What games are you buying with your trumpbux, Ameribros?

What games are you buying with your trumpbux, Ameribros?

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finally buying a good vr set

Probably pay some bills so I can get out of the cycle.


I'm using it to pay off some of my college debt

Video games and groceries.


So I guess socialism is okay when republicans do it huh?

uh oh, that's socialism. i can't believe trump turned his back on us and is helping out poor people.

more guns and more ammo

Nothing, because it's not happening. It'll be support for a small percentage of the poorest minorities in the country, and everyone else will get jack squat.

Won't. I'll using it to pay for the next months food and rent.

>socialism is okay when Trump does it

hehehe, look like i am all set.

Gibsmedat niggers envious of whitebux detected.

I never miss an opportunity to tell people to never trust those stupid commercials. They act like it's a fast forward on your payments when in reality it's like choosing $10 today over $100 paid out over the course of two weeks.

Yes, surely this thread will be about video games.
It will definitely not devolve into a political debate at all. Surely not.

Going to get myself a 9/10 hooker

If I could afford to pay my bills for this month that would be awesome, since my work basically told everyone to fuck off, and we weren't being paid while this shit was going down, so I'm basically jobless for a month or two.

Yes, hopefully only whites will get it

>worst president instantly becomes top tier
how does he do it

Based trump uniting the nation by making it possible for every American to afford both next gen consoles, eliminating console wars

the real winners here are people like twitch streamers and porn artists, ez money for them

>It'll be support for a small percentage of the poorest minorities in the country, and everyone else will get jack squat.
If it actually is a 1 trillion dollar plan, they could distribute $1000 to every person in the country and have money to spare.

NEETchad here, going to buy upgrade my PC

Apply for unemployment dumbass

More like fucking essentials to live. Several people I know lost their jobs Monday and places are flat out not hiring until this shit blows over

Honestly might if they do this.
Then again I am nearly 100% certain that Republicans in the senate would block anything like this.
It sets a bad precedent for them, they only like giving money out to the corporations, not the plebs.

more weed

You're supposed to be AVOIDING viruses!

It's estimated that 75% of adult americans will get it. This was done before during the recession, except it's a straight up check this time

yeah i am honestly so confused on how this would work but if it does then I am not complaining.

looks like yang actually did win in the end

Youre the kind of person who would be a racist democrat 100 years ago, but are now a republican because republicans are the ones that hate minorities now. Its got nothing to do with economic conservatism.

McConnell already said the other senate republicans don't like the idea but he's getting them on board to sign it.

this was orchestrated by valve to sell more indexes trump bows to the gaben

Do NEETs get in on the action? I still live with my parents and wanna invest some, hopefully start to make change. If I do apply though, I might use a small bit to get Eternal.

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>bribing people with $1000 to vote for him


Republicans have actually been supporting this. It's in their interest to save the stock market. This plan merely being announced brought the market up 1000 points


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gonna finally get a vr set, and jerk off for the next 2 weeks in vrchat

if $1000 pays your bills you're not in any cycle

>giving whites $1000 to buy guns for the inevitable chimpout after exactly 48h of quarantine

half a pound of weed

Where are they going to get the money from?

>Yang was planning to do this every month

iirc you can only get money if youve filed taxes in the last year, I might be wrong though

probably gonna apply only to those who've filed taxes before

>handing out money for a virus that now can't even kill a 103 year chinese woman or a 100 year old man with heart failure, high blood pressure, and alzheimers both of whom are at ground zero in wuhan
loving this meme virus every day

>tfw Yang was right

Feels good being on the right side of history.

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brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hahahaha

This is going to force americans to reevaluate their stance on welfare right?

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Um what about inflation?

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Like I said, I don't think even The Turtle himself could swing this.
Despite what people like to think about party unity and so forth, there is a core concept to the modern Republican platform that they will not violate.
And that platform is that the only people deserving of financial assistance are the investment class. Virtually every piece of legislation they have passed in the last 20 years has been to help the "job creators".

Obama did this twice. didn't do shit. his heart is in the right place but damn what a stupid decision

No idea

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>blowing 1K on a momentary pleasure

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this is going to change the world in a lot of ways. this is a tipping point

Consider it a tax return. A little back after paying into a system that spends millions a year on diversity consultants.

no. most of are are still dumb enough to overpay on taxes to give the government an interest free loan and then get it back as a 'tax refund.'

>Getting people used to epidemics
>Economy fuckery
>Now UBI

Pretty good going. Mandatory vaccine is next.

Nothing, because I'm probably not eligible to receive the money.

t. homeless and jobless autist

>This plan merely being announced brought the market up 1000 points

B-but socialism!

I just dont understand how its so scary when a democrat tries to do this, but when its a republican, its suddenly okay and the stock market goes up.

you're right, i should buy a sexdoll with that

Am I reading this right, they aren't giving out tax return money because of this?

Democrats aren't going to let it pass

Americans only hate welfare because it has to be given to black and spanish people.
If they didn't exist, we'd probably throw even more money at our invalids than prissy european countries.

How would giving poor people 1000$ help the stock market?
You think they are going to buy stocks with a government handout?
I mean, they would if they were smart, but they won't.

Lmao retard I just vote for Trump and I would vote for Bernie if he had a chance. I just want to see drama.

Im not into that fetish, sorry.

The Fed is already dumping trillions into the pockets of jews and corporations via the stock market because of the coronavirus, what another few billions for actual people?

>have to file taxes
Ah shit.

You are now realizing that Republirats are the real kikes.

He said SOME bills nigga fucking READ!

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I'm ready desu

>this from the retard that repeatedly lied and tried to shift blame about it being under control
>he then kept saying dumb shit after dumb shit (as usual) and even claimed it's not his responsibility
>now he does this shitty backpedal move to trick dumb idiots into thinking he actually cares about them and that he's a good president

Has there been a bigger and more incompetent clown of a president in the history of the US?

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Damn it Dobson we're trying to discuss politics here

god bless our glow in the dark boys, hard at work

consolewarfags come from south america primarily, where it costs the equivalent of $2000 usd for a console due to their taxes on foreign tech

It's a better solution instead of bailing out retard corporations that mishandled their money

You already have autism so why do you fucking care?

I hope they send coronavirus infected cash to Fox News boomers

Yeah man I should invest it in stocks!

save it till i can invest it

lmao americans are fucking pathetic

shut the fuck up retard

when due process fails us we really do live in a world of terror

Trump fucked it up real hard. He's trying to buy votes with this,

You mean Romneybux. Trump's just going along with it because it's a good idea and he has absolutely clue what to do otherwise.

It's only socialism when it doesn't benefit the billionaires.

Nothing because apparently I make too much money to get any

Still hold that Dubya was worse.
Trump takes second place, though.

Futurama already did this. Nixon's crooked tax rebate.

hurry and die already eurofag

Stock valuation go down when nornal citizens can't/don't/won't engage with their company's product. the people with the actual stocks assume that the extra cash will mean more spent on their products, meaning bigger dividend, meaning a stock worth more money.

We almost had one.

Because the government likes giving money to companies not people

gonna buy all the VR games i want

then i'm gonna buy a really expensive Midna body pillow with 3D tits and ass installed in the pillow

they could cancel the f35 project finally and reallocate the funding

different user here, thats not true at all.
My current rent is roughly $800, before electric, gas, and food. a flat grand will pay an entire month, groceries for the month (and then some with essentials like rice and shit), my internet, and give me pretty much 2 paychecks of breathing room to save and work with.
Instead of putting up only a tiny bit each month to save, that puts me in a safer spot, where I can start to look for better options.

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almost like he would have made a better president and republican voters are retards for not voting Romney in.

No need to be so jealous.
Just a few more years at the factory and you'll have made the equivalent of $1000 in real money.

i'll be throwing it all in an index fund. you're stupid if you're not buying these cheap ass stocks right now.

what the fuck, you didn't call me ahmed
are you okay user?

Things only went to shit due to leftists promoting hysteria to blame on him though.

The real problem is that most people on this god-forsaken board aren't old enough to remember baby Bush.
I won't get fooled again.

Is it worth it?

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t. feddie scum


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the gang never dies.
honestly this, desu. If democrats had treated 2016 like an ordinary election, Hilldawg would have won. The intense meltdowns are PR nightmares for them and they still don't get it, even to this day.

I'm working 6 days a week 56 hours in total because everybody else fucked off. I hope I get my cut too. Gonna be ballin' yo.

I'll probably just pay off my car.

You are supposed to spend this shit on bills and supplies to survive the following months, not to buy video games you fucking retarded manchildren babies

just got mine. definitely. some minor bugs but overall such a blast.

If you are coming from another headset, yeah. If you are brand new to VR, no.

Adding it to my madcash fund that I'll use to buy a 993 once their prices finally crash because of the economy. My dad had one and I've never gotten over how much I loved it.

There's gonna be a LOT of talking about a lot of topics after this. Welfare, healthcare, how businesses run on a fundamental level, and how the corruption in the government directly led to the situation blowing up as fast as it did.
whether anything actually comes of it is another story entirely.

desu ill only get it if they give us like 1.5k or higher
so far the lowest amount everyone's on board for is 1k, with the highest being fought for being 6k

>defending trump with mongoloid extremist shit
So you're just as stupid as he is.
Watch as how your instant reaction was to think of an insult about how I'm some leftist, proving my point about your extremist mentality

We're not at the bottom yet user.

Not for NEETs though.

you should be buying bitcoin instead

times are tough on the brain ahmed...

I’m buying a Switch

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Bush did more damage to international reputation true.
Trump has done more damage to US politics in general though.

It's hard to imagine that there will be people on this board who were born after 9/11 in just a year from now.

People who were literally not alive when the old pre-patriot act internet was around.

putting it in the japan trip fund

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>Still hold that Dubya was worse.

ok i hate dubya but he went against the grain in 2006-07 and worked with democrats to get TARP passed (the second time around because republicans voted against it both times). and we all know it was chenney that was the real dick.

Retarded as fuck but now that the dumbshit said it he's going to insist on it.

have to have filed taxes for the 2018 season and not have been listed as a dependent
so neets are sol

whatever you say

Trump has the election if he embraces UBI

Giving people money during a nation crisis = Dems trying to set up UBI this is your mind Democrat. People are literally freaking out and losing their jobs with no relief in site. UBI is lazy whites trying to become like lazy niggers who get wellfare and food stamps not the same without thing at all

yeah I'm secretly a CIA agent pushing the NWO scheme on a board about videogames

chug bleach idiot

>leftists promoting hysteria
Telling this orange fuck to get his fat ass out of hischair and do something about this shit was 'promoting hysteria'? Kill yourself nigger.

Eh, at least we got a few mildly interesting stories out of it

Allowing a virus with no vaccine to spread is a fucking dumb idea no matter what. Flu has killed more but nobody cares because there's a vaccine.

It's irrelevant what you believe in, you're an NPC. A useful idiot.

>the economy is so fragile you have to give people money to get them to CONSUME to prevent a crash

Shut the fuck up brainlet.

If you don't already have everything you need to survive for about a year since the middle of January you are a certified brainlet.

It still wouldn't help though, people are not engaging with products because they know they are supposed to stay home, not because they have no money.
Giving people this money will do nothing for the market.

Sure but I'm not losing my job or getting any hours cut. It's literally just bonus bux for me

Do you ever tire of sucking republican cock?

This, since I lost my summer job over this stupid virus.

This, Chenney was basically comic book villian at some point in those eight years, Bush kinda just stopped going against him in several issues.

>Trump tries to downplay virus by calling it fake news
>Panicked, desperate scientists beg him to look at some actual information for once in his goddamn life
>Trump panics himself and lapses into socialism
>His followers think it's okay because it's him, and it can't be socialism for "reasons"

Fucking beautiful. Nixon must be sleeping soundly.
He's somehow doing better than Johnson, who told his people that many of them would die and "suggested" that they don't visit pubs, theatres etc. instead of shutting them down so they could be insured. For all their love of money, they sure don't have any economic sense, do they?

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U mad lul

>It's irrelevant what you believe in, you're an NPC. A useful idiot.
You're making tons of baseless assumptions about me which are all 100% incorrect, which just further proves my point of how irrational you are.
But you're precisely the kind of person Trump wants (but doesn't give a shit about), gullible extremist idiots.

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The entire logical strategy is to slow down the spread of the disease just enough that hospitals can treat the critical cases, too late and they get overburdened, too soon and the quarantines and recession will last too fucking long. Sooner or later everyone will have to get it and become immune or die.

How the fuck is a stimulus socialism? Do americans really believe that everything a state does is socialism?

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>Could enjoy a decent hooker, assuming they're not obvious plague infested.
>Could save for vidya, Nintendo direct soon and surprise digital releases elsewhere are likely soon.
>Could probably buy that twink from work for the weekend and finally sate my curiosity.

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