Thoughts on nuJill's nushotgun?
Thoughts on nuJill's nushotgun?
Does it use shells or firecrackers?
it appears to be useless
It's the Doom 3 shotgun
Looks worthless. Maybe okay for finishing off a zombie that fell over.
The spread is like the metal slug shotgun, however it doesn't seem to do any damage at all.
thats not how a shotgun works
I'd nurape her
Why do shotguns always get unfair treatment?
i played through remake several times, and im gonna say it.
this game looks like shit and i won't be buying it.
>zombie literally 6 feet away
>Every single shot still misses
absolutely disgusting
Yas Forums talking out of their arses already.
Go frame by frame on the video until you can see she pulls the trigger aiming literally at the ground.
The recoil makes the barrel go upwards violently thus spreading the pellets like that
Unless you're an eurofag take any shotgun and shoot at the ground, see what happens
Because game devs hate fun.
Could have went with the ricochet explanation but you instead chose to bait.
It really does look like shit doesn't it? RE2 Remake was garbage and that was made by the A team whereas this one is some random indie gook dev recycling assets and code. It's gonna be absolute trash loved by Netflix watching normies and hated by classic die hard RE fans.
i meant to say REmake 2. obviously remake 1 is a masterpiece above both games, but i liked REmake 2. this game looks like shit not worth $60
Maximum cope
the spread is literally a circle, with no pellets in the middle
you actually tried to lay out an argument and yet you're still
1. retarded
2. wrong
listen to the other anons, shill
because muh game balance, If shotties were even halfway realistic they'd be sickeningly overpowered.
it'll most likely improve with upgrades
That's the worst spread I've seen. Still hyped tho.
>literally RE4 shot spread
I think they upped the spread because it has a different purpose from the shotgun in RE2R.
In RE2R it was supposed to reliably decap zombies.
I think its purpose in RE3R is going to be to stagger zombies in big groups, since there is going to be more of them than in RE2R.
Which sounds shit and I hope I'm wrong, I'd rather keep it like RE2R's and just have less ammo available to balance it if their worried about it being the best weapon in the game again.
I have multiple shotguns. You can't spread the bbs no matter how much you jerk the gun but still have absolute control over it. You aren't fast enough to move the gun faster than the bbs come out to get a spread like that in a perfect circle. The spread is also pretty tight on birdshot up to around 40-50 feet in my experience, not a 12 foot wide circle at 12 feet.
Ruining the shotgun is the quickest way to ruin a shooting game. Prove me wrong
More like frotflint XD
I can't because you're correct
I can't
especially a resident evil game, satisfying shotguns are a staple
It's going to be exactly like the RE2 Remake shotgun, used exclusively for one shot kills to the head at close range
yeah buddy, that doesn't happen. even with a cylinder choke the spread will not be 7 feet wide at that range. this is retarded
What games have shotguns done right?
Shotguns in vidya are the faggots balls
false, it was the best way to ruin modern warfare 2
the whole point of survival horror is conserving your VALUABLE resources and using them sparingly. NU RE just makes every gun worthless and forces you to run around like a jackass the entire game. Why not just make ammunition scarce as fuck and actually let us have weapons that do something? I don't understand their philosophy with this shit. if every gun feels like a piece of shit what's the point of giving us weapons
say what you want about the circle but that lighting looks impressive
>Which sounds shit
I could actually be pretty cool if the city were to be more "alive" (no pun intended) and the zombie mowing were to be more TACTICOOL without making the action suffer from it
But yeah, no way Capcom will pull it off
Half-life, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Fear, Borderlands 1. and others I'm missing
Because if the weapons actually did something then zombies would be a total joke. Whether you like the bullet sponges or not, a hallway of zombies is only a threat in RE2 Remake because they've got such high HP. If they died to 4-5 bullets to the head then any even moderately skilled player could clear out a whole room in like 30 seconds. Plus it gives the shotgun an important role as a one shot kill, which is incredibly useful.
>noguns tries to explain how guns work
Which is the whole point of having scarcer resources. I agree with the user. Zombies are walking decaying corpses. They shouldn't be made out of titanium. Give me less bullets but a gun that acts like a fucking gun.
I thought RE2make did fine, the weapons other than the handgun kill pretty easily, and the handgun can drop a zombie in 3 headshots as long as you're not on hardcore, which is the mode where running around like a jackass trying to cheese past zombies is the point.
FEAR, Doom, Dusk, Killing Floor mod off the top of my head
>Plus it gives the shotgun an important role as a one shot kill
okay but that's moot point when I can't hit a zombie standing not 4 feet away because of the absurd spread
>exactly like the RE2 Remake shotgun
If you make bullets rare and give the zombies one hit kills to compensate, then you get bosses who die in 4 bullets.
no you couldn't because they could just make ammo less common.
Not if they know what they're doing. Take Birkin 2 for instance. He gets an environmental kill.
Did RE4 have bullet impacts? It always seemed like a kind of cloud to me.
Your nogunz status is showing, user.
2's shotgun is fine, see 3's looks awful in this webm, and I'm hoping there's a good explanation for it.
do you not see the zombie in the RE3 webm being hit the exact same way? i think its just the same but with additional impact sparks
>that waste of a second shot for no reason
This pisses me off more than it should.
Again, if zombies die in 4-5 hits, they're no longer threatening and makes like 80% of the game a cakewalk. Imagine cutting the ammo you receive in game by like 80%, then set all zombies to die with 4-5 well placed headshots. You have effectively removed most of the difficulty from the game because any enemy in your way will go down within a second of you shooting them.
>SPAS and JP case
Exceedingly based, this is the movie that got me into guns
>it's a /k/ pretends anyone cares how real guns work episode
>Take Birkin 2 for instance. He gets an environmental kill.
That shit also fucked up the other forms
>Birkin 2 does not die or goes down to anything barring the crane
>form 3 and 4 just eat a lot of bullets and are out
That's a cute Leia
Is 2makes shotgun one of the worst in gayming? Awful sound effects and literally no recoil. As far as re games go the first shotgun in 4 is the best.
Yeah, it's a high risk high reward weapon. If you get up close to a zombie you can take him out instantly with a well placed shot. It encourages you to get in close instead of standing farther away and picking them off one at a time.
>it' a Yas Forums wants to talk about guns while disregarding the board that talks about guns episode
how is she suppose too see with all that hair in her face
Unironically this.
Also, long range deer hunting with slugs is absolutely a thing.
Bossberg 500>>>>>>>>>>>>Remingshit 870
>snipes you from across the map with slugs
guns in games are not guns in real life
>The virgin Rustington 870
>being hit the exact same way
>falls to the ground in one shot while unphased in the OP