Where's the hype?
Where's the hype?
Do you own a headset?
It's in my pants.
It's got Last Guardian syndrome.
We're all tired of waiting.
Just release it and let us decide.
I'd be hyped maybe if it wasn't VR but now it's strictly limited to me watching a let's play of the game on youtube and dropping the let's play if it's not interesting to watch
Lmao are you poor? Get a job shitter lmao
Should I live stream it on Twitch or YouTube?
Or are people not likely to watch that?
I'll watch pewdiepie play it or maybe vinesauce idk
I'll leave overhyped board spam to smashies and zoom eternal
Looking forward to it, one week left. That's all that matters.
It's not a real Half-Life game.
In my pants
my hype died the instant I found out its not a half life game, but instead some VR thing
I have an index so I get it for """""Free"""""" so I'll play it, but im pretty lukewarm on it since I haven't really enjoyed any vr games not even vr porn
Too little, too late. Its been ages, and its a fucking prequel. The main writer left, and the art director from HL2 left as well. Probably others involved in the prior games too. Valve didnt keep HL going because they didnt "feel like it", shows how much they care about their fans.
>Drive all discussion off because of poorfag seething
>"W-where's the hype"
Can't wait for threads comparing Alyx sales to Warzone concurrent players as a massive cope
>its a fucking prequel
If the time travel stuff is real, it'll probably implicitly canonize and then retcon Epistle 3 so they can make a new future timeline with the new writing staff.
There's potential hints at a Blue Shift/OpFor style followup.
I don't have VR
You need a decent PC + a head set to run play this so most people cant play it, but it will be interesting to see how many copies it will sell.
I never got paid to shill it.
Too many people excited for DOOM, Persona and Animal Crossing to care much for a game that requires a VR headset
I own a Rift but probably won't get this until after I upgrade my PC
Post a picture of you headset with timestamp.
>I'll watch pewdiepie
Go back.
I hope it gets affordable so you can play it some day!
go back to bed fabian you joyless doomed cunt
Is that some DIY photogrammatry?
I can afford 100 sacks of fertiliser. Doesn't mean I'm going to buy them.
>Where's the hype?
they showed gameplay
if you know what I mean
You can pick shit up in the Half Life 2 onwards. What makes VR so different? Gay.
>tech demo releasing around other good actual games
>requires high-end PC
>requires 1k headset
>requires large open room
There's been threads about Alyx everyday. You know there's hype, fag.
>requires large open room
it doesn't
lmao broke ass
Not him but I am hyped
I don't know who fabian is
I just don't enjoy VR
I own/have played beatsaber, boneworks, VRchat, etc
I did however enjoy half life1/2 and portal 1/2
I also built my current computer specifically to play VR games at the highest settings short of $2k
not liking VR does not mean you are poor or simply don't have VR you elitist fags
Yeah, it's my living room.
Valve dropped the ball hard not making a new L4D game instead, would be so fitting right now.
Seriously you should sell your Index right now, just check out the prices on Ebay
honestly I would, but I'm not the only one who uses it
You seem cool user, so I'm gonna stick to just watching you from behind those trees.
>requires 1k headset
Why do poorfags always lie so much?
b-but I deleted my exif data, TWICE
and changed the filename!
>Half life
>13 years since episode 2
Nobody cares about your boomergames ojii chan.
overshadowed by death virus as with all things currently
Do we know if those minimum specs assume an index? I would like to think its more lenient on less expensive headsets.
We can track you down using the pattern of your leaves on the ground.
oculus rift s and odyssey are out of stock, and I am not paying 1300 CAD to get an index.
I am still waiting on recommended specs and preloading. Less than 6 days.
PC can run it right now but I don’t have the credit for the index right now. Have to wait next month.
Well only about 1% of half life fans can afford to play it
people will just have to watch other people play it on youtube
Alyx was a decent character in Half Life 2 and all, but I honestly don't want to play as her.
>Doom Eternal drops Thursday night
>Half Life: Alyx on Monday
>Class shitcanned until the 20th of April
>Stockpiled on food a month ago
Yep, the end of the world is looking mighty comfy.
I paid 1477 CAD. Index won't be in stock anytime soon sadly
Can I scan my bedroom with a smartphone then import it as a scene in virtamate?
Why wouldn't you want 100 sacks of fertilizer? Are you a faggot user?
go away
>maxing out your credit to buy the most expensive VR headset
>hype for something no one ever wanted
you seem weird. why did you even buy an index if you hate vr? i take back the weird thing, you seem downright crazy.
>hey let's make that game everyone's been awaiting for so long
>but let's also make it require a VR peripheral and alienate 75% of our fans
>wait why isnt everyone hyped for a game they cant play
I'm looking forward to it, but as far as big stuff coming up, it's probably the lowest thing after Doom, REmake 3, and FFVIIR. They've waited WAY too fucking long to release a new Half Life.
Can I get your Index?