Half-Life: Alyx is coming out in less than a week and literally nobody cares or is saying anything

>Half-Life: Alyx is coming out in less than a week and literally nobody cares or is saying anything
What the fuck happened to Valve?

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>Having to buy an overpriced meme headset to buy an overrated game.
Guess i`ll pass on that one, call me again when they make the headsets affordable

most people are too busy dealing with a GLOBAL PANDEMIC to drop 1,000 dollars on some vr trash

They were way too late, and once they revealed it was VR they cut off a big chunk of the demographic even interested in it.



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>Soi Mesa

You realize you don't need the index, just buy a cheaper one

I don't know how anyone could be excited about it after seeing gameplay footage.
Not even VR can save that abomination.

>You dont need to spend 500$ for a ps3 if you want to play games, you can just buy yourself a cheap used ps1 on ebay.
What about they produce somethign like the index, just with shittier hardware, lesser comfort and more bottom barrel quality items that makes it affordable to a poorer audience?
Basicly like what amd does with their IGPU cpus

Because I am unwilling to drop the money needed on a 2k setup for playing it anywhere near decent.

I'll watch someone stream it, once bernie is elected I'll be able to afford something other than student loan payments

I care

Your half life collection is not complete until you have HDTF

Threads hourly about it

Fucking retard
a rift S Is 90% of what an index Is capable of for less than half the price.
Maybe try any vr first before you shit from that asshole you call mouth

Half the price is still to much for that memetrash.
I`d pay about 100-200(max) for VR plugin trash, stay mad shill buyers remorse shill.

lmao you have the mind of a child

>lmao you have the mind of a child
You have the mind of a shill in denial, but since i know you VRfags and can assume you are not just baiting i`ll take it.
I can buy a complete PC for 500 that can run each current gen and next gen games, browse the internet etc. (basicly everything)
Now you are trying to tell me that 500 for shitty googles that are more of a meme than a usefull product, that costs the same as a new pc even though it cant run games on its own, and also requires you to spend another 1k to upgrade your pc just so you can run VR hentai anime games is not way to expensive?

Doom Eternal proved you can make a good FPS without gay tech demo gimmicks like HL2 and Alyx

Dead game. Nobody wants waggle simulators, why the fuck do you think the Wii died.

not that guy, but you really are fucking retarded

>0 argument
You Vrfags are pathetic

can I pirate vr games? asking for a friend

>I can buy a complete PC for 500 that can run each current gen and next gen games
No. No you can’t.

>Doom Eternal proved you can make a good FPS

What a shameful post.

Artifact was the final nail in the coffin
the last betrayal
Feel like all the goodwill they had built up collapsed at that moment

>No. No you can’t.
Yes, you can. I`m playing on one right now

Keep seething faggot


which vr kit should I buy?

Got my Index last Saturday. I'm ready.

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>What the fuck happened to Valve?


Honestly? i just wanna see how good the vortigaunt models are in hl alyx, for science.

anyone else have alyx as a waifu and is upset you play as her instead of her being your companion
also why the fuck did they replace her voice actor

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Post your specs then. Show us what you have.

VR kits are fucking expensive. No one but that youtube guy will play it.

*breathes in*


>tfw I have it but have no intentions of playing any game from this overrated IP
Stay mad, Alyxfags.

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Your waifu is shit

Delete it from your library and post proof.

Was building it years ago and it still runs EVERYTHING fine.
Why cant Vrshit be like this, cheaper quality hardware to save money.
Wouldnt even care if the headset itself was made of cardboard.

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Finds out you can't remove a game that isn't out yet.

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>VR meme shit
>No Gordon
>DOOM is coming out in two days
Why the fuck would anyone care?

>half of the world is on lockdown because of some gookalicious disease
gee faggot I wonder why

>Actually getting excited for Zoom Eternal

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>not completing DOOM Eternal over the weekend and playing Half-Life on Monday

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I hope you realise that even just mentioning this game reveals you as a shill. Nobody fucking cares about this shit.

>if you so much as drop this game's name in passing then you are literally being paid pennies by bethesda
based schizo

Enjoy your pennies.

Todd.... Get off my board.

Sony spent billions on this dead meme and it's still as dead. Let it go.

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>Yas Forums now unironically defends waggleshit because le todd meme
Alright niggers enjoy your shitty peripheral you'll replace in a year.

Because most of us would be watching on youtube and than a week after it would be forgotten.
If anything I am much more excited for this.

i want to permanently remove this game from my account

Yas Forums has spent four years, 1,460 days, trying to convince people to hate DOOM 2016 and now DOOM Eternal, but people still love it. Yas Forums is fucking triggered over this game because it shows just how worthless their collective opinion is on the internet.

>He thinks you can't
Lmao where the fuck have you been retard?

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>0.01 pennies have been deposited to your account

I'll just watch the streams

Nothing you say has ever stopped anyone from enjoying glory kills. Nothing you ever will say will stop DOOM from being popular or profitable.

This. Eternal seethe.

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>thinking people need to shill a game only contrarians on Yas Forums dislike

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>defeated, the shill lashes out at Yas Forums as a whole


You can buy a wmr for like 299

Yas Forums continues to make threads about how much they hate nuDOOM and it's still going to sell. If history repeats, you'll do it for another four years. Eight years of DOOM living in your heads rent free. Who's defeated?

They're still making Just Dance for the Wii.

Come on pussy.

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>Yas Forums continues to make threads about how much they hate nuDOOM
Go ahead and pull up the archive and show me these threads. I'll wait.
Meanwhile in reality, it's just you and some other shitskin shills making threads every fucking day feigning excitment for Zoom Eternal.

I like my VR headset a LOT but my room is just too small and poorly lit so it just doesn't work super well. I want to play Alyx and a lot of other VR games but MY ROOM IS SMALL

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Call ME when they make a real HL game, not a gimmick one to sell their overpriced hardware.

>Reviewers like gman
>Call it an evolutionary to the fps genre
>Gets talked about endlessly
>Half life alyx
>Is brought up here and there threads on Yas Forums
Truly fate worse than death.
The only way you're convincing me to get vr is once those smell and feel and pain sensors are finally put in place and is not for the reasons you think, the moment you retards start using them and using them in pvp matches I would come in wearing none of that unecessary shit and WAPAM! I shot you in your fucking balls while you are screaming in agony and everyone being incapable of doing anything because you are to much in pain to make a move which will allow me to solo you niggers while you utter the words "poor" as I win every game match as I happily didn't fall for meme tech and pain sensors.
IS what's going to make you failures
I can't wait till that tech comes out so I can cause as much pain as possible as I always wanted to do and if their is any way to hack those pain sensors to times 5000 I would use it in a heart beat.

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>reviewers like gman
Are you talking about the youtube guy who was too stupid to play Sigil correctly?

D-don't worry user, t-tons of people will buy it and game companies will make tons of more VR games to make us more interested in getting a VR set.
Right? There will be more games after the successful launch of Half-life Alyx, right?

The threads of people hating on DOOM? There are a couple up right now. You're not being clever by saying that these threads don't exist and leaving it to the other person to bear the burden of proof. Besides, "shills making threads everyday feigning excitement" doesn't even make any sense, given how much Yas Forums hates 2016 and the original argument being that the opinions on this website are ineffective. That swings both ways; shills on this site would make no difference to the majority of people going to purchase DOOM Eternal any more than people trashing it.

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>A PC exclusive M-rated FPS is coming out in less than a week and literally nobody on Yas Forums - NintendoGAF cares or is saying anything
This is a board for literal children and literally autistic manchildren to talk about console shit.

And all that said there IS another Half-Life active at the moment, before you made this idiotic thread. >

>durr look at these stealth shill threads
>convinced yet?!

Nigger there's been like 5 threads today of people bitching and blatant flamebait
here's two of them

The index sold out for months. Just think about it. The most expensive VR hardware, which isn't even a requirement to play Half-Life Alyx, which had been on the market since June, suddenly sells out completely after the announce of Alyx and there are still people on 2+ month waiting lists after the restock on March 9. But nobody's buying it or excited about it. You absolute faggot.


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Is your argument that there is nobody on Yas Forums who hates nuDOOM? Is that what your position is, or are we just killing time because we're all bored and under fucking quarantine?

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>T they sold out
And so has many other things technically for marketing purpsoes.
Ya selling out on a thousands of valve headsets ya really impressive so has the nintendo wii your point?

Is this good enough for an Index at a good resolution?

I'm worried my CPU is too shitty

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