The government is going to give everyone $1,000 minimum

>The government is going to give everyone $1,000 minimum
>Half Life: Alyx is coming out soon
anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?

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>still has a potato PC stuck on W7

Oh no no no look at the top of his heeead


No thanks, I got someone with a scat fetish living with me

Your dog?

Where can I get my free 1000 dollars?

I am perfectly content with my $400 Oculus Rift S thanks

No, I'm not white

The $1000 is probably only if you paid tax in the last year or something.

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>He thinks he will be able to get Index
oh no don't tell him


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nope, its everyone who is 18+. but the bill has not been finalized. however... knowing congress itll probably take months before it devolved into a simple tax cut


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>bought it when they were in stock again
>sold it for twice the price
>now this UBI shit happening and re-stock happens next week
>do the cycle again and get two indexes and sell the other for profit and keep one mine
Better investment than the entirety of Yas Forums

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>The government is going to give everyone $1,000 minimum
Am I missing something because I got my tax returns 3 weeks ago

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US government proposed the idea of giving people free money within the next two weeks to stimulate the economy, while claiming it's to help them afloat during the outbreak.
If it happens, the details won't be worked out for a few days, so everything else is just speculation in the meantime.

That would suck, I want my free money

Yeah it's not fair I'm waiting for the end of the month just as hard as wagies are.

VR is trash. I refuse to have screens even closer to my eyes.

I am buying medieval epics because most fantasy lit is garbage.
I am fine with the $1000 as long as it does not tank the economy.

when has governments giving out free money to millions of people ever worked?
sounds like a disaster waiting to happen

I'm upgrading my pc first

>Giving people 1000 a month is suddenly totally doable.

>Be Ausfag
>Government only giving a one-time payment of $750 (449.78 USD)
>Index still not even being sold to Australia at all

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it not the yang way, retard.

American money is backed entirely by trust. Money that isn't backed by anything isn't very difficult to throw around so long as people still accept it as legal tender.

Nah. They are definitely just going to copy paste what happened in 2008.

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Bidet chads rise up

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>The government is going to give everyone $1,000 minimum
Not to neets

>when has governments giving out free money to millions of people ever worked?
Literally happened in 2008, before you were born

>The government is going to give everyone $1,000 minimum
In other words, the US dollar value is going to go down the drain, and the taxes go up for the following decade.

I want one, but I don't live alone and share a bathroom with others

Fucking hell, this exchange is ridiculously funny to me.

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Whered you get yours? What brand?

>still requires TP to wipe your now-soaken-wet ass dry

>all those nogs who did gay for pay with old men to secure their PS5

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That I'll be able to pay rent due to being out of work? Why yes, I was thinking that.

>only everyone over 18+
zoomers STILL getting btfo by government chads

Should I get a PS5, Xbawks, or Switch? Already got a solid PC. Figure I'll only be able to afford two with my guvbux.

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>his bidet doesn't come with an air dry ass blower

>he didn't order within 1 sec

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based china

I still don't get the appeal of VR.

Have you played it?

Not since those exhibition versions that you'd see at malls and fairs in the 90s.

>valve's master plan to sell their meme game with meme technology was to start a global epidemic and force the US to give everyone free money for it

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>everyone 18+

Definitely not happening. Your parents will get it and everyone in that age range. You and anyone else here won't.

30 years of tech is a lot. Hell the Oculus DK2 was garbage compared to what we have now. At least the first few times you do VR with a vive you feel like you're really in there before your brain adjusts. It's something you really have to experience, not something words can do justice to.

The games for it are still pretty underwhelming or short so far though

I'd say go try it out at a microsoft store and see for yourself but we seem to be in the middle of the apocalypse.

Nah, basically everyone is on board with this and nobody wants to be the one blamed for the hold up. The first relief bill flew through the house and this will be similar.
It'll be a lot of quick and dirty compromises of course, so NEETs will probably be screwed.

Perceiving scale plus not being limited to a crosshair smack dab in the middle of the screen.

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They're gonna pay neets because they want neets to stay home the same as everyone else.

and then i can beg my parents for even more money. based trump

It just hasn't looked that interesting to me I suppose, like it everything seems inherently gimmicky because of the nature of the product. Then again this could be that game that starts a trend. Whenever shit is normal again I'll try it.

I like this but the hud isn't centered enough for me

can't wait to use it to pay rent

You only get the free $1000 if you pay tax, therefore neets who have never paid tax don't get it.

There's a lot of gimmicky VR shit that is basically just a tech demo, but there are also some amazing games that use VR in really fun and creative ways. Astro Bot Rescue Mission (PS4) is incredible.


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It's better now than it was back when that webm was made since the modder didn't have any means of testing VR, it was just a bonus feature of the Serious Sam engine. That and you're allowed to adjust all the HUD offsets for the native stuff.

Wish more developers gave you control like they do.

for vrchads, is it possible to just use your vr headset as a screen or would it look messed up. I kinda like the idea of having a mini private display i can wear

If you ever get the chance, check out Superhot VR. It's pretty mind blowing.

It's not useable unless it's on your face and the headset isn't really great for reading text

yeah there's a desktop mode
and virtual theaters for watching videos

No, Democrats will want to make sure all their worthless minority pets get the money too. They will make sure you don't have to be a net-positive taxpayer to get it so that saves NEETs. If you want to be nigger rich, buy vidya or other toys with your $1000. If you want to make money, put it all into stocks or crypto because both are going to rebound in a big way once the ching chong bug is under control.

why dont they just give everyone a million dollars and end poverty

Yeah, but the resolution isn't enough for comfortable reading unless you make your desktop a virtual 80"+ screen, requiring head movement to scan about.

it's good on index
my desktop is 4k and I can read it with just vanilla steamvr software

You still can't read it without putting it on your head though, can you?