Post some WOOOOOOOOOOOW moments

post some WOOOOOOOOOOOW moments

Attached: halo wooooooooooooooooow.webm (960x540, 2.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

WOOOOOW I keep walking forward like a retard WOOOOOOW

Attached: DDDA_bullied.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Attached: it keeps happening.webm (480x270, 2.77M)

Attached: Uncharted.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

seems like a hop the right would have saved him?

Attached: wow nothing i could do.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Is a fucking woman or a genuine retard playing this?

Attached: CSGO.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)


Attached: 1452460871771.png (400x400, 6.17K)

Why didn't he lock on?

Attached: 1408925147336.webm (844x468, 1.89M)

rare wow coming through

Attached: StarCraft ghost.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

Attached: outskilled.webm (950x534, 1.72M)

Attached: uncharted 4.webm (960x540, 2.41M)

Attached: outskilled 2.webm (1360x768, 1.82M)

To be fair to DSP, that is actual fucking bullshit.

Attached: 1448006561659.webm (608x360, 1.01M)

DSP can't figure out how to properly use lock on in most games. He couldn't even figure it out when playing Kingdom Hearts 3


Attached: 1499056878044.webm (600x338, 1.52M)


Attached: interesting_1.webm (720x404, 750.23K)

>using the plasma rifle
You get what you deserve

what the fuck happened here? The guy is holding completely still like a good little counterstrike faggot, how did he miss every single shot?

Attached: 1499992604528.webm (768x480, 995.52K)

Attached: No Fun Allowed.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Attached: monkey (1).webm (400x400, 1.84M)

Because CS is not actually a shooter, it's a pattern memorization game.

Attached: Martyr Logarius.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

Attached: 1522444431610.webm (747x420, 2.89M)

Attached: Dark Souls 1 remake.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

spray patterns that have RNG mixed into them
it is a rare occurrence, but considering the nature of the game, it should never happen

War Thunder

Attached: bomb delay.webm (600x338, 703.28K)

This fucking shit made me rage. I've always played that series on the highest difficulty because (outside of 1) it felt the most balanced. But those mother fuckers and their 100% accuracy with grenades was on a whole other level.

Attached: Grand Theft Auto Vice City 11.05.2017 - (960x540, 2.6M)

I agree. The hitboxes for backstabs is totally broken as fuck for some reason when enemies do it. From Software can't code hitboxes for shit.

He was talking about the mimic grab, not the knight backstab

Who the fuck was playing that? A gaming journalist? Fucking noob can't beat slow moving enemies that don't even have range weapons.

what is the benefit of domesticating a tortoise?

i wonder if this game was as bad as this looks lol

Attached: vice city nice bike.webm (600x336, 2.7M)

He literally turns around and gets backstabbed. If he had kept swinging, he would have killed it. Also, he doesn't even use a charge attack as a first hit.

This one cracks me up every time

Nigga, that's kawaii.

Attached: 1559810358145.jpg (1920x1080, 261.59K)

they can bite things pretty hard

Attached: 1583812092803.webm (718x404, 741.23K)

>it loops perfectly

After watching these... I actually have way more respect for Code Vein for not having bullshit hit boxes.

To be honest, this fight is fucking bullshit. In the original it was piss easy, but the in the latest releases the game change genre completely.

To be fair to tommy unless you're pointblank kickback makes it VERY hard to be accurate with a gun. Even a pistol will surprise someone with how much their trajectory changes once the pistol goes boom.

free moving table

Git gud

Look at the webm I quoted.

I told you about those waterfalls bro

my ancestor

>He was talking about the mimic grab, not the knight backstab

Does it matter if it was a backstab or mimic grab? The hit boxes were such bullshit that the enemies still got you from behind while you were facing them.

Is this the new game?
If so I can understand trying to keep the old art style but this literally looks like just like the old psx CTR.

Get your eyes checked you blind retarded dipshit.

Attached: just fuck my shit up.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

nigger he turns around in the backstab one because he's not locked on and tries to create distance

Looks like the new game to me since whoever is 4th place was never in the original psx version.

>Does it matter
Yes it does. While the mimic grab was unfair, the knight backstab was DSP's fault


no he didn't turn around. The game registers that the enemy backstabbed for no good reason which cause the animation to automatically turn you around to play the backstab animation.

Attached: 1566769207767.webm (960x540, 1.41M)

Literally any part of Dark Souls that required platforming. Ruined what would otherwise be a perfect game.

look, the balder knight is still in its hit recovery animation and DSP's character is already turning around

Attached: dspturn.png (1259x707, 1000.39K)

waith holy shit i think i was on that video, the same thing happened to me in the same way.

>Get your eyes checked you blind retarded dipshit.
Maybe if the webm wasn't so shut quality I would be able to tell.
>Pic related
Perhaps nostalgia has blinded me
Also they didn't have skin changes like tiny tiger. Also 3rd place is a new character.

Attached: CTRNF_Reveal_BeforeAfter1.jpg (864x1080, 215.67K)

>no he didn't turn around.
Yes he did. Watch it again and you'll see


Attached: mashen.gif (520x246, 2.6M)

Attached: Beheaded-Kamikaze-Serious-Sam-video-game-c.jpg (500x987, 106.05K)

out fucking skilled

underrated post

Welcome to Mario Kart!

He turned around for the knight, the mimic has a ohko grab during it's getting up animation, so while it's bullshit that it can hit behind itself, it wasn't a backstab

aww man that was upsetting. The punch just clipped through him. Bullshit hitboxes.

What's up with the webm?
Looks like your basic everyday gank in for honour

that room is bullshit

he didn't curve the bullet


Attached: w1w96.webm (540x302, 2.3M)

I thought for sure they were going rape it and kill it or something.

this never gets old


Attached: 1568941435309.gif (267x212, 2.91M)

Me too, chimps are fucked.

Post it

it keeps happening

>I thought for sure they were going rape it and kill it or something.

Oh come on... they're apes, not niggers.

post what?

The upper cut before always keks me

Long lifespan

Attached: zskill.jpg (4685x2457, 313.2K)