Why are all western localization groups mentally ill broskis?
MANGAGAMER LEAKED Chat Exposes their HATRED for fans 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>angry weebs
What's new?
Everyone who posts below me is retarded.
that faggot is a disgrace to best girl honoka
how dare he use her as his avatar
>another one angry incel thread
lets not
People don't really take this guy seriously after his "boner culture" thing, right? He's a total simp.
Arunaru did nothing wrong
should i say sneed?
Why do you fags care about this shit so much
I don't have a job.
You people should be pissed off at companies more for not including honorfics.
Baldr Sky for example is a complete mess due to Sekai being a bunch of faggots.
Please, save us, Ampharos
So they are cool?
>gamers about some cancer called mangagamer
I don't give a shit about the localization team, but you sure are way more mentally than they ever could possibly be
>You remade the thread
A bunch of devs in a private server venting is not news. Everyone hates incels, even other incels.
Fuck off, Billy
Arunaru did everything wrong.
>tranny localised team hates the fans
Wooooww who woulda thought
None of the VNs they've localized are even good.
kill yourself.
Back in my day, you normalfags were shamed. Get the fuck out
No VN is good
>bitch you should learn japanese
ironic people care about the right translation without putting any effort into learning moonspeak after years and years of consuming the same media
>Back in my day, you normalfags were shamed.
By whom? Little dicked virgins such as yourself? Lmao. Go sit the fuck down before I bully you and remind you of high school.
As noted in the previous thread, it's simply some faggots on Discord complaining about other faggots on Discord being faggots.
Stop reposting this shit
>Have business that makes me deal with dragon ball z and other anime fans regularly
>Like 1/4 of them are aggressively autistic
>Unpleaseable and constantly causing issues
>One guy harassed us for over a year because we didn't get something in stock
If it's anything like dealing with them, I get it.
What the fuck is with trannies and entertainment?
In fact, what the fuck is with trannies and every facets of western society?
You find them everywhere, crying about their open wound.
at least one -- or a faggot -- in every cannabis shop in california
Yas Forumstards are honorary trannies from how hard they constantly bitch
Skimmed it and I didn't even see anything that bad. Talking a little shit about people whining about stupid shit is all. That's nothing.
>hates gamers
who doesn't? i hate all of you
Don't pretend to be me.
I'm not a normalfag, I just used the word incel, which is specifically what this thread is about. Do you think the localizer hates "actual" fans? No, they hate screeching retards like you. Nobody in this thread is a normalfag.
where's rance quest you fucks
>the logs in question are devs bitching about very specific individuals in a private chat
>headline is "staff despises fans"
video game """""journalism"""""
>Don't pretend to be me.
I wasn't trying to. I just like to bully nerds on the internet.
Fuck off Billy. Don't you have defend Scam Citizen's honor some more?
Weeboids triggered as usual.
Don't need to take him seriously or respect him or any shit like that to enjoy the links and drama he provides.
I miss weeaboo speak.
Sure is better than nigger speak.
5 minutes
I'm certain this is the case for almost all re-education centers err I mean localization businesses. Time and time again they continually attempt to censor media, insert their shitty humor, or generally do a piss poor job because the only people who would even notice are the fans.
We need more Ken-sama
This is the most pathetic attempt at generating a drama scandal I've ever seen. Back to redd*t op.
Okay sweaty, just don't get too triggered when the bad nazis tell you things you didn't want to hear
>CIG had to BUILD a polynomial quantum drive calculator attuned for each drive system
Because they have to be at the center of attention
They can't just transition and then go about their lives like normal, because then the creeping realization catches up to them that everything they have done is completely moot
So they have a nigh constant need for attention and having chosen to transition means they will always aim for the lowest fruit if available, the entertainment industry
>muh Yas Forums
Don't forget to dilate
>Why are all western localization groups mentally ill broskis?
Because they're Amerifats.
This is the most pathetic attempt at generating a drama scandal I've ever seen. Back to redd*t op.
The more you complain about Yas Forums, the worse my opinions will get
>dude you think a one angry incel thread is Yas Forums? LOL DILATE!
man Yas Forums must be 99% trannies from your perspective
>nigger speak
it's the new age where everything must be nigger culture. you should see how many gays and trannies act like niggers just due to media conditioning
btw -- new jill in RE3 is a trashy version of her suited for today's hip hop tastes
reminder to pirate mangagamer novels if you see even one honorifics argument in this thread
All this tells me is that you're very young and weren't alive for the decades we've had where nigger culture has been praised. If you think its recent you're a moron.
Here's a hint, user: most people don't actually think you're a tranny, it's just a nice insult because it fits the attention-whore and schizoid tendencies of you and other newfags and tourists
>weeaboo speak.
but doesn't that still exist. weebs even on twitter and especially discord say "chan/senpai/nani/" etc but Yas Forums calls them "ironic weebs" for it.
Didn't you already post this last thread?
>oneangryincel calling anyone mentally ill
I went over the "leaks" from thead and i don't see anything "sjw", they're just annoyed at how autistic the fans are and that guy harocore is anal about nsfw stuff in general chat.
That's all.
Nothingburger. See for yourself imgur.com
>reading oneangrygamer
it's like you want your brain to be concave
people don't praise nigger culture they just absorb it through osmosis, since motor neurons will generally calibrate your register to be appropriate to your environment
i have to write like a retard here or people start accusing me of using a thesaurus
user they told me to post about my throbbing boner in specific channels this is a big deal
The world needs to do a global crackdown on Discord and Twitter instead of hunting down that coronavirus thingy.
These two outright fucking melt people's brains, I swear.
Don't use discord.
>Yas Forums is stupid and its because of nigger culture
big brain take
I think the most annoying thing about all of this is just how retarded the Translation team is. Like, did you really think it was a good idea to seethe about your paying customers in a chat log that could easily leak? Nearly everybody hates their job and the people they have to serve, I'm not denying that. But is it really such a good idea to bitch about the people paying for your product so openly? Maybe don't say that someone should be pushed off a cliff because you don't like them if your chat could so easily become public. That's just some advice for the future.
If anything I'm surprised by their restraint. Imagine having to deal with whiny faggot EOPs all day as a job.
>companies having discord communities
There's your problem
No, I saved it because it shits on the tourists' narrative
thats why their Rance loclaize progress is slow as fuck, then i should kept my hopes up for Evenicle 2 then :(
You don't have to deal with anyone. You translate thing faithfully and move on.
Do you have any questions about habbo raids were like? Since you obviously weren't there.
they're going against US GAMERS, we have to RISE UP! user, you don't get it