Granblue Versus

This is your Season Pass 2, say something nice about it.

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I’d be fine with it cause they would all be able to have some interesting gameplay attached to each

Six, Eustace, and Grimnir almost redeem it.

>Get frustrated with Narmaya
>Decide to try Charlotta
>Immediately start winning matches/ranking up
It's like night and day. I really hope they buff Narmaya in April cause she's really a cool character. Guess I'll try Metera later and see what shes got.

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Belial and Eustace are all I needed.

Maybe weird question but is there a character like Hisako from KI in this game? Someone with long normals, high/low counter, command grab.

Metera isn't much better than narmaya

I really wish Zeta didn't have double tap inputs.

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>not even a week since the game came out
>already can't find players close enough to me so the lowest delay i get in lobbies is 5
Wow, even Xrd lasted longer for me than that. Living in bumfuck nowhere sucks.

That's a lot of sausages. I hate sausages.

>be B1 ranked
>already matched against the same exact 3 people
Dead as fuck

I switched to fucking Lowain and started ranking up and half the people know how to dodge ygg but I still go up. Never realized how hard a sliding cancellable low is to block.

they know their audience, anime fighting games are full of fags

Not really, no.
I guess Vaseraga kinda has some of that? But he doesn't have the explosive movement of Hisako.

>tries to make a gay prediction
>doesn't include three Lucifers
OP tried I guess

Probably gonna buy the game today but I'm worried about how long the game will stay populated

Are you also having trouble with her forward forward input? i can't get that to come out consistently especially in combos



How will belial play in versus?

I'm trying to be a Lowain main, but the dude has literally no advantages over any character and flat out loses to others. I hope he gets buffs soon, because I don't want to have to pick a new main just to progress.

Like his party is near useless because the active frames are so short, his mixups are predictable and easily blockable, and his supers are practically useless once someone knows how to deal with it. I'm not sure how I can progress with him.

I can play her just fine, but I only played her for a bit and I have to remind myself that she has those inputs. If the April patch is good to her I may switch to maining her.

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Do fujos even play fighting games?
Coomers at least make an effort to learn their waifus.

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just got out from a match that shits itself whenever I do an EX move, what the hell was that? it never happened before

lmao no coomers don't

Has anyone ripped the sound files from the game yet? I neeeed that music. The special soundtrack isn't enough!

>no waifus
REEEE but seriously am i gay if i like slim, well toned suave well groomed male characters instead of Muscle McBiceps types?

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I do

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I swear to god Lancelots are probably the most fucking annoying niggers to fight against.

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I've done 300 matches in 2 days people are going to call me a tryhard when I'm just a netplay scrub and losing will be embarassing what do

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Sure thing buddy. You haven't even finished your placements.

Metera is worse because her 2H sucks as an anti-air tool and everybody can just evade or spot dodge your arrows. Play her as if you would a hybrid zoner/rushdown character and you'll see more wins

didnt this game come out last week?
they're already on season 2?

I did, I mostly play room match with friends. Rank is too sweaty

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They're just trying to pull in the fujo audience after everyone else got baited by Zeta, Narmaya, Katalina, etc.

who ported this

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I did but I'm not gonna share them.

that's why you have button freezing
increased buffer on directional inputs
sound desync
and other bullshit issues


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Is there a single Lance who actually earned their rank? Literally none of the ones I've fought could handle even babby-tier zoning.

Left or right?

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Neither. They both look like garbage.


gib Ferry combos

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auto combo > ex

I think the only rips you'll find are on youtube right now and even then they aren't complete. Still haven't found the rockin' Tower version of Ares' theme.

as zeta am I supposed to just poke everyone to death

Off the top of my head
Works in the corner

anyone wc wanna play? pc.

Is this peak female performance?

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Tell me what I need to rip it and I'll do it myself. I don't have anything going on right now anyway.

Here you go

It's pretty late for me, but I can play a short session

>Narmaya said to be the harder technical character that will filter waifu fags
>Is actually one of the easiest characters to play execution wise and filters instead by having bad buttons

who would have thought

Sorry man, just got into a game with someone. Maybe some other day, I'm always asking for games around these threads.

how the fuck am i supposed to punish narmaya on anything

more please

I'd post more explicit stuff but I just back from a 2 day ban of said explicit stuff. Mods are watching. Can't unleash the Char

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Hit the lab. Some of her stuff aren't even + on block

Why the fuck is Party People the best song on this soundtrack by a colossal margin?

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if only i were willing to spend any more money on this game

It's fine, I try my best not to leave anyone asking for games hanging.

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It isn't but you have garbage tastes. That song is fucking atrocious.

I appreciate it.

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God damn it must suck to be wrong all the time about everything, man.

that's not Ferry or Vaseraga theme

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I'm fiending brother


But Zeta has the best theme user...

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Peacemaker's Wings is. Then it's tied between Grynoth, Licht and Arvess.

I have confidence that one day you'll get good tastes, but unfortunately you like party people so it'll take a long time.

>not a single titty
glad I skipped this trash

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