>ctrl+F >no Pathologic thread

Did you deliver the water barrel to Lara on your first playthrough?

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>black hair
>sad blue eyes
>pale skin

i'd put my water in her barrel if you know what i mean

>Pathologic thread
>it's not the OG
well, hopefully i have better luck next week

Love how they made all girls super cute in 2

Haven't touched this game in months. The game pass version was bugged as fuck. I missed by dam sale like an idiot on steam

God I can't wait for the full Bachelor arc in 2.

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what theres no Bachelor ark in 2's base game?

Its just Haruspex at the moment.

One of the generic NPC girls is omega level danger cute

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the character design for this game is honestly superb

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Bachelor hopefully by the end of 2020
Changeling probably never to be honest

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:( but user, they already have all the assets do they not? It's a simple matter of scripting, writing, and reorganizing set pieces accordingly

I'm playing through 2 for the very first time right now
Just on day 6 and oh god like 7 critical people got infected over one night including myself, saving Murky from her "friend"
Only Anna Angel has died from the infection but there's only so much shmowder I can trade for
I was really excited to blow up the railroad with Bad Grief, but I can understand why he chose to back down. I'm not excited for the inquisition
With all the pandemic shit going on irl this is a really meta time to play through Pathalogic 2

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new storylines, new events, completely new dialogue. Likely very different mechanics that befit the characters. I doubt the game did well enough for them to be able to pull this off for more than just Dankovsky. I'd even be happy with them releasing the other two storylines with a $5-10 upcharge, but I know people would shit their pants over if that happened

I can't seem to buy or trade for bandages or tourniquets in Pathologic Classic HD. if this is a bug, wtf!

>it's a simple matter
even gamers who are fans of Pathologic are stupid, it seems

ha, it was due to a full Drugs inventory...

I've played it in the last december. It wasn't buggy but the performance was pretty bad.

The game screams bad management, I'm preetty sure they rushed it without caring about reusable assets.


THANK YOU Yas Forums

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baseless assumption

Where do I find antibiotics?
I can't cure shit without them

Trade with Children for them
Little girls and the youngest boys tend to have them, (+) ones too

Can you fuck her?

Also try Pharmacies in non-infected areas

>Wanting to fuck Gravel

Is there a single more based character, in all videogames and theatrical productions?

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No, but I did get the revolver from that guy in the factory
Really good deal, honestly

>Oh cub, w-what are you doing?

im on day 6 right now and Im trying to make those potions with tinctures and infected organs, but its taking so long, each one takes at least an hour.
I was supposed to do it a day or two ago but I couldnt find any living infected people to perform an autopsy on. this shit is taking a long time, how important is it? I got a lot of stuff to do.

could have bought 15 bulls instead

No one was selling 15 fortune telling bulls though ;_;

Figuring out how to manage your time is part of the game's challengeDo your hospital shift work and take a few infected organs for yourself Or talk to Notkin I hope you saved him to get maps of infected areas, that way you can easily find organs and babies to rescue and stuff

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Not that far in yet. Just started day 2. Not looking forward to when shit hits the fan I barely know how to keep myself alive let alone everyone else

>living infected people to do autopsy on
dead ones are fine too
Please to not kill innocent infected townspeople

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not him but you have to mismanage pretty badly to not make a small development studio in russia sustainable. pathologic 2 cannot have been a flop.


>you can easily find organs and babies to rescue and stuff
rarely do I ever have enough time in a day to do this, even though most of my playtime is spent looking at the map optimizing my routes to do the most tasks in the least time. Is it just me, or does time in this game go a lot faster than in the original?

It sold well there, but poorly in the west-- alot of money was skimmed off the top and not put towards development, mostly by stakeholders, and they had to work with Tinybuild to try and actually get a game out
GSG Gameworld tier corruption, and its a real shame because a lot of brilliant minds are working on it

It does go a bit faster, but that feeling is accentuated by the ways tasks are organized and such

Upgrade your inventory, its cheap and the eight(?) extra slot spaces really help when it comes to collecting ingredients and medicines and so on

Aglaya Lilich, conqueror of my heart

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>I hope you saved him
course i did I like how what i assume is a manifestation of the plague calls you a cheat if you use a schmowder on notkin. I plan on only using my schowmders on the kids.
ive been doing fairly well up until now, only person to die was Peter, which was unfortunate but he didnt seem to critical, only ones who are infected are Andre and Anna. I feel like im doing really well, but I also feel like the game is making it easy for me, and its gonna suddenly infect like 8 people in one night or something. cant wait.


>tfw no Herb Bride wife

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>its gonna suddenly infect like 8 people in one night
I'm on day 7 and that just happened to me
I gave them all Tinctures (+) to boost their immunity too so it really hurts to see it happen
there a way to prevent the spread of the plague through the town, but I only figured it out with the sprawl, with Notkin and Khan
I feel like I'm missing something important and dooming myself, even though I've made progress on the pancea

This game really REALLY makes me feel like I'm returning to my homeland, to take part in its culture

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i fucking hate worms

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The real Bachelor's arc is waiting for you outside right now. You've got a degree, right?

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What the fuck is his problem?

forgot pic

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He got 20 years older since his last appearance, I'd be pretty grumpy too.

So if I enjoyed 2 and wanted more, is 1 worth playing or is it too jank to play? I have heard some mixed things about 1.

This fucking "Director of the play" or NIGGER as I like to call them, thinks that your gaming experience and thus the story will only be worth it if you die and keep going despite the punishments for death. Although if you die too much you'll break the world's realism. You know what?


Do I just play both of them in order of release or what? I hear there's a Pathologic OG, then there's the HD version and 2 is apparently just 1 but from a different POV, help .Yas Forums

dude just take the Fellow Travellers deal if you dont like the death punishments

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2 is both a squeal and not a squeal to 1 at the same time.

The HD version is just an improved version of 1. 1 also contains all three stories from each POV. 2 currently only contains one POV with an intention to include the others but who knows when that will happen. 2 is also kind of a completely upgrade to 1. It improves on most of the complaints people had about 1 but keeps the unforgiving nature of the game.

pathologic classic hd is a remaster of 1, no reason to play the og one.
2 is a remake of 1, but only one character is available.
in pathologic 1 you could play as 3 different characters, seing the events unfold from their perspective.
in pathologic 2 you only get to see one of these perspectives, that of the Haruspex. the other 2 characters, The Bachelor and The Changeling are currently still in development.

you can play 2 before classic hd. do not play the original.

All the women look good, except Lara ravel ugly ass bitch nigger

The first one is absolutely worth playing if the walk speed doesn't drive you to commit sudoku. Bachelor and Haruspex are perfectly understandable with the new translation, and Changeling is an okay but rushed route with a kino bonus bonus ending if you save every Bound in the town

Starting with either HD or P2 is fine.
HD is Pathologic 1 with a better translation and prettied up a bit. P2 is a remake where you play as one of the main characters from the first game. You'll get a bit more out of 2 though if you'd played the original game first though since they intentionally fuck with people who played the original a bit

For the full experience I'd recommend going
HD(Bachelor, then Haruspex, then Changeling) > Marble Nest demo > 2

stop saying that woed pls, this is Russia n

can you explain how they fuck with players of the original game? I'm playing bachelor right now, already played Pathologic 2 so I am curious.

its in pretty subtle ways that you might not get even if you played 1 before 2