Is DOOM actually special in any way or was it just the CoD of its era?

Is DOOM actually special in any way or was it just the CoD of its era?

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Special by today's standards? No
Calling it the CoD of its time isn't accurate either it build upon what Wolfenstien established and paved the way for FPS as a genre and video game fan modding as a whole
It's a bare bones FPS shooter
You run, you gun, that's all there is to it

Just the Pong of its era.

Played it for the first time just this year and thought it was really a lot of fun, I can see why boomers still play it.
t. zoomer

Why was the music for the first level pretty good and almost all the rest of the music some chintzy shit

Pretty much changed the game industry and also help games be taken more seriously due to it's adult themes.

Fuck you faggot, the soundtrack is amazing. Suck a dick. oh wait you cant, you're not old enough to legally do that!

CoD of that era was quake

The only people that don't praise DOOM are people that haven't played it recently, and given it an honest chance, from start to finish.
It's people that only know these games by watching vids of them, or by vague hearsay.
DOOM is praised for a reason.
DOOM is a game that is built on solid fundamentals, it's genuinely fun to play because it has it's priorities straight, with little bullshit to bog it down.
DOOM is proof that you don't need much for a game to be fun, if your core structure is good enough on itself.
DOOM is beauty in simplicity.

Additionally, DOOM isn't a game made made to be appreciate only by some sort of refined elite, it's a game meant for everyone, for the common man, it's inherently fun and only requires you to have a brain slightly less smooth than a bowling ball, and the minimum required amount of good taste necessary not to get your shit kicked in when you spout shitty ass opinions IRL, if you can function in your daily life, you'll automatically like DOOM.
Thus, if you don't like it, it's not the game, the problem is clearly you.
Only people that are disfunctional dislike these games.

Having it's source code released created one of the largest modding communities for a game
It led to the creation of DWANGO, which led to Dwango Co., which led to the Japanese site Niconico
It was a DOS game that delivered fast and responsive gaming action in a texture mapped world, and popularized its genre, leading to the term "Doom clone"
It was followed up by Quake and inspired classics like Duke 3D, Half Life and Unreal, which itself led to the ubiquitous Unreal Engine

Wrong, Quake 1 was DooM 3.0 NIN edition.
Deeply atmospheric.
Quake 2 was the CoD of it's era.

It's amazing how modern games can't create the same feeling that Doom has of just launching a rocket into a horde of zombies and imps and watching them explode.

Duke did a better job honestly
Rocket launcher in Duke feels waaaay more satisfying

I think it's perfect simplicity is probably the problem some modern gamers have with it. They're too spoiled on the bloated shit that are shooters today. They probably hate the first Mario and Sonic games too.

They do.
...only if it's japanese games.
This is because western developers completely forgot what the fuck feedback is in a game, and everything you do in a modern western game feels weightless and with no audiovideo consequences, and shitty animations on top.
These days only the japs understand the importance of feedback and good animations.

god that just makes me sad, imagine a world where quake style shooters were still popular and were able to hold a population of more than 100 players.

Everybody respects Doom but the people who worship it today are just zoomers with shitty PCs they do the same shit with TF2

Most of Yas Forums wouldn't like it, because i was there, and people weren't acting like fucking retards.
Most of the early online FPS communities were rather polite and varied in nature.

Only one community fit the bill: Counter-Strike
The truth is 99% of modern Yas Forums would only fit in the Counter-Strike community if they were ever transported back in time.

Your ears are broken bro, you need some new ones

indeed valve was the beggining of the fall of vidya

everything wrong in the industry is valve's fault

half life is shit, and all its mods and the valve faggots

>Everybody respects Doom but the people who worship it today are just zoomers with shitty PCs they do the same shit with TF2
Wrong, people with shitty PCs squarely fit in the eurojank worshipping slavs.
-You get the street cred of playing more obscure shit
-You get to brag that you're redpilled and slavs don't care about sjw shit (until they smell money, as usual)
-Slav games usually run well on toasters
-And if it falls apart and runs like shit, you can just tally it to eurojank being eurojank so it doesn't matter either way.

Slav eurojank obsessed zoomers are the true hipsters of this board and other modern places, and they don't play Doom.

You're a fucking idiot

seethe valve loser

Go to bed, Clint.

really proving right


Doom 1&2 were finely tuned balancing acts between enemy durability and weapon power. Intentional or not, it struck a golden chord and still holds up 25 years later. It will hold up 20 years from now. Doom 1&2 were just a few parts working together exactly as they should to deliver a great experience.

>CoD of its era

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and doom pretty much created the idea of modding community's by the developers putting their cod online for people to make stuff with.

It's overrated, just like Ocarina of Time.
Action adventure games are trash, by the way.

they diddn't do that till fairly recently. Someone reverse engineered the game and the devs were basically like "Meh".

I like this tune, original game's music is charming

>modern games can't create the same feeling that Doom has of just launching a rocket into a horde of zombies and imps and watching them explode
How many FPS games have you played you fucking boomer?

>GTA 4
>Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2
>Killing Floor 2
>Severance: Blade of Darkness
>FEAR trilogy
>Gears of War 2
>Red Dead Revolver & Red Dead Redemption
Western games with superior audiovisual feedback and non weightless combat to any japanese games, just on top of my head. In fact, save for the Resident Evil series, japanese games have terrible feedback. Hitstop, flashy sparks out of enemies bodies when hit, ridiculous sfx, button mashing, japanese games simply have terrible feedback.

>you run, you gun
you check the walls every 15 minutes for secret passages


Before the term FPS they were called "Doom clones", that's how special it was

Doom is the Mario 1 of shooters. Yes games with shooting came before it, just like platformers came before Mario 1.
The point is that Doom was genre defining, revolutionary. It pushed the medium of video games as a whole forward and helped define what first person shooters were. It was as big a leap as Half Life was.
You could argue I guess that Wolfenstein deserves the credit but Doom was a lot better, more technically impressive, much more influential, and so on.

If you want the classic Doom experience to determine if there is anything to it, play Chocolate Doom.

Doom did have terrible soundtrack. Most SNES, Genesis (and Genesis CD), and Amiga games sounded so much better. The Terminator's score on SEGA CD could be a superior alternative to Doom tracks.
Nah, if I was stuck on a desert island with one soundtrack I could listen to DOOM all day everyday and not get tired of it.
Though, I'd rather play it all day everyday

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>New Vegas is a good ga-

It has solid mechanics and just enough limitation to allow for a ton of creativity in map design. The original 2 games are kind of lame and boring to BUT that's only because I've played them so much. Play something like Ancient Aliens or Scythe 1/2 and you'll start to see the appeal.
It's simply a good game and cant really be compared to anything aside from Build engine games in all honesty.

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2's music is much better desu

Ignore it. It's just PCocks trying to meme their own Super Mario Bros.

New Doom could be better if it focused on gunplay, if glory kills are mandatory then fuck it

what? You can literally play it on everything. How is it a PC exclusive thing?

You can play doom on a potato

I recently started playing Doom online (zandronum, "MOP" is my jam) and it's the most fun I've had with a shooter in years. Hundreds or thousands of enemies per map, gotta kill them all or figure out some complex sequence to unlock the exit. Really good shit.

Nobody else cares because they have their own important games.

they should be playing doom

There are two main reasons why DOOM is so popular:
1. It was shareware and most people played it for free
2. It was easy to mod and had a ton of player-made content
It's a historically important game and paved the way for later FPS, but it's certainly not one of the greatest games of all time like some people claim.

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It's still freaking good, I just bought it for like the 20th time, this time on the Switch and it's still as good as ever.

>rocket at point blank
>enemies dont even gib

It was so fucking good that even now, over a quarter of a century later, it still has a very active modding scene and wads that are infinitely superior to the base game are released on the reg.
nuDoom is a pretty decent game but it ain't got shit on ogDoom

God I love RE4

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it was among the first games that got popular for being both fun/interesting while having gore in it. this was back when it looked like minecraft and games with gore were few and far between. after that, i personally never played it again. i guess it has it's fanbase though if they're still making doomur games.

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fuck meant to reply to

leagues better than Halo. instead of spamming the br you juggle around the 8 weapons in your arsenal depending on enemy types and formation while preserving ammo, health, and armor. its great to this day and with the different source ports the controls hold up well

As satisfying as those reloads are, loading a super shotgun after giving an imp a face full of buckshot beats them all

never on this website have I seen someone be so blatantly fucking wrong
doom 1 has an amazing soundtrack

the default shotgun in RE4 maxed out is Doom levels of fun though
sniping Ganados with it and watching their bodies flip in the air and their heads popping off is pretty damn satisfying

>FEAR trilogy
Nigger, what? No. Just the first one.

It's a ton of fun to this day, that's for sure.

more like check the walls for 15 minutes every 15 minutes

Eh, second one isn't that bad

Doom is the gold standard
Shame about the new ones though

That's great, but you know what's also missing from most modern games? Enemy infighting. Getting to an area with a gazillion enemies and strafing around just to end up seeing they ending up beating the everliving shit out of each other is so much fun, holy shit.