Twilight princess

The great debate,

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wii version is wagglin garbage, only good versions are GC and wii u

GC because link is left handed

Is Twilight Princess the Dark Souls of Zelda games?

There is no debate. GC had no waggle, wasn't mirrored and didn't have a terrible ui taking up half the screen.

Wii U is definitive anyway

No that would be Zelda 2

Wii U version (And in 3 months the Switch port) is the patrician choice

Wii version bow and arrow though?

The Switch version

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This was the only zelda game I ever played. Why do people say it's bad compared to the others?

please be right
and give me SMG1+2 too

That is nice. Not worth waggling to use your sword though.

Does the WiiU version have gyro?

Never finished, couldn’t get passed the mission where you deliver the Zora kid to Kakariko

WiiU, though I do think the perks of the Wii version are underappreciated such as bow aiming and being able to equip 4 items at once. Still, GC version is the only version I've never beaten, but I have played it for a short while some years back.

GC and reminder that TP is the best Zelda game fuck all the haters. Fun dungeons, sick atmostphere, wolf is cool, agatha is creepy and adorable.

No, but it is the 3D Zelda of choice for Soulsfags. Low difficulty notwithstanding, it has the aesthetics and emphasis on combat.

>playing the GC version on nintendon't in widescreen with the classic controller
The wii version should have had that option in the first place.

Only ever played Wii version. Downloaded the ISO for GC version on PC.
Tell me what I'm in for.

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they'd have to remove the waggle, so they can't port it, because nintendo is lazy.

the wii version is the mirrored GC version, why wouldn't you play the original, ie the gc version

Wii U

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Why does imp midna look so thick and hot but big midna looks like a curry nigger?

It's ridiculous it didn't. The Wii port of RE4 supported the Gamecube controller, although it required some roundabout way of tricking it out of recognizing the Wii remote/nunchuk in time while you had a GC controller plugged in. If memory serves.

Wii U version is the best of both.

It does

It's the easiest game in the franchise. I don't think that anyone who prides themselves on playing hard games will be interested in this one.

Wii U

>It's the easiest game in the franchise.
I think that'd be either Minish Cap or the DS games.

Wii U for HDTV

Playing wii first with the mirroring fucked me up bad. It took ages to get used to Lake Hylia being on the left.

>Link isn't facing to the left on the left-handed edition

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It's the GTA IV of Zelda. And I mean that in the best way possible.

I played on Wii first so I prefer the mirrored version. Played on Hero Mode for that reason on Wii U. I remember picking this game up vividly, I hated it at first then forced my way through past Kakariko Village and it got a hell of a lot better.

the same game but it will feel fresher because it's flipped


Switch port of the remaster when?!

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>It's the easiest game in the franchise
wind waker
enemies at the final dungeon were STILL doing 1/2 or 1/4 heart damage.

Fatasses, all of you.

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Just play the HD version on CEMU

I miss him bros

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Wonder what they'd replace the stamp chests with


That'd actually be pretty cool

Wii U version is the best.

They need to bring back motion controls. Fuck all of you fat fucks. I got a literal workout playing TP, something no other game has done for me. The hell with VR, they need to convert more games to waggle controls to fight obesity.

Skyward Sword was easier because it was sensitive, so you didn't have to swing as hard but it was more accurate. Even the fattest fat fucks with your flabby arms could play this and you all STILL hated it.

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>It's the easiest game in the franchise.
No, Wind Waker is the easiest game in the franchise.

TP HD > all

>I got a literal workout playing TP
okay fatty

I wonder why games rarely do stuff like that anymore. I remember amassing so many on RE4/5.

>Smash Ultimate threw out trophies entirely
>Doesn't even give you a bio section for the fighters to see their models like 64 did

Still bothers me to this day. I wonder if the honeymoon phase is over and people can accept that Ultimate comes up really short on SP stuff

Don't get my hopes up

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That is if we get a switch version. I mean I don’t doubt it wont happen but I’m just saying it might not

7/10 not bad

Nothing was more fun than bow on wii for me and the swinging wasn't even that bad. Then again I'm not fat.

I don't know why you think skinny people's arms can't grow tired.

just beat tp on wii u god damn was it good but some of the puzzles in that game can fuck off

Wii version is just so goddamn fun to manually aim your bow and swing your sword makes the sub par dungeon design more bearable.

Wii U. But the Wii version is better because Gamecube's version graphics look like ass, but the controls are superior.

I've never played the GC version, but I've always found it weird that they flipped the entire game instead of just Link's character model.

or just change a handful of animations where he grabs doors, etc.
they could've even had a button you can press during gameplay to have link switch hands. but I guess nintendo in their infinite wisdom had other ideas.

Ganondorf Amiibo + 3 Hearts + Hero Mode + No Shield is harder than Dark Souls