Do you have any games you remember playing when you were young, but can't remember it's name? Let's help each other out, I'll Start
>probably around 2002-2004, could be older, on PC >Sidescrolling shoot'em up set in space >almost all models were 3d and low poly >player ship looked like it only had one wing or something >boss theme was either the boss theme from FF7 or something exactly like it
I've been looking to see if this game really existed for the past 15 years with no luck, this is all i remember about it.
I can't help you, but I remember playing this fucking game where I got to control as a train company and I recall fucking around with trains by making them having stupid tight corners which would make the train slow down to -1 MPH and crash into itself. It ran on my Windows XP, or well, my family's. It was a game my dad owned but he died from cancer before I could ask him what the game was
Lucas Williams
It's been like 7 years since all of Yas Forums's boards went back to their "real names"
What was Yas Forums's Was it Vidya, Vidya games, Vidya Gaems, or vidya gaems?
I know Yas Forums used to be /ɐ/ - Animu & Mango
Robert King
Yas Forums's was Yas Forums - The Vidya
Christopher Gray
Mason Bell
It's not a game I played, but it was review on X-Play
All I remember is the running joke in the review was them repeatedly playing a terrible voice actor saying "Oh Santa Maria"
Henry Gray
There are actually 2 games i completely forgot the name. I used to play them all the time as a kid.
>Both PSOne game games >One was about this polygonal Mii Looking characters fighting in an arena, being able to grab almost all items and throw it forwards and downwards >The other was some racing / rally game where one of the tracks was in a desert / place with lost of dirt and train tracks, i think it might have been a sega game but i don't think it was sega rally or something like that.
>played a game when I was 4 >win3.1 or 95 >vertically scrolling shooter >robot themed >known to me only as "bot battle" >win32 theme >one boss had a number of purplish orbs you had to shoot individually >some robots would come as you from the side >there was some yellow/black construction tape decoration Probably from some shovelware CD my dad found. I used to remember it so well, but now I no longer see the visuals, and I only remember the facts.
Forgot to mention, this was in the year 1999(maybe 1998 or 2000).
Ethan Diaz
dingy the stinky? Was that it OP? or florbo the morbo?
Nathan Johnson
A PS2 RPG about a girl, the start of the game is a blank white tutorial room, i think it had mechs but im not sure, the tutorial was all i remember, it was a long time ago at my cousins house
John Jackson
There was a little PC shovelware game i loved
>2 car in a top down arena >each player would control a car end try to ram the other player >items would spawn around the area >player who got it first would get a missle launcher or some other weapon >game seemed to be made of pre-rendered 3d sprites
this was about 2003 - 2005 or something
Ayden Perez
I vaguely remember playing some Mario Kart type game at some child care facility as a kid back in the 90's. There was a Blue Mario and a Green Mario that were just palette swaps of each other and it had a battle mode on a course that looked similar to the Big Donut stage from Mario Kart 64. However, the game had sprites that resemble the SNES Mario Kart more than the 64 one. It was almost definitely some kind of unauthorized bootleg game or at least some different IP altogether trying to ride off the success of Mario.
I have no idea if this game actually exists or if it's just something I imagined once that stuck with me.
The atmosphere was a space station, that's what i remember more about it
Oliver Allen
Looking for a Late 90s pc learning game. The game was farming based, and a collection of minigames if I remember right. The only game I remember is one where you had to stop vegetables from floating down a river. The thing that really sticks out to me was the voice clips when you clicked the vegetables. For example it would say chili pepper as "Chilli Peppahhhh" in a whispery voice, corn in a very cartoonish quick way, and tomato as "to-MAY-to"
My sister and I both remember these sound clips distinctly but the game eludes us. Any help anons?
Daniel Russell
Might it be Star Ocean: Till the End of Time?
It's been a long time but that game starts in a space station and I think in a simulation room
Bentley Murphy
If someone could answer this question you'd solve a mystery that I've been wondering about for a decade. Even consulted reddit for help, and they were predictably useless.
Game from my childhood: PS1 game, opens with a CG of a village burning down. You are a prisoner, have to kill your guard to escape the room you are locked in. I think it was an ARPG in the same style as Silver on the dreamcast, if anyone ever played that. I remember there being light platforming for optional items. Additional random things I remember: The game featured an armor system, and your armor could get to the point where certain projectiles didnt hurt. I think at one point you had to go into a floating city that felt like the only time I was introduced to actual NPCs. The floating city had a prison, but not the one you started the game in. If you attacked them instead of accepting their leader's quest, every NPC in town would try to murder you.
Please help me Yas Forums, with each passing year this feels more and more like a deranged fever dream.
I remember a game called Swan and it was just Tempest but more complicated. I use to play it at the bowling alley when I was younger but haven't been able to find it ever again.
>darkstone No but funny you mention that. That's the other game I about lost my mind trying to remember a while back. There was a ~4 year span of my life where I only owned Darkstone, Yugioh: shattered memories, and whatever this other game is.
thanks, looking at videos of it. The opening scene with the skeletons feels right, but flipping through quickly there are entire weird little details I remember that are completely absent. I appreciate it though.
Ryder Walker
There was this game on ps2 or original xbox with a level where you ride a dirt bike through an apocalyptic movie scene
Charles Martinez
in the late 90s/early 2000s i had a pc game that may or may not have been browser based, it was a galaga clone but with then-modern graphics and all the enemies were bugs like flying grasshoppers and stuff
Nevermind, it absolutely was crusaders of might and magic. Watching footage of the flowers in the darkwood forest cinched it for me. Their projectiles are so memorable and unique looking.
Thank you so much user.
Side note, holy shit I must have been bad at video games as a kid. This 6 hour game I definitely played for over 50 without winning.
Bentley Hill
I saw a playthrough that doesn't seem to be it, bunch of kids meeting in a fountain area, not the pure white simulation room
Jacob Russell
Ozzy's World
Isaiah Anderson
actually there is a game i want to remember and i barely have any memories of it,the only things i can remember are >jrpg >battle options are rotating icons >one of the icons was a flexing muscle
>2009 to 2012, can’t remember >first person shooter >could blow people’s legs off I can’t remember anything else about it but that’s all I can remember about it. Probably helps no one but it’d be cool to play again.
Ryder Bell
This is obviously Xenosaga.
Angel Robinson
it was like a sidescrolling platformer that i could not have possibly played any earlier than 1991. it was like a kid's learning game, all i can really say with confidence is that there was an overworld map with really crappy cartoony graphics of like, bubble-shaped buildings. sorry that's nothing to go on, but its genuinely all i can recall. ive been trying to hunt it down forever
Jeremiah Foster
World at war is the first thing that comes to mind
Parker Miller
if it helps add context, the only other game from this period i remember was Pickle Wars and that uhhh dinosaur time travelling picture taking video game
Evan Sanders
I'm gonna suggest Commander Keen and then get mad if that's what you're talking about
Easton Richardson
Golden Sun?
Lincoln Lewis
Welp, that hit the nostalgia, fucking finally, watched a playthrough and intro part is exactly how i thought
Thanks user
Michael Lewis
This. It takes like 13 fucking minutes to reach the tutorial, though. God, those cutscenes were long.
Easton Rogers
i was very very young at the time,it was either a snes game or ps1,and i think maybe the battle was in isometric view
Isaiah Adams
>gamecube game >obscure as fucking shit create your own monster game >had presets >I THINK you battle other monsters >was at hollywood video I know it's not much to go off but please anons help me
Luis Evans
Fuck i somehow remember playing this, no ideia though
Oliver Perry
Secret of Mana
Grayson Howard
What's the best way to play this game? Iv'e been bothered because i never furthered into that game
Is there any newer versions of episode 1? Or getting a PS2 Emulator is my best bet?
Robert Perez
amazing island?
Ayden Martin
I remember this one game I used to play a lot, it was a game where you drove around in a taxi, but not just any taxi, it was like, how can I describe it, kinda like a crazy taxi. I remember you had to do like jumps and all that to get points or something while you took people to their destination as fast as you can.
Robert Brooks
oh my fucking god. thank you
Hudson Cooper
i had a kids game horror themed in probably around 95 or 96, on pc, it was first person, and you would pick your path and there was simple puzzles and monsters that would pop up. i don't think it was branded as anything in particular but it reminded me a bit of goosebumps
Camden Peterson
The Xenosaga trilogy is stuck on PS2 except the reimagining of 1 and 2 only released in Japan on DS. Unless you feel like paying $100+ for the trilogy emulation is your best bet. Episode 2 is a severe drop in quality though but it's my opinion that episode 3 is worth it.
no, thats not it. there was also a game where you make blimps and racecars with parts you get by solving puzzles, and then you have to race them or something against a mad scientist. i think it was a learning game. it may have been an entirely different game alltogether. theyve all mushed together in my brain over the years
Nicholas Cruz
Simpsons Road Rage
Evan Jones
ok ive found one on my own, it's gizmos and gadgets
>old game from around Windows 95 or 98 >was about flying planes, think it was in first perosn >there was a bit where you sprayed crops, I think, and there was also dogfighting in World War 1 or 2 >graphics were very basic and blocky
Jackson Stewart
close but no,there isnt a flexing arm icon
Nathaniel Price
You play as a red ball and you move on rails. It was kind of an action puzzle game with powerups and stuff. I think there was a part with a checkerboard backdrop, but I think the first background was space or just black. This was in the 90s, and it may have been a DOS game. I got it on a CD called 500 Games that had its own launcher and everything.
Another one from the same time period and collection: A vertically scrolling 2D shoot-em-up where you play as a car on a road, with awesome powerups.
Jackson Reed
Thanks guys
Matthew Robinson
i had a couple of those 101 dos games discs. did you everbplay one called B.O.B Break Out Bob? it was a tile based puzzle game in a grid, about getting to the exit and you had to avoid cameras and there was one-way floor tiles
Brayden Taylor
>text browser based webgame >played it around 2003-2005 >you were a scientist who would make genetic monsters by mixing dna of various animals >would then use those animals to fight other players >could trade your creations with other players on a market
Do you mean BailOutBob? I tried googling what you mentioned and ended up with that. Doesn't seem to be the one I mentioned though. The one with the ball wasn't turn based, IIRC.
Angel Harris
This might be it because it had the same grimy war aesthetic games from that time had, but I don’t see the limb loss feature. What I remember was being in a room with a guy dressed in army attire explaining something to me. I kept shooting his leg off and failing the mission, but when I decided to listen, the room led to a big grassy area with a bunch of enemy soldiers and concrete for cover. It was on the 360 btw if that helps.
Michael Williams
OMG yes that's it, no wonder i could never find it. thanks so much that one has eluded me for years!