
How doers one find an end city in Minecraft? I need to find one for my Grandson

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I could crush its head like a cranberry. Rip it apart like a string of linguini.

But you wouldn't, right?

thats a little snake

What does a snake that tiny even eat? Ants? Grass hoppers? Maggots?

how do you even feed these?

What do baby spiders eat?

you idiots, it’s a normal snake with a giant hand

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I've heard others say the same.

Anything that'll fit

Snakes are so fucking cute

Dear user,

My grandson Lucas Salazar III is a little snake like yours. Take good care of him and feed him bushels of boysenberries.

All the best,


Pretty much
>Get to The End
>Kill Ender Dragon(Final Boss)
>Get thrown back to your bed in the normal world
>Get back to the End
>Go through one of the new portals on the main island, you'll need EnderPearls
End Cities spawn on the Outer Islands

You're in for a bother if you're not familiar with the game yourself

oh my god
look at that snake

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d'awww, cute snek :3

Attached: snek.jpg (635x425, 100.08K)

Andre was THE final boss

Attached: kozee snek.jpg (960x1280, 357.55K)

Attached: Snek+.png (905x679, 295.92K)

looks overweight


Many thanks! My grandson is very happy.

Do sneks have feelings? Can they love you back?

snakes are creatures of hell. they should all die.

They can feel comfortable around you at most.

Attached: DON'T TOUCH ME.gif (299x225, 1.81M)

They can't "love" you, but they can become mostly okay with your presence.

A sweater would do no good on a snake since they don't emit body heat.

Snakes are like women

Uh oh

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you don't need to defeat the ender dragon just dig from one of the side spots and keep placing blocks straight

They're soulless robots just like every non-mammalian animal (and probably all mammals too).

>blocking out from the end island without killing the dragon
Let us know how that goes for you.

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qt sneks

Attached: miia warmer.png (536x430, 34.4K)

Reptiles don't feel emotion.

Attached: Happy to see me.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Reptile is a broad term encompassing animals that aren't exactly close. I mean Crocodiles are basically dinosaurs and have a lot of complexity in their behavior.

Attached: Slinky's Return to the Big Screen.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

but that's what edgy unlikable massive faggots do.

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>tail warmer

But snakes are cold blooded.

They still get heat during the day/from lamps. A sweater helps retain it.

>But snakes are cold blooded
Which means a tail warmer would be more effective for them than it would be for a human... They do worse in cold then we do.

huh.... i always thought it just meant they adapt to the temperatures around them.

Good to know.

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Warm blooded animals do that, snakes just kinda enter a coma when it gets too cold for them, they become unable to move properly and shit.

Cold blooded means they do not generate heat via metabolism. Heat must be absorbed from surroundings. The retention of heat is harder in a cold surroundings due to how energy works. Sweaters, jackets, clothes in general and the like mitigate the energy loss.

It means they don't produce their own heat so their blood temperature becomes the same temperature that they are in. That is why they bask in the sun and shit. They are using the sunlight to create the energy they need to survive. Warm blooded means we develop the heat we need to keep a constant temperature. Sure we are fucked more if our internal temperature drops then they are, but that also means they are more susceptible to their environment than we are.

More videos of snakes drinking please

>They're soulless robots just like every non-mammalian animal (and probably all mammals too).

I'd argue that Avian species are also exempt from being soulless robots. They may not feel emotions exactly the same way mammals do, but they clearly feel something.

it's defanged, i presume? how horrible

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Largest venomous snake

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My favorite snake is the Black Mamba

snakes are cute, but i wish they actually got attached to people and formed bonds

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Ok Elliot Rodger

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Are all sneks autistic?

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I fucking love snakes

Jesus, that's cruel. Can it get out of that one by itself?

snakes are actually very friendly like spiders they just get spooked real easy

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i love fucking snakes


What? He's just playing nigga. Kinda like pic related

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/gamemode spectator and use a couple ender eyes

He is caught in an infinite feedback loop! He will starve if you don't help him!

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Now I see that cats are cold blooded. No wonder, they're cold blooded killers too.