What was the first game you ever bought when you turned 18? I got Left4Dead

What was the first game you ever bought when you turned 18? I got Left4Dead.

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Cute crossdresser

Harvest Body + Rumble Pak

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The Orange Box

That's a woman, you can tell by her hairline.

>Had my 18th birthday at Chuck E Cheese
At least the pizza was good

turned 18 in December
mom got me Luigi's mansion 3 and Astral Chain.

Massive microwave

nothing, i was just as depressed as i am now but i cared more back then

CoD4 on PS3

what's going on in this picture?

Why is that microwave so big?

When i was 12 i bought pokemon sapphire with my saved money

whats with the pic OP?

What why?

I didn't know what else to do, and my cousin had done it for her 18th as well
Now I much prefer going to a bowling alley for my birthday

it matches his topic
what else do you need?

it's a strange looking picture

never had a console growing up but after getting my first job got a ps3

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>don't have any young relatives
>can't have CEC pizza anymore
Even if I knock up my gf tomorrow, I can't get any pizza for what? 5 years?

I got Okami for the Wii. Still one of my favorite games but it's a big shame they cut the credits.
Still cried when finishing it.

yeah, it might be intended to be one of those "depressing" birthday pics
though she has her parents and she looks happy enough

I think it was fallout 4, actually.
A suitably disappointing game to kick off my adulthood.

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dark souls

what happens if you go to chuck e cheese and buy a pizza without a kid?

good taste
still best deal ever

the party van rolls up.

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The day of my 18th birthday I informed my parents I would be sleeping at my girlfriend's place and never went back.

im sorry you have to experience those awful loding times

They won’t even let you in unless you’re with someone who is less than 18.

Duke 3D atomic edition I think

borderlands 2

what is wrong with this picture
why does it make me eerie, i've worked at worse places than that

probably one of those american "microwave oven" contraptions

You can see time passing. The stronger she gets the more her parents weaken. Soon she'll only have herself to hug throughout the night.

You tried?!?

The girl was caught having sex with her teacher when she was 16 and was posting it on pornhub. She's very sexually active even at a young age. Some vids has her having sex with an older fat lady and an older man (both not in the pic), who were supposedly her parents. She was kicked out of pornhub but that was years ago. The people on the pic are most likely her grandparents.

both parents look depressed as fuck
>shoulder too broad for a lass
>trannyfag..gotta be

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source: your stinky hairy ass

Wind Waker. I don't remember if Babbage's was still around that year, but I did get my OoT/MQ disc.

I wash my ass with soap and water all the time, bro. Don't give me that.

shrek super slam

Never buy any games until I'm 20 something. Saved me alot of money.

I don't remember anything I bought when I was 18
I do remember the first game I ever bought with my own money was Final Fantasy 3 on DS, which was probably when I was 16.


frivolous asmr?

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faceblind autist?

>Being 18 was ten years ago
>All those missed opportunities and wasted time flooding back in my mind

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I went and checked for games that came out around then it was probably crackdown 2 although I didn't like that game but I've been buying my own games since I was 14 so there's nothing special to me about game I bought when I was 18

I got very drunk with my sister on my 18th. I've never drank with her since and probably won't ever again but it was a lot of fun.

I picked up Lost Planet at launch a month after turning 18.


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three houses I think.

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Turned 18 December 2018

this was my first

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One of my later birthdays was like that. But it wasn't for serious, I suggested it as a joke to my parents and ended up going cause I had young nieces at the time and they had never been.

So I spent my birthday doing something fun for my nieces. Plus I got to eat some mediocre pizza so that was kinda cool.

Don't worry, it gets worse.

I've still got it

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Feels good man

Fortnite battlepass

Dusty veins.

They're brazilian, being poor isn't happy.

Dead or Alive 2 on the PS2. I loved the game in arcade and wanted to play it at home with my bro. I wish someone would have told me about the Dreamcast port being near arcade perfect though.

she's spending her birthday at her grandparents house. old people are usually weak and tired so they might not smile as much as young people.

I legitimately don't remember. I didn't ever really get to celebrate my birthdays, and the past decade has been blur, probably because of the depressing monotony. I have a hard time remembering some things these days, it's kinda weird.
I'm turning around though. Things are somehow starting to look up, despite it all.

Sounds POGGERS. I had my 18th at a pay by the hour arcade.