Hello Yas Forums, back again with another Yas Forums3 thread.

As you know Yas Forums3 is a Yas Forums hosted digital E3, etc. etc. The current plan is to host it the weekend before or the weekend of what E3 would have been. Here's how we'll break down the two days:

Day One: Shitposting games
-No inherent requirements. Only to show off dumd fun OC of various nature.
-Can just be art, audio, video, fake trailers and gameplay, shitposting, whatever.

-Reserved for showing actual games being made/game stuff
-Showing of real games coming out
-Spots for real devs creating their own games
-Places for any actual interviews we get
Those days may switch around. As of now, we have three confirmed indie studios participating which are:
>ToeJam and Earl devs (HumaNature)
>Running with Scissors
>Mega Cat Studios
>Funktronic Labs
as well as some more being talked to at the moment.

But that's where YOU come in. We want as many indie developers as we can get their moment to shine. So this is your chance to either link me to your game and we can talk about the expo, or link me to a game that we should HIRE THIS MAN for Yas Forums3.

Twitter: twitter.com/v3expo_official

Excel sheet for now: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gu5aR6OgFMuuofxVSLUjeXlA8iwALMQlHTSqP6Kt5eA/

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what is this fucking cancer

Well this also doubles a the main Yas Forums3 thread for today. Just had something I wanted to specifically focus on.

kill yourself

reddit shit

>everything new and different is reddit

this, a fucking smash thread died for this

If only there was a way to.... I dunno... Make a new thread?

This is gay but you only wanted 3 of the 30 /agdg/ games in.
The fuck man.
Fuck you

I think you should try to get somebody from THQNordic, maybe get some info on BfBB Rehydrated or the DAH remake.

THQ would be pretty cool

there's no way thq will even consider that

What? I pointed out ones I thought were far enough in development to showcase. Did I not choose yours?

Fucking retarded nigger you already forgot what happened.
They won't do it here since 4chins doesn't play real vidya anymore.
Does anybody remember last year and that salt train?

Ah, true. Probably don't want a repeat of the eightchan incident.

First off calling it an incident is gay.
Second it only happened due to glorious mark being a jew.
Third it was pretty good.

it was, but they got so much backlash for it that there's no way they'll collaborate with any chan ever again

>First off calling it an incident is gay.
And what the hell am I supposed to call it?


>Probably don't want a repeat of the eightchan glorious.
boy, am i glad you're not a writer

Have a bump OP

die newfag cancer

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Thanks user.

Boy we really split Yas Forums down the middle huh. You're either for or against v3 there's no middle ground

but why?

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op, when do you think the site will be ready?
reisen? more like raisin

You notice with these newfag replies it's always the same wording? Like almost exactly; the insults are near the same every time.

Well I'm having htmlfag rush it because we now have actual teams signed on, so I'm hoping this week. We're getting the domain and I'm trying to get htmlfag to be done by then.

I think this is pretty cool but unfortunately Yas Forums is a completely fucking piece of shit that doesn't give a flying shit about videogames, just about coomposting, and acting like contrarian pieces of shit with so many meta-ironic layers of retarded shitposting there's barely any place for geunine, unique, fresh and fun discussions and activities anymore.
Best of luck, you guys are rad in my book.

Thanks user. I'm glad we have some interested people! Hopefully it's a success and we can make this an annual event.

>Yas Forums3
mite b kool

>waaah waaah Yas Forums is shit
>doesn't contribute

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Yeah you are right but it has attracted a handful of people already. There's some nice art and some actual devs are taking interest. Seems like it's largely oldfags too. So there is some hope in this.

Gotta have something to communicate with non Yas Forums devs and discord I got yelled at for.

Is there a plan of presentation?

Yes but that stays with Organizerfags till closer to the expo. Probably once the site is up well start building the schedule on there. For now it's just labeled as, day one shitposting day 2 serious Vidya

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Minecraft 2 off to a strong start

>communicate with non Yas Forums
yes. like i said, cancer

please take your reddit garbage back to that shithole of a site

How else do you think we got 4 almost 5 full studios to join.

>This isn't a game screenshot, it's actually terraria.

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this sucks, dude

Again, where did that Minecraft 2 logo come from.

Suck a brown brick of shit out of my asshole

We already have Vidya Awards. Nobody wants your shit, particularly not /adgd/.
Go to suck off a cactus you faglord.

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Alright, glad to see this seems to be going somewhere


you're the angriest gamer i've ever heard
they are completely different things you fucking retard
>duhh why do we need e3 if we already have the game awards?

/adgd/ was interested. The hell? You're just pissy because I didn't single out whatever game you made and beg you to join.

>You're just pissy because I didn't single out whatever game you made and beg you to join.
I doubt. They just find it fun to insult. Which yes, it is fun.

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Not disputing that.

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So, are we gonna do a Squilliam collage near the event like we do for E3 every year?

That's the plan.


so does like my indie demo gotta be in a finished state?

So you don't HAVE to have a demo, if you do we'll add it to the site, but a trailer will do.

when is the deadline?

End of May. We'll have a concrete date soon.