

Attached: 6bf8782559de77ce8417461388b386db.jpg (2132x1697, 440.31K)

Hifumi and Yukiko are best girls!

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How can other Lovers even compete?

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I prefer real women

Yukari. She's an actual character.

Having an actual personality for starters.

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fuck middle, marry right, kill left. i don't even know these characters names or the game that they're from

They both have such hairy bushes though.

Ann has a thick bush too.



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Any of them have an interest in latex fashion?


there is no choice

how can one girl be so perfect

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No offense but they are the worst girls in their respective games.
They are just too genericly pretty. I get that is suppose to be their thing but still. They are boring af

Whose belly button is the most ticklish?

kill, rape, marry

I choose a non-slut (none in this image)

now what

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Can we classify Yukari and Anne as gyarus/gals? I know Rise is an idol but she seems to come off as gyaru a bit too.

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Between those three options, the answer is obvious.

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I love Fuuka!

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Attached: tickling Rise crop.png (835x787, 850.19K)

Sex with Ann! Sex with Ann in the butt and pussy!

None of them, but Rise would be the most likely to play along convincingly.
Ann would be confused, then when she realized what you were trying to do she would do a very bad acting job trying to laugh.
Yukari would just look at you with disgust.

Anne is my wife and the love of my life.

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yukari its underrated

I want to lick Rise's tummy
And maybe Yukari and Ann's aswell.

Ann isn't into anal

If a girl isn't really ticklish, she's getting a yeet. I don't want a dead fish as my dish.

None of the above

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Well if I superglue them then I’d be able to fuck all three

Yukari: 16
Rise: 15
Ann: 16

Rise wins


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I don't really care

neither of those

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then you're a cuck or a shit skin. just found the full pic. yikes

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>Introducing the new idol group LOVER[S]
>With their hit album "Personality is Overrated but Dicks are Forever"

Kill yourself incel.

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Naughty Rise

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nice quads

But can you handle the far more difficult choice?

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There's no choice to be made here, I love Anne.

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>worst girl of each game
Sure, I choose Yukiko to die she's the most boring and plain but the other 2 aren't far behind.

Yukiko is the easiest decision ever

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I want all three of them to findom me

Correct, you have won the thread.


Yukari is best to marry. She'd be a good mom, since she had a shitty mom and thus knows exactly what not to do.

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I might like Makoto a little more, but I couldn't pass up a comfy life at the inn with Yukiko.

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threads like these make me bang my head against the wall
