How do RPG characters carry all their items?

How do RPG characters carry all their items?

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what am i suppose to be looking at here?

the sheer pettiness of women

full grown balding ass man wearing a backpack

the person taking the photo wanted to make fun of him because he's bald, but that's not socially acceptable, so they pointed out a random characteristic and tried to make it sound bad

Where was he?

Bet you she carries a purse

Someone judging another human being because of reasons.

what's wrong with packbacks?

where else is the cunt gonna carry her walleyed chihuahua poodle mixbreed? look at her retard ass icon she picked and tell me she doesnt have a rat dog at all times.

Doesnt matters you're a full grown balding man. Shouldnt be wearing a jansport backpack like some little kid


I fucking love backpacks

Looks like a doctors office

someone post her

If backpacks are bad how do I carry stuff?

Why are backpacks a problem in burgerland? Here in Australia, nobody would give a shit and just assume you're on your way to work or you've got somewhere to be and need to carry a lot of shit.

men are pathetic

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how the fuck do you carry bigger shit around on foot then?

him wearing a button up shirt with shorts is the actual issue

backpacks are literally only acceptable for children, hikers, and homeless

and why the fuck not?

Adults use briefcases.

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Ironically, the actual woman behind this image is a nasty hambeast.

I can't fit my laptop in my pocket. Do you have jnco jeans or something?

What is the issue?

Pictured is the woman who made the post. I chose the most flattering image of her I could find because I didn't want to subject you to the rest.
As usual the people who give a shit enough to snap other folk are always disgusting with issues of their own.

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What are men supposed to use to carry stuff?
I wouldn't mind to carry a hobo style stick with a rag tied on the end

look at these stupid bald grown ass men

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People in glass houses and all that

Oh you're one of those autists who thinks they're like the dudes on Mad Men.

No anime titties on the walls

>using a briefcase to carry random items with not jobable propose
retarded af

there's no live, laugh, love thing in the apartment

lolololol triggered inc*ls

>admits superficial harassment and judgment are very hurtful for her
>pettily harasses and judges someone else

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In a satchel like a fucking adult

Backpacks are literally made for children. It's like seeing a guy wearing cargo shorts. You're 35 not 5

well its not a yappy ratdog but its close enough. when that thing goes full retard least hell have food for weeks.

wearing backpacks too what a bunch of fucking faggots!

>dressing up like army men like a child
fucking losers

As a man you should be able to carry all of your shit in your pockets. Unless you are traveling cross country. I mean what do you actually need?

>mints or gum

That's literally all I carry every day. Even if you carry a firearm, you don't need a fucking man purse or backpack.

Yas Forums wont get it but yes an adult man should never carry a backpack

If they laugh at him, they won't laugh at her.

because fat "people" are sub human

I guess this place really is reddit

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kys roastie

it just looks barren and uninviting desu, its ok if you just moved but if you have 6+ months living there and you don't have anything else makes me think the fridge must be full of bud lights and 3 week old sausages.

ever heard of a suitcase?

jumbo box of condoms for my magnum dong

>Christine Sydelko

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It's literally devoid of anything that makes it comfortable


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I use a raggity 5 dollar messenger bag I bought at my library that has the words fading off of it. I attract women just fine while wearing it.
Like video games in public this is another one of those things where people who hate themselves want to pretend like they're above people who don't.

My Switch tablet.


>i only carry my belongings in a mature briefcase for mature members of society such as myself
you are a cuck to conformity

video games in public while wearing a backpack, name a more cringe combo

This. Shorts are for young boys, physical activity, or the beach. Trousers are appropriate for everything else.

A walking stereotype. Good God

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is that a fully grown (plus extra grown) women wearing a cap?

have (you)? suitcases are for documentation only

A messenger bag is a mans bag. The guy is literally wearing a backpack in the OP

>Bernie t-shirt
it's like the jokes write themselves

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i swear these people are trying to look like her

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They literally do this for the social media equivalent of (you)s

lmao nice purse faggot
you got matching lipstick and heels to go with that?

They have to, she probably cant.

Women don't have principles. They have preferences and impulses and they don't really think about them too much.

That chair looks extremely comfortable though

>Animal farm

>I'd rather have a wand that can cast an instant death spell than a gun
I know these people don't think, but fuck.


I'm starting to be unable to see women as humans.

kys weeb gamer

You're not allowed to be a man and carry things with you.

You should even go out with an empty backpack on. If you get robbed the odds of him going for it and running are higher than him going for it and making you empty your pockets. Plus you never know if you'll get a random encounter that ends with you having stuff to carry

Women are literally incapable of sympathy or empathy.

>adding the suffix "-ass" to grown or whatever descriptor of an adult
why do people do this

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Is this "back packs are for kids" an Ameican thing?

Technically the former is better for killing people who aren't armed with guns, since it guarantees instantaneous death, while a gun often doesn't.

Post packs.
Right pack for bigger things like work laptop and larger consoles/equipment.
Left pack is the "day pack" usually only personal laptop, switch, and battery backups.
Then anything else randomly needed.

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I don't carry anything other than wallet and phone plus im not a 30yo balding man like guy in OP's pic

Cringe-ass post right here desu senpai

is this a rhetorical question? because its pretty fucking obvious

>eat recycled food, its good for the environment, and ok for you.

>Cape shit
>Roman helmet
>Fox hound
a mixed bag

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backpacks are infinitely better for your posture and if you don't carry anything in the first place your opinion carries no weight

yeah, it's rhetorical.

>Go out
>Find some awesome sales
>have to carry shit about in bags or come back later when going home at the risk of it being gone

Wearing a backpack isn't even noticeable, its just extra space in case you need it. Completely logical to always have one

yes I'm a gamer, how can you tell?

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>0 results found

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did you pull this pic from reddit?


cool, I remember when I was 16y/o.

common literature in american english classes
I guess they're trying to appear intellectual

Of course its from Reddit, its the only place apart form twitter where this shit is encouraged and normalised


She's an ugly landwhale irl

I've actually never been to reddit.
All I know from reddit I know from Yas Forums.

Based illiterate


Women aren't funny, though.

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>"mature" fedora fags seething over a fucking backpack
never gonna make it