Monster Hunter

This motherfucker might be the most fun Flying Wyvern.

Attached: monster-hunter-wolrd-iceborne-1842801.jpg (1280x720, 165.63K)

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He's not a Flying Wyvern tho

>machine gun fireballs in your path

World Garuga wasn’t a mistake.

>run around in my mining set sniffing tracks
>deviljoe aggoes
>put on ghillie and decide to observe him for a bit
>he sniffs the air for a bit then comes to the place where I'm standing, removes the fucking ghillie with his chops and starts attacking

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Same, I love how aggressive and in-your-face Garuga is.

Bird Wyvern is the pachyderm of wyvern classifications.

>Deviljho managed to grab his throat in the cutscene
>There's no way Yian Garuga can get out of that
>Dumbass pickle lets go anyway

This Odagaron has evolved to be a Deviljho. Why?

Attached: Ebony.jpg (500x713, 69.43K)

really wish he wasn't locked behind the shittiest area in GL


So would you classify Kulu-Ya-Ku, basically a wingless chicken, along with the Dromes (not counting Bulldrome) and Jaggies brute Wyverns? I will admit it should be renamed to Gecko Wyvern but still, hardly brute or flying

Garuga is great and he's tons of fun in IB.
but he isn't Yian CHAD-ku

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How about "swift" wyverns or some shit?

newbie here does this game have a lot of monsters and areas? just got to Wildspire Waste

Rajang and Blagonga will jump really high too. It's pretty amusing to see them sailing off to a far-distant zone.

It has 68 large monsters and 11 areas, not counting the arenas and towns.

Really wish gl wouldn't fucking exist at all

Where does it gets the dragon energy? Eating dragon corpse all day long shouldn't give you dragon element or else tigrex can-
Oh no

You mean a stygian, also it's probably explained in the cutscenes (lol)

6 types of the traditional maps, 1 map you unlock at endgame. Lots of monsters but you won't like any of them except like 4 until Iceborne.

>You mean a Stygian
Uh no, Ebony Odogaron not only expels dragon energy, it is also far far hungrier than common Odogaron. It's clearly trying to be a Deviljho.

>Explained in the Cutscene
Cutscene didn't really make any sense. Odogaron is immune to dragon elements, Ebony likely only has that weakness because dragon is traditionally weak to itself.

Technically, Odogaron should be stronger.

those cheeky bastards

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Post your favorite Elder Dragon or ED-tier like Akantor/Ukanlos and why
I love Amatsu's design and the way it flies. The fight is a bit easy, but it's still my favorite ED.

Attached: amatsu render.png (1035x972, 1.34M)

Zinogres HATE him!

Except GL is great
>expeditions that actually matter
>every monster can be useful
>don't need to fish for investigations can just lure the one I need
meanwhile in endgame World I fought same elders over and over and over

It's Kirin, but it actually looks cool.

Attached: Oroshi.jpg (466x659, 33.87K)

Gore/Shaggy, no doubt, however Amatsu is pretty high up there too, it's peak monster design and the fight is fun too.

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big monke friend

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>Ghillie suit

Rangefag here. What's the best build to break safi wings cause I'll probably be responsible for that.

Stickies, stickies everywhere.

I watched a jewtube video where some literally who talked about how it was easier with bow than sticky. How true is this?

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is fight even good?
I have a feeling it's going to be the same as KT
>make several loadouts and use them a couple of times
>get tired eventually, copy latest meta ranged build and just turn my brain off

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How the fuck do I get Woodland Greatbone?

Go search in the Ancient Forest region of the Guiding Lands for bonepiles. They look different than standard bonepiles.

what compels randoms to put bombs down in front of the person that's doing a wake up hit?

Attached: IHateRandoms.webm (710x400, 2.52M)

How many are there? I only found one in each region

The truth is you will be doing poor raw and elemental damage with everything untill the part is broken. Stickies have the advantage of no critical range. Elemental LBG and bow will prolly shred safi when all is broken, but stickies are really cheap to start, all you really need is 3p zorah and spareshot charm.

It's more about controlling safi with trips/status/stuns and flashes. First you focus back leg to trip it into vine trap and boulder drop, next phases you can cancel the nova by triggering status or just flashing it. Poison bombs are doing wonders on it. You can do it with any weapon desu. Easy to clutch claw the tail and sever it. Chest is breakable only at the end when Safi is powered up. You can make any weapon work there desu.

I thought elemental lbg was meta all the way through the fight?

>Need a part from Shara
>Do a few runs with friend, goes fine, but it's tough to break his face
>Friend goes to bed.
>Figure eh, I'll try a few random runs.

Death. Death everywhere. I get it every once in a while he's a faggot and spams his kamehameha over and over, or you can get caught in some bullshit like being surrounded by sand when he does it, but man, people just can't stop dying to what should be trivial shit.

I like the idea behind the GL, but basically having to start at HR1 again fucking blows and makes it a really tedious slog.

They will randomly respawn, just be patient and keep searching the outskirts of the forest.
>MHW available for asian PS+ users
Great, prepare to see more ranged asian shitters that triple cart at the easiest shit.

>ching chongpong
>zin hbg with shield
>still carts

are those raging and furious armors?

I see Brachidium beside Garuga armor
Also did Brachy have unique LS?

no, seems like raging brachy ls does have an unique model

Yes, that's the Huntress Divine Ire set and the Hunter Brachydium

Why didn't YOU put down any bombs? That's 500 free damage plus fucktons of part damage

I miss him bros...

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How would you fix clutch claw & tenderizing?

>ground-based tenderize options?
>increased tenderize duration?
>improved clutch combos like SNS and DB got?
>just fucking remove it?

Maybe raptorial wyverns?

Just got to the Guiding Lands, what regions should I max out, are any in demand or does it not matter at all?

One hit tenderize for all weapons
Slinger ammo dropped for all weapons
It is absurd that there is a disparity between light and heavy weapons for this shit when World went to the effort of minimizing the difference between Blademaster and Gunner, even in the story.
All weapons benefit from tenderizing and most weapons can use slinger combos, why split them?

1. Remove mounting, Clutch replaces it entirely
2. Letting you cancel your grapple towards a monster by pressing the evasion button
3. More combos, like have HH able to launch their line from a recital similar to Hammer doing it from a pound. Also, both HH and Hammer get Super Armor similar to Lance's clutch-counter
4. SA can no longer clutch into a Discharge, they are only allowed this during the existing clutch combo. They get Super Armor for the animation once the clutch hits
5. a single Claw Strike when a monster is enraged causes parts to tenderize

Just remove clutch claw, has no particular reason to exist and it's overall kind of a shit mechanic
Tenderizing is potentially okay but I can't think of an elegant way to add it
Alternately, just replace mounting with clutching like this guy said that's okay too

You can only clutch into a discharge when you're fully amped anyway for a zero sum discharge, and if you try to regular discharge on the ground when fully amped you'll automatically go into clutch zero sum discharge

It depends on what weapon augments you want, but volcano and tundra are among the better choices since tempered rajang and tempered tundra monsters gives mats for slot upgrades, which lets you put more augments on your weapons.

Besides that it's up to you, but if you want to grind safi weapons then they're all rarity 12.

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I like Clutchclaw as a means to easily get close to a monster. One of the most fustrating things about MonHun combat is just how easy it is to get out-ranged

Totally this, I'd love to see Gore Magala in world, most beautiful monster in the whole franchise follwoed by eletric doggo.

I like Alatreon because he's the only black dragon with an unshit fight

Attached: Alatreon.png (1800x1452, 2.42M)