I’ll start
ITT Images that have aged like crap
Other urls found in this thread:
Quite frankly, Krystalfags don't even deserve the assist spot let alone the playable spot
AKA 90% smash leaks and 10% kickstarter fanart
Completely agree. Krystalfags are fucking cancer.
A lot of people forget just how obnoxious they were during the Sm4sh days.
I love good ol' karma
You can tell this wasn't made by falseflaggers either. Genofags/isaacfags should never get their character playable.
Thanks for reminding me
What the fuck is that
tbh, I hope they get what they want
the assassination of franz ferdinand by gavrilo princip, guided by a flying furry with purple hair and a crown
I hope stevefags get BTFO again, and again, And again, they don’t deserve shit
Same here, there were a few asshat Genofags but for the most part, I found that most Genobros were pretty chill and supportive, even when the shitflinging was at it's height and it seemed like everyone was shitting on Banjo for based points. I hope it eventually works out for them like it did us.
How did this age? Banjo was just an ad excuse for MS
They're still waiting Yas Forums
steve gave smash threads an identity
now it's just stale and full of wannabe steves
They really did it to themselves
oh yeah baby
Fuck you. I wanted since Brawl
Did they do it?
I remember that one pic where it was basically "KRYSTAL GOOD EVERYONE ELSE BAD"
as someone who plays smash, what the fuck is wrong with people who play smash
Is this a furry guiding the start of World War 1?
Kinda want ashley
That's a painful read. Kindly delete this.
I still don't understand the image.
Also that's a modern handgun
Krystal is one of those characters that would've been a perfect addition during Brawl when she was all the rage (Adventures, Assault, and Command all being big releases during Brawl's time). I'm pretty sure Sakurai himself said that Krystal was considered over Wolf but Wolf was just an easier character to make.
She's completely forgotten in 2020 though. Not only is Star Fox dead, but whenever its dead corpse reanimates for a bit, it doesn't even bother with her.
>during Brawl when she was all the rage
She was only ever popular with furfag coomers, and they're just a loud minority.
This is why I exclusively play showdown.
You know what's odd?
For all the reverse image results that this has, whether it be google or the archives, there is not a single time that it was posted before Banjo's release. Really makes ya think.
I don’t. I don’t want the game ti have wasted slots and wasted potential on boring characters just so it makes some autism infectees happy.
Yep, and they spammed it everywhere after the poll was announced.
Smash 4? They were at peak cancer during Brawl.
Search harder
History repeats itself
you sound like you're part of the "autism infectees" that you have distate for
it literally can't get any worse than byleth from here unless it's a gen 8 shillmon
Rosterfags don't play Smash
Amen brother.
Krystalfags got vindicated when Zero was a piece of shit without her.
>when Zero was a piece of shit without her.
Her absence is not the reason it was bad
imagine being the loser who made this image
But we already got Byleth.
You smash stinkies still haven't recovered I see
That is what I said.
This was always a troll image because Ridley is not popular in the slightest.
I can't believe mario is dead
>I found that most Genobros were pretty chill and supportive
Do banjo fans really still think stevefags were doing all this for any other reason than to fuck with smashfags?
>they didn't believe in the power of the magic conch
they set themselves up for failure
What does this image imply?
Despite all the memes, I still hope he gets in
I like the edits of this image when they paint over them to make them different characters because ridley always ends up being really fucked up
imagine the seething if the second pack is nothing but my fire emblem waifus
hos will be madder than ever
>seemed like everyone was shitting on Banjo for based points
Remember that those losers did so because they were piss scared of being proven wrong. Every single falseflagger who coat-tailed K.Rool and Ridley, used Steve to shitpost and talk down to Banjofags all knew deep in their hearts that Banjobros wouldn't let them hear the end of it if Banjo-Kazooie got in. Now the cycle has started anew against Geno, and like before, the very same trolls and shit-flingers use the very same shitposts and falseflagging masks to talk down to Genobros. I supported Geno as my 2nd pick with Banjo as my first, I don't care either way if Geno gets in or not, I have Banjo, but I do hope Geno gets in just to watch the very same trolls lose their minds.
They were serious from the beginning. No one could possibly dedicate that much time and effort unless they were seething with hatred for an Anons' support for a character to be added as DLC to a video game.
>parody is in the name
Who could forget the epic moving of goalposts when Banjo was confirmed.
>He'll get cut next game!
>Bear noises!
>They'll use the N&B design!
>It's only because of screaming manchildren!
>*Smug face* Well I don't see him on the fighter select screen, that means he's still not in!
>He'll be low tier!
>Sakurai was held at gunpoint! He hated working on them!
What was your favorite excuse from the haters? Mine is still the screeching of cutfags.
Watching them seethe over Wolf a second time was hilarious, but kind of pathetic though.