There has never been a good Doom game

There has never been a good Doom game

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please don't use scatman john for your low-effort shitposts

And you're a nigger.


>There has never been a good FPS game

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Scatman here, OP is right

Don't taint scatman john with your shitposts

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Scatman is retarded because he was a brainwashed leftist who thought everyone is equal.


Fuck off, I've loved John Larkin ever since I found his debut album at a thrift shop back in the 80s. Great jazz record btw, reccomend it

Scatman was a Commie subhuman who should have been hung. Because of him, half a generation became SJWs.

I'm the invisible man

>Guy tells people to not be dickheads to others those who are different from you
>This angers Yas Forums
This is why I still dont consider right wingers as people. Literally brainwashed

This is now a John "The Scatman" Larkin Thread

Go back to /r/The_Donald

>musicians, actors, athletes, and all kind of celebrities are to blame for everything that's bad
>not parents who don't know how to raise their children
Take some responsibility, ffs.

Scatman, fat man, black and white and brown man
Tell me 'bout the colour of your soul.

>posts his most well known song
Have some proper scatcore

Nicktoons: Globs of Doom

back to you sick fuck

This is like a metal song played on a piano, p cool

>Be nice to other people? Hmph, what kind of commie propaganda is this?

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>implying anyone under the age of 26 even knows who that is

>posts his most well known song
but of course.

Brainwashed? Who? Literally listen to Scatman's World.

>You got to learn how to see in your fantasy

>Scatman, fat man, black and white and brown man
>Tell me 'bout the colour of your soul

>But how can someone win if winning means that someone loses?

Allegory that we should live in a fantasy bubble where real issues don't exist, thinks race is only skin-deep, literally speaks out against capitalism, respectively.
You have to be a fucking retard if you think Scatman wasn't trying to push his own political agenda.

Yas Forums actually thinks empathy is a conspiracy by the jews to weaken men


You're proving those other anons right, dipshit.

Also this

>no argument

Yeah, I may be a Yas Forumstard (rent-free, btw) but I don't fucking care about that, nor does it change anything. Scatman was a communist who lived with a deranged worldview.

objectively trash taste / never played BD

>Yas Forumsfaggot
>Calling others underaged

All you faggots not realizing that Scatman was a Communist Degenerate faggot need to be killed off now

>objectively trash taste
>never played BD

you're barking up the wrong tree, m8 - there's a difference between singing to higher ideals and being a full-on contemporary, paid by establishment bullhorn.

>not hating people of different races is a deranged worldview

>yeah I may be a Yas Forumstard
Stopped reading right there desu

>thinks race is only skin-deep, literally speaks out against capitalism
Both are 100% true.
You sure are getting alot of people on your side by casting everyone out who's different

Scatman was a neo-Zoroastrian Ba'athist tbqh desufam

This is Yas Forums you're talking to, these "people" think empathy is a jewish invention to make the white race weaker

>rent free
You fucking retards try to act like we summon you. If some cum guzzling retard says stupid shit straight out of that containment board of course people are going to snap at them. But you are too busy fantasizing about perfect Aryan cocks up your ass.
Thanks for baiting me.

samefag Yas Forumstard trying desperately to fit in

lot of false-flagging here - smells like streets of San Francisco


Hi John, is it true that you are living in Serbia with tupac?

Fallout New Vegas is a pretty great game

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What is true? Your prose is incomprehensible.
Is it true that he believes both these things? Yeah.
Is race only skin-deep and capitalism an inefficient type of economy? Don't get run over on the runway for the airplane heading to the South American shithole that will satisfy all your socialism needs.
>these "people" think empathy is a jewish invention to make the white race weaker
That's because people outside of Yas Forums don't fucking get it. It's fine that blacks and arabs have different characteristics, it's just that we shouldn't welcome them.
Nationalism is about the preservation of your own people, but has nothing to do with the extermination of others. Europe for Europeans, Asia for Asians and Africa for Africans. Simple as.
Second and last one isn't me.


doom fans are incredibly insecure, toxic masculinity soaked pseudo-incels that i'm almost certain are responsible for 90% of every "seethe tranny dilate faggot nigger" post on Yas Forums

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He just described the perfect world the humanity should strive for and you got absolutely nuclear
Seems like you've got a lot of growing up to do, bud

>using toxic masculinity unironically

News flash dummy, all art is political! :) Every single piece of art is also a political expression on some level

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>if you don't like capitalism you must like socialism
Why is everything always black and white with you retards? There isn't even a single society on this planet that is 100% capitalist or socialist. Even the U.S participates in aspects of socialism with their welfare programs and foodstamps.

Where do all the americans go to?

So do i.

My man

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>Even the U.S participates in aspects of socialism with their welfare programs and foodstamps
Which is exactly what is slowly destroying America. Any form of socialism inherently kills the host. It is a virus and nothing else

Why do you fuckers have to make everything about Yas Forums?

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What's the political expression of Pet Sounds? The message of that album is entirely personal. What is the political message of Piper At The Gates Of Dawn? Saucerful Of Secrets? The Glow Pt. 2?

>Even the U.S participates in aspects of socialism with their welfare programs and foodstamps.
ironically that only made black communities more shit and in general keeping old people alive with social securities does more harm to societies than good.

Counterpoint: "scat" perfectly describes his taste in vidya.

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Yas Forums makes everything about Yas Forums

>Why is everything always black and white with you retards?
Its a symptom of people with borderline personality disorder. Essentially their brain is hardwired to see things in extremes of good or bad.

The key symptom of the disorder is that they relentlessly seek out identity because they had some social influence that kept them from doing it as a child.


Unironical schizophrenia

Take me back, bros

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Ok boomer

correction FPS genre was never good.