Seeing how the game could've been compared to what we got is always extremely depressing

Attached: 1563943068782.png (340x359, 182.74K)

there's a tunnel from ds3 smouldering lake to irithyll, if you noclip through and load irithyll you'll arrive exactly there.
not really. all i know is that she wasn't just a boss.

Attached: ds3 smouldering lake.jpg (989x862, 156.83K)

I remember reading somewhere about this having to do with primordial serpents, was this rumour because of this boarded roof? or of some old rumor. (primordial serpent bursting through the roof for some reason,) but not too strange considering their statue presence in the area.

Same goes for every game ever.

undead settlement path, there's also a unused path over a giant ravine in the undead settlement, similar to the one under the firebomb throwing hollows.
who knows really, my guess is as good as yours. in the japanese version yuria says something about her failing kaathes dying wish

Attached: ds3 swamp.jpg (1146x855, 498.35K)

yes, the greatwood area in undead settlement has a path to carthus. it lines up perfectly with the map, just noclip out of bounds and load carthus map.

Attached: ds3 progression.png (929x610, 362.79K)

i have such sights to show you

Attached: ds3 smouldering lake 2.jpg (989x748, 156.89K)

Attached: ds3 lea.jpg (812x577, 49.92K)

What's this trying to say? Isn't them turning into monsters something that's in the final game? What's the larger implication?

this cut content is keeping me alive , i thank you.

the rings of the pontiff, it turns them into monsters
Bewitched ring that Pontiff Sulyvahn bestowed upon his knights.

Recovers HP with successive attacks.

Knights who peer into the black orb are lured into battles of death, transformed into frenzied beasts. No wonder the Pontiff only provides these rings to those dispatched to foreign lands.

Bewitched ring that Pontiff Sulyvahn bestowed upon his knights.

Boosts attacks, as long as attacking persists.

Knights who peer into the black orb are lured into battles of death, transformed into frenzied beasts. No wonder the Pontiff only provides these rings to those dispatched to foreign lands.

Attached: snake pus untended ds3.png (1200x654, 494.3K)

>mfw reading on Bloodborne's original plot

Attached: WholeImpureAnchovy-poster.jpg (480x268, 11.93K)

>well we planned to do it like this but then the coronavirus and deadlines and grrm was slow you know so uh
>we changed it
it's not the future we want but it's the one we'll get

Is there anything on the cut bosses that were remade for the dlc, like Mother Dragon?

Attached: 1565021309399.jpg (612x608, 48.38K)

mater dragon is midir in terms of ids

Attached: bridge alpha asset ds3.png (1073x578, 848.39K)

Mother Dragon was probably this.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 149.95K)

It's no secret Yuria and Londo in general worked under Kaathe umbrella. But nothing indicates he was still alive by the time ds3 events occur.

Doesn't that model apparently have a skeleton?


these are a bit funny.

Attached: ds3 fungus.jpg (1920x1080, 533.74K)

Hook me up, please

Attached: 1539763560497.jpg (1920x3144, 784.98K)

Yurias dialogue specifically let's us know kaathe is dead

Attached: SoulsFC.jpg (720x333, 123.39K)

>that tombstone

Daily reminder the lothric and lorian fight was supposed to have Kaathe storming in and unleashing projectiles on you and shit during the 2d phase
Also lothric was going to have a Scythe

Martin just gave them an outline or the world's history and mythos
>Hidetaka Miyazaki provided the themes and explained gameplay elements before Martin went to work.

They told him what they had and were doing and he created the definitive ideas and notions for it. I'm aside from constructing the mythology he's not doing much on it. Like he's not writing the dialogue I'm sure.

>"This mythos proved to be full of interesting characters and drama along with a plethora of mystical and mysterious elements as well," said Miyazaki. "It was a wonderful source of stimulus for me and the development staff. Elden Ring’s world was constructed using this mythos and stimulus as a base. Even I myself find it hard to contain my excitement from time to time. We hope that everyone else is looking forward to the world we have created."

and lorian a shield.
this is the king of the eclipse btw. that's his name at least, but he doesnt really look like it

Attached: king of the eclipse ds3.png (650x548, 550.83K)

there's also a bridge AFTER lothric and lorian. it leads to a tower

Attached: bridge after lothric boss ds3.png (1920x947, 1.94M)

>Like he's not writing the dialogue I'm sure.
Then why the fuck is he even there


Attached: lothric ds3 after tower.png (1920x947, 532.58K)

probably to slap his name on it
I hope he actually did nothing, he's a hack

To craft the characters, the peoples, their history and their myths. He's worldbuilding around their initial ideas and more or less creating a story bible.

Who is who and who did what when and where and why. This person is a vengeful asshole that molests his sister and this person is in fact a God in disguise that simply doesn't care about people anymore and is happy to see the world fall etc etc

a look up the tower

Attached: lothric ds3 after tower 2.png (1920x947, 283.04K)

snake soul might refer to the giant enemy snake thing in the early leaked stuff

Attached: Dark-Souls-III-800x400.png (800x400, 385.91K)

makes you think.

>beta eclipse is the end of the world
>retail eclipse is just a giant hole in the sky
I'm mad

Attached: dark-souls-3-leak-555x312.png (555x312, 313.91K)

no the king of the eclipse was supposed to be Pontiff Suly, and he was the final boss