Why are all western localization groups mentally ill?
MANGAGAMER LEAKED Chat Exposes their HATRED for fans
Other urls found in this thread:
>GatherYourParty dies for these reactionary sites
Majority of that shit doesn't even seem remotely bad. I'd be sick of dealing with autists on Discord if it was part of my job to do so too.
I can't imagine any company that translates VNs not hating their fans.
"Gamers" and "Gamer Culture" is shit though so they aren't wrong about that. gamergate just made everyone retarded. look how shit Yas Forums is for example.
>Anti gamer circle
AKA Yas Forums
Why is this thread repeated every 20 days?
>employees hate the retarded mongoloids they have to interact with
no shit?
Those guys are still around?
What the fuck is gamer culture anyway? Sure as fuck isn't playing challenging games.
yawn... more news for easily angered trannies
Yeah but
>being a faggot about it on discord
Retards seriously believe they are a secret club. Never express yourself honestly on discord unless you're behind a persona that can't be backtracked retard.
Literally Kotaku but just with a right leaning slant, just as bad as Kotaku/Polycrap.
Who wouldn't hate weeaboos?
Reminder, localization isnt censorship. That's chud mentality.
"Gamers" are really obnoxious so they have legit reasons to hate them.
I don't want to give OneAngryIncel clicks, someone post the logs.
We hate us too, your point?
Link for people that don't wanna go to the article.
A quick glance makes it look like it's just staff complaining about discord autists in a private channel for them only.
Only guy being a faggot is the "Mr. Hanocare"
Something odd about this thread
This. EOPs are subhuman.
i'd hate the fans too if I work for Mangagamer.
>shit pay job
>games translated by Mangagamer banned from steam
>games sold in Mangagamer store sells like shit
>have to deal with autistic shits
I honestly don't see much wrong about these chat logs. They're just ranting about the spergs in chat it seems. Yeah, someone who writes a support ticket asking when a game will be on sale is a sperg, and someone getting butthurt over lolicon being translated as pedophile is also dumb. What's the problem here exactly?
Why are we allowing one angry gayboi's pages instead of pastebins?
>someone getting butthurt over lolicon being translated as pedophile is also dumb
Except that's a fucking garbage translation
Why do you use sjw buzzword like incel but get mad when people called you an sjw.
There is probably at most like 2 or 3 legit posts in this entire thread.
What? Like a not-so-subtle shill thread?
imgur link of posts
>Takes forever to translate Higurashi again despite already (poorly) translating it
Is it really though?
Kill yourself, Canadian
>someone getting butthurt over lolicon being translated as pedophile is also dumb
So...one of us?
EOP detected. Translating lolicon to pedophile is a very good translation. You just don't know what lolicon means because internet culture has taken lolicon as a loanword meaning "2D only" when no such implication exists in Japanese.
Ironic weeaboos are the worst.
I don't exactly blame them for being mad.
hentai addicts are subhuman and should be treated as such
Fucking clickbait
>What's the problem here exactly?
Fags getting mad that they called fags behind closed doors.
Sounds like a perfectly fine reason to pirate all of their future releases. Seriously though, hatred for fans has to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, sometimes fans are annoying, but an unfortunate byproduct of today's societal climate is dev entitlement, as in they feel like they're gods delivering the nectar of life itself whenever they release a game and we should be thankful and pay whatever price they ask for instead of, well, you know, game devs releasing a paid product.
Billy post your shit elsewhere
Seemed like pretty standard venting to me
>not hating EOPS
>tells discord trannies to take their literal circlejerking elsewhere
Seems pretty cool to me.
how DARE they vent about retards in a PRIVATE channel
I prefer Hentai Connoisseur.
Is it just me or she looks smugger and smugger every time she is posted here?
If you consider enjoying video games your "culture" you're already so fucking pathetic there's no point making fun of you.
Why does I feel like all the people defending mangagamer in this thread have a fakku account.
never supported them and never will
leftism is a mental illness
Billy needs his outrage clicks
what the fuck is fakku
If they're not being publicly hostile I don't see the problem. You'd be hard pressed to find any person who's job involves them in direct contact with consumers not hating said consumers.
Shocker, the online rag was clickbait and this is a complete non-story.
doujin site.
Was this article stolen from Gematsu as well?
Fuck off Billy you mentally ill retard
because they're all shills and/or from resetera
Yas Forums is shill central
Tell me you would love the fanbase you work for if you were in that position
The guy posts them here himself and then samefags the threads
Do people seriously pay for h-doujin? Digital no less?
>has to translate h-“games”
Well can’t say I blame em there are some sick shit in these kind of “games” I too would hate my “fans” or my work if that said work included helping some degenerate trash get his rocks off
do they hate the games though?
You tell me.
If you play translated Japanese games you deserve to be shat on.
Nice try, but im still not clicking the link to your site
Billy is still mad that they refuse to release the newest Please Bang My Wife.
Fuck off Billy.
shut up incel
Imagine catering to fucking perverted weebs that only just going to pirate your product anyways
Gamer = paying customer
That article is the most autistic thing I've seen since the Platform Masters website. Holy shit a bunch of literally nothing chatlogs and tweets who the fuck cares?
that's explain the "broski" thing in sengoku rance official translation
Same shit has been happening with Doom Eternal.
He retweeted tweets from anti-gamers. ANTI-gamers.
>mangagamer is a tranny circlejerk
what a shock
I'll be sure to repost this every time one of these niggers pops out of the woodwork to defend their dogshit translations
only sjw here is you, retard
What's not to despise?
same mainstream media fad culture everything became since (((globalization)))
That's not even bad, he's just looking for dumb shit to be outraged about.
I understand them very well. Weebs and anime coomers are fucking trash that deserve to be mocked.
>mr hanocare
why could I instantly tell this person translates the yaoigaymes for mg.
they're all being whiney faggots
but they're localizers so it's to be expected that they're fucking losers that can't do their job correctly
That is quite literally his job
Is this from one of those outrage farming sources? I can't stand those fucking parasites
>somebody is sick and tired of retarded consumer faggots who make their sole purpose in life, and most defining personality trait to be "X fanbase/Y hobby"
>vents about it
>some real spergs and retards are also complained about
>it's bad that people get a place to vent about retards
>we're supposed to not agree with the localization staff that these faggots are retarded faggots
I'm a cunnyCHAD and I still think that if "lolicon" means "pedophile" for the japanese, then it should just be translated like that, and get it over with. I don't get offended when somebody calls me a tranny, because I'm not one, why would I be offended when somebody calls me a pedo?
>the mangagamer shills have arrived
>t. discord tranny shills from mangagamer/resetera
continue to seethe and dilate
weebs and anime coomers deserve to be slaughtered along with their entire families to prevent any future generations of their bloodlines.
jap games being translated is often the only way they make it outside japan where their market might be bigger or risk fading away entirely.
I don't get why they even have a public discord with fans to begin with.
There's a reason why companies keep a divide between fans and employees and keep communication open only through specific channels.
So you don't get shitshows like this.
He sucks at his job then, it's closer to poorly written and nitpicky gamer than angry gamer.
take a guess
Literally this.
>people with jobs hate pathetic incels
I'm not sure who manga gamer are, but they seriously sound like a fuck up bunch. Why call themselves manga gamers when they hate gamers? They should look for a different line of work.
Daily reminder that game devs literally deploy anti-consumer shills on this website designed to downplay mistreatment of customers.
Not saying this is really a "mistreatment of customers" but the ass kissing in this thread is REALLY weird.
To be fair, it does seem like a genuinely shitty moderation. Request to have nsfw general is plenty reasonable, I think most anime discord places have those.
They are essentially saying "you can talk about anything not lewd in general, you can talk about lewd things ONLY when it concerns our games and you can't talk about lewd things in general at all". With this kind of moderation guys can't discuss 2B's butt or thicc thighs, it's very limited and arbitrary for moderation to abuse their power and they are being nothing short of cunts about it.
It's also generally a bad look when you clearly just hate the job you are doing, imagine if you came to a doctor and instead of checking you up he started a monologue about how maybe death is just a solution, maybe you don't really deserve to live.
Fuck off normalfag.
im one angry f*cking gamer