I was hyped, but there is no way to justify paying 60 dollars for a 5 hour game. Even with the multiplayer shit they are attaching to it. Time to wait for it to drop to like
5 hour game
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time to wait for crack
just crack it.4-5 hours for 60 hours game is just laughable.
you haven't even played it yet retard
Wow user you have the game and beat everything including the multiplayer stuff in 6 hours?
>RE2 could be completed in less than an hour
>RE3 is half as long
lol? They better have some really good fucking challenge modes.
Well no shit. They can't make excuses to halt progress now thay they put us in the city.
In the mansion they could place puzzles all around the place and make us backtrack through zombies and mr x and here we have nemesis but there's less puzzles and more zombies
I never played RE3. Is it really substantially shorter than RE2, which was already short?
Yes it was. They padded it with some fucking annoying puzzles. It also had decisions that this new one doesn't have. Mercenaries was ace tho.
This game is going to bomb critically and commercially. Screenshot this.
As long as there's a nude mod for all the zombies I'll be happy.
Especially if there's infinite ammo guns that I can use to slowly dismember them while they wither around on the floor moaning.
It feels more on rails than RE2, there's less backtracking and for the first time in a resident evil game(back then) the "mansion" system was abandoned and now you explored the city but the problem is that you couldn't enter in every story which took away from the perceived open worldness of it.
It also feels shorter because Nemesis actually made you run through the map spamming stuff
>10 hour game
fucking bullshit, literally 2-3 hours long, 4-5 with both runs
everyone with sense knew this would be the case. you all gotta sharpen up your skills if you didnt predict this, stop giving these lazy ass sjw managers ripping us off money so they are forced to produce good shit only.
No one's buying this for the tacked-on multiplayer just like no one bought anything for its tacked-on multiplayer in the last 10 years.
is it because 3 doesnt have a b route? is that their math?
remember when everybody was like "so now you're gonna remake 3 right?" after 2 dropped and capcom was all "lol if you buy 2 :3" and now it's obvious they were already working on it. fucking capcom.
I beat RE2Make in about 2 and a half hours and the only other RE game I played was 4 on the wii...
so this is a barely 1 hour game?
>speed run
doesn't really mean much, since people speed run much longer games in under an hour.
The problem isn't speed runners, its that even a normal play through your first time is still only 3-4 hours.
Wait so you didn't beat everything? Well how far did you get in those 6 hours then?
How do they calculate their time here?
Because it's one character?
Lack of a B route?
60 dollars
5 hours...
That's pretty good to me.
I make 60 dollars in less than 2 hours.
Good trade for me.
Why would you rush through a game your first time?
You fucking suck, I beat it in about 15 minutes while I was brushing my teeth and taking a shit.
Nothing short of meeting expectations Capcom!
Reminder that 3 was never meant to be called RE3. Code Veronica was supposed to be RE3. The RE3 (nemesis) we have now was always a short gaiden known internally as 1.5. The game had to padded out even back then to be worth the price. Hence the Mercs mode.
Everyone makes 60 in less than 2 hours.
But relatively you could buy 6 movie tickets, which is 12 hours of entertainment as well.
You could buy 3 games on sale, each of which is longer than 2 hours.
You could buy 3 full length novels that could take you days to read.
Relatively its still a shit deal.
I'm saying it doesn't matter how many hours can be pumped into the multiplayer because it's an addition no one asked for.
Also, it sounds like you think one of the earlier posts was mine. It wasn't.
but I didn't rush it. I played on the normal difficulty and there wasn't really much to do.
30 minutes I spent wandering the police department trying to find out what goes where
>resident evil 2: two playthroughs required
>resident evil 3: one playthrough
makes sense
samefag but they also pull the same shit with dragon's dogma. want a sequel? buy the remaster. capcom has 0 respect for their customers and any self respecting individual should pirate every game from them they want to play. if you have a ps4 go to /hbg/ and jailbreak it. quit feeding corporate greed.
I want the multiplayer.
Maybe I'll finally be able to make friends if I can play with people online.
CV is an embarassement for capcom.
If it's anything like 2 I will play through it multiple times.
That’s just speculation from the guy, the original game was just as long as RE2 without the reused segments.
Second best game in the franchise behind 1. You have horrible taste.
I thought its save room theme was a welcome addition.
It's only "half as long" because there isn't another main character to play through again as.
Source: My ass.
According to your tranny ass opinion.
>It also had decisions that this new one doesn't have
Man why are they so fucking lazy nowadays? This is even worse since the core is ready because they already made RE2.
>They padded it with some fucking annoying puzzles.
>Mercenaries was ace tho.
I'm so happy most of your kind has migrated to CoD since then. It's where you belong.
Pajeets and Chinks shills are cheaper then Pajeets and Chinks codemonkeys.
Let me guess you liked the water puzzle.
user, mercenaries like modes are a thing since 1 DC,
Original had puzzles in the streets
You're just way too young to have been there for when it was released. Same way you probably only played 4 and some remakes, if CV ever got remade, you'd be eating its ass and bulshitting about how it's the best game in the franchise and how you always thought so, like the poser I can already see you for.
I actually didn't know this until now, and I do follow gaming news.
I'll get it on a discount.
damn it's been like 15 years since I've heard that. right in the feels.
Just an assumption by the looks of the article
>if CV ever got remade, you'd be eating its ass and bulshitting about how it's the best game in the franchise and how you always thought so
I'd straight up do really embarassing things for a Code Veronica remake on Steam.
Like I'm just kidding but ffs I would be so happy. CV is just a fucking masterpiece. I don't remember when it came out, but I remember that all we had was a PS1 and my cousin who was cool as fuck had a Dreamcast and would pirate games. That's where I saw Code Veronica and my fucking goodness. Yeah it would be wild if it was announced after RE3 Remake.
decent point.
But I don't want to do any of that.
I'm buying this anyway.
You should too. I got stock in Capcom.
Contentcucks are legit this biggest plague on gaming. All of the achievement autism, all of the battle pass shit, all of the bloated soulless open words, it all comes back to fucking retards from the PS2 era demanding "better value for your gaming dollarâ„¢".
Eat up fuckboy.
>a literal shill admitting he's a shill
wew when did shills get so brazen on Yas Forums?
Quality vs quantity. Plus if you finish it fast enough you can resell the game at about 1/3rd of the cost on eBay.
Just for that i'm pirating the game twice now
You pay $20 for a 1.5 hour long movie that you can only watch once.
I wouldn't want a remake of CV because it was one of the games that made a giant fucking mess of the RE backstory. The rebooted RE will turn to stupid bullshit shortly, but maybe avoiding CV will slow that down just a little.
cv was the beginning of the end
Oh man I remember my first run of RE2. It was so disappointing and short because I skipped all the cutscenes and had encyclopedic knowledge of everything I needed to do and how to best do them with frame perfect precision.
It's a trash game user, no cool cg backgrounds and way too campy even for resident evil.