Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid

>Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid
>Perfect Fruit: GONE
>Museum Art Exhibit: GONE
>Redd, Both Resettis, Digby, Rover, Pelly, Pete, Phyllis, Tortimer, Joan, Chip, Nat, Blanca, Brewster, Booker, Copper, Dr. Shrunk, Frillard, Gracie, Kapp'n, Lyle and Lotte, Phineas, Reese and Cyrus, and more: ALL GONE
>Shoe Emporium: GONE
>Shampoodle: GONE
>Gracie's store: GONE
>Redd's shop: GONE
>Leif's everything: GONE
>Roost: GONE

How did they fuck up this badly?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dont care

>Redd gone


Why can I never be happy, bros?

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Only thing of value that was lost is the roost and gyroids

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What if they just add them back through updates?

>Gyroids: confirmed GONE except for Lloid
This felt like an AC staple. Really fucking odd they're gone, but Nintendo could update it on the day one. There is that science lab in the museum that looks like it could be about archaeology, which could be tied into Gyroids? Wishful thinking
>Perfect Fruit: GONE
Tiny thing I don't get why they would remove it. Of course it didn't really matter, but it was cool nonetheless.
>Museum Art Exhibit: GONE
Fucking sucked to fill out. Glad this one is gone, but would like to at least have paintings in the game in some form.
>Shoe Emporium: GONE
>Shampoodle: GONE
>Gracie's store: GONE
>Redd's shop: GONE
>Leif's everything: GONE
>Roost: GONE
All of these suck. I get why some of these would leave, as you would've consolidated them into other shops, but would be cool for them to stay. Redd and Brewster feel like the biggest loses imo

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Shhhhh, we're on Yas Forums you can't think rationally.

Don't even start to assume.

We already know Resetti's in. They'll have some rescue base that they'll add in some update for him and his brother. I bet they purposely kept stuff back for updates just so the dataminers wouldn't spoil things for everyone.

Proof? Was it a datamine?
I can see most of this shit being added back in when the inevitable DLC comes out so I don't really care.


>no kk slider
>no dr shrunk
>no brewster
>no kapp'n
>no swimming
>no diving
>no island games
>no resetti

do you faggots believe me now??

Attached: brewster.jpg (474x698, 24.06K)

All the animals have a naked base

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imagine exchanging every and all resemblance of soul for soulless minecraft features

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this is a massive fucking cope, fuck off shills. you have NO idea what Nintendo will or won't do.. still waiting for the other "new style" for mario maker 2, lying wishful thinking faggot copers

The game's producer is Nogami, who was responsible for Splatoon and Splatoon 2. Both of those games were released in a notoriously barren state and used a drip-feed model with regular content updates to keep player interest constant. Couple that with Nintendo's weird obsession with having everyone have everything at the same time (they don't want TTers to get ahead) and it's pretty obvious they will add the missing content in a couple of weeks or months, by the time you would have acquired it by natural progression.

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How about something actually true
The ost is out, thoughts?

Yeah, of course they removed major characters that always appeared before in other games

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hey op
if you read this youre retarded

will be included in updates*

Its utter shit
Those more "upbeat" electronic tunes don't fit the comfy atmosphere of the game at all

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but you're the op


Man, time travellers are already fucked by the holiday. If this is the case they'll be fuming.


>I can't allow others to want updates to be more than bug fixes like the games I play
Seethe much?

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holy seethe

This is for the morning, check out midnight to 5 am for comfy. Same channel

seems like you DO care if you are willing to spend time lying on the internet to shill your brand, faggot


Perfect fruit have been seen in gameplay already.
OP is larping, fell for a false datamine, or the splatoon devs are handling animal crossing releases/patches the same way they handle splatoon.

I never said that, assclown retard. If people want to hope for updates they can, but to say they are definitively going to add these things is a complete FABRICATION you fucking tranny kike

>Roost is gone
This shit better be fake

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Sounds good, much better than NL already.


still seething

I've never seen someone seethe over a game they have no intention of playing as much as you, holy shit

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imagine faking interest in a game just to complain about it on Yas Forums
youre below horsefuckers and furfags at this point

Nope they had to appeal to trannies over adding soul

Please, drop me all the models or link me something I can open with toolbox to get them.

The rooster isn’t gone, but i believe in the rest

Not too worried at the moment considering how much there is to do in the base game, and considering these are the splatoon devs I kind of expect periodical updates. But if we look back in a few months and there's nothing, then they really screwed the pooch

Nice try cuck

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>I don't even care if I'm being cucked! Nintendo take my money!

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>no intention of playing
not when they cut out half the shit I like about the game

Instrumental + electronic instruments
Its like a mix of NL and the original GC. Not bad, I hope the others are like that.

>Claim something to be true
>Others present evidence to prove it's false
>"lol you just coping with the game being confirmed shit"
The irony here is that you accusing the others of coping incidentally proves you can't actually cope with the fact that you have been proven wrong.

imagine thinking that you have to 100% shill and have no criticisms or complaints for a company in order to be a fan

this post makes me think it is fake

Listen to them right now, that channel has them all.

>No KK Slider
Wait what? Where's all the funky music going to be?

It is, the shitposters have realized misinformation is the was to go to farm anger and depression.

They're lying user

yeah thats fine and all but you clearly havent played ac

I think it's a pretty safe bet that most if not all of those missing villiagers will show up during events and DLC. Tortimer for sure will.
>That fucking accordian and guitar
My new favorite

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It's not cope. It's just someone being logical instead of a being a shitposter.

>Cuckholds: Scammed

Stop seething retard. I only can laugh this much.

i've played every one of them and all the shit I listed were in those games, this one has cut a lot of shit, keep lying to make yourself feel better for being a simp

>Look ma! I posted it again in this thread!
Still seething.

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You can buy KK slider tracks in the store so It would be weird if he didnt make more of an appearance than at the very beginning

then you'd know that each subsequent major entry had content missing from the last
you literally just admitted to not having played ac lol

Oh no they took out shampoodle oh noooooooooooooo

it's logical to expect nintendo to update the game with cut content because it makes you feel better about buying it? not really. no one who touts the "IT WILL COME IN UPDATES GUYS!!" has any fucking evidence or facts to back up their claims, it is wishful thinking and personal opinion.

projection cuck cope.

>Try to install NSP using HBG app
>Repeat 3 times, freezes everytime
>Try Goldleaf
>Latest Goldleaf is 0.8, no Goldtree download
>"Remote PC Browser" in Goldleaf
>Shit also freezes my Switch

Can ANYONE help me out on installing this shit?