How do YOU justify playing a video game as a character of the opposite gender...

How do YOU justify playing a video game as a character of the opposite gender? I always play as a girl because playing as the opposite gender weirds me out.

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If it makes the game harder I play as a woman. No (You) because this is just another shit bait thread.

If it's a third person game: i'd rather stare at a girls ass and make her wear sexy shit, can't really do that with a dude since i'm not gay.

If its a first person game: I'd play as a female only if her voice actor is good, but typically I don't care.

I don't justify it because I'm not a fragile faggot

why do you care

why does anyone actually care

>Not playing the game twice as both male and female to experience all content.

Unless the game is the same regardless of gender, male.

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don't have to justify it, sometimes you want to replay a game but pick different options and shit

I play as a girl if it triggers my agp aka if she's hot.

I play games for escapism, being a woman warrior is cool because I can't be that irl. Needing to identify with a character is weird, like do you not play games like Kirby or Donkey Kong, those fuckers arent even human, forget gender.


This. People who have to come up with "reasons" to feel secure based on what their character looks like, and then explain them to people on a Malaysian basket weaving forum, are fucking sad.

I felt like it.

It's content I paid for.

Alright user.
So I pick up a game. At the time, this game has 6 characters, 3 boys and 3 girls.
All the girls have fast, multhit ranged weapons. They can fly, teleport, and double jump (each of them, not all at once).
2 of the boys have slow, single hit melee weapons. They can't even jump as high as a single jump from the girls, and the last boy has a ranged weapon but is the only character in the game to have limited ammo for it (a small clip), meaning he has to use melee most of the time anyway, and if he wants to boost his jump, he has to use a shot up.
So I pick a female character, one that can not only fly, but also launch hundreds of homing projectiles at once with a single skill.

Does anybody but Yas Forums give a single fuck?

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>playing as a female warden so you can experience alistair's cock in your ass
okay faggot

I like looking at girls.

It's a video games, bro. If you can justify yourself wasting time on them then playin as the opposite gender is fucking nothing.

Rent free

I have no idea who those are because i do not play trash games.

Controlling hot girl is my fetish.

>he doesn't want to take alistair's royal cock
pretty cringe, user

Regardless I don't need to justify myself. I do whatever the fuck I want in a videogame and I'm only reminded people care about this stuff when you post retarded threads like this. Never post again.

You know the rules; Tits or GTFO

user, you can get the context clues regardless. The only ‘difference’ between a male and female playthrough is fonna be the romance options. Ergo, you’re gay.

I play as my dream girl, hoping one day the "machine that lets you inside games" is finally created

I just want to feel like i have a girl for once


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>want to play as a cute white boy in ACNH but my friends will ask me wtf i'm doing

>playing games with romance options
go back to tumblr you landwhale of a woman and post about "FEELS"

i like to be a red haired lady

do you want to be the rad guy with a jet pack on the bottom or the boring tranny at the top


Op looks like this.

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The Right Answer.

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I do so by not linking myself to my character. The avatar I play does not reflect me.

If it's cute or sexy it's okay. Don't be an obnoxious transsexualism peddler.

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I don't, I just choose to.

You were born a male and still are a male. Fuck off.

I pay the bilIs, I bought the game, I do what I want.

Based Coomer sexualizes everything

>taking out transparent "it's bait retards" text

I play as the dumb frog bitch in Three Houses ONLY for quick access to best boy

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actually yes
most parents become afraid their sons are gay if they see them playing as a girl

I make my waifu on it instead of myself, my waifu happens to be female.

I play as a grill cuz smaller hit box.

i like cute chicks and i am allowed to play as a cute chick

Role-Playing purposes. I create characters in my head, and bring them to life in the game. In games where you can create and customize characters, I do lots of runs with lots of different characters. It's fun.

Not even Yas Forums really gives a fuck. It's just one guy making this thread every day

I typically play as a guy, but I don't care. I don't even try to make the character look particularly like me, if I get the option.

I do, however, always play the character as if it were "me". It's my avatar in the game world, and even if it's not real, it's still my responsibility while I'm in control of it. Unless the developers write scenes for the game that cause my avatar to run off and do things I disagree with, I always treat it as a metaphorical extension of me.

Mostly because I have more fun with stories when I'm invested in them, and partially because I know someone is reading this right now and getting mad about me "self inserting" in everything I play.

Whole thing is flawed if you understand that you jdon't have to self-insert your IRL self as the character. People who can't do that probably enjoy cuckold porn.

im curious, what should we sexualize if not women? faggot

As a gay I never understood this argument, why would I want to play as a woman?

Why the fuck does it matter to you what gender my character is

I've never been able to articulate this until I saw an interview with Lorne Lanning where he described the player as the protagonist's guardian angel.

I've never immersed or inserted myself in a video game; I've never forgotten even once that I'm playing a video game.

The character is the character. I'm the one who makes sure they succeed. We're separate entities. To that end, it does matter what race, gender, or species the protagonist is.

I in RPGs I usually always do a male run first then a female on my second time round just to see if the gameplay varies much at all.

idk that sounds kind of backwards. Thats precisely why cant enjoy cuckold porn, the self insertion

because I like it

>How do YOU justify playing a video game as a character of the opposite gender?

Why is it something that needs to be justified in the first place? If you're so insecure about your identity that you can't put yourself in the shoes of someone with the opposite gender without feeling weird, then maybe you have some growth to do.

I roll as an elf bitch so I can immerse myself as an semi immortal being and get pounded in the cooch because I'm curious as to what it would feel like.

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why so many replies tho

>i can't play a video game unless the pc looks like me

everyone who thinks this is insane

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This board is very easy to bait

Does it really matter outside of games where the intention is to project yourself onto the player character? Because that's definitely kinda weird, but if it's like Mario Kart or something then what's wrong with playing as a female character you like?

Is roleplaying as a human really roleplaying? Is self-inserting roleplaying?

I know it's a bait thread, but as someone who plays high RP shit like hrp SS13/MOOs, I've always thought this was interesting.

Personally, I hop between both male and female characters in those settings. Sometimes it's just because I find a female in that particular job more appealing (I'd rather play a female bartender than a male bartender, maybe because I prefer encountering female bartenders IRL? who knows.)
Also, in RP settings, playing a girl is typically easy-mode. People will go out of their way to interact with you and you're easily noticed if you aren't playing someone intentionally ugly/elderly, where as a male character has to be a lot more active, interesting, and assertive to get noticed in any capacity. So, I find that I prefer playing a female particularly if I am getting used to a new setting/community since I can get involved more easily.
Hope I satisfied the mental gymnastics requirement
In case I didn't, it's because I'm a complete faggot who wishes he was a girl some days.


Playing mount and blade as a woman is a better game. diplomacy is more difficult, and marriage isn't a fucking booty call sim

Should have been /thread

The fem model is hot or more appealing.

Either give me a fleshed out character or give me a blank slate. anything in between is just lazy

Then your parents where pussies that couldn't handle hot digital babes

the character I play as isn't me because I don't have mental issues
therefore it doesn't matter who or what I play as