Make it vidya

Make it vidya.

Attached: template.png (1130x900, 30.95K)

it don't matter

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so damn tired of this shit

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frickin predictabo

Attached: goose.png (1130x900, 512.43K)

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Will ubi ever Delet blackboard?

Attached: f02f3a3c26557e3508080767fb2df25404e227aaffeeb3c020006c707cabde1b_1-1.jpg (641x662, 64.32K)

Man Yas Forums doesn't do template drawthreads that much anymore. I miss them.

because people just use wojak these days sadly.

I didn't know Yas Forums liked my uncle's show so much. Pretty cool shit

I still remember the death of the Trick or Treat template threads...

Attached: 1507332066626.png (540x430, 72.97K)

Here's another fresh template of that Dark Souls Link strip.

Attached: 1584307958910.png (1043x1041, 20.71K)

Nice try Chandler. Maybe next time.

Attached: 1584484296483.png (1130x900, 66.65K)

I might need some time with this one, don't die thread

It took me way too much time to make this

Attached: 1584482324859.png (1130x900, 102.04K)

Attached: file.png (1130x900, 74.05K)

Someone should post all the templates they have, I don't actually have any saved.

Attached: carl.png (1130x900, 74.19K)

>still have a folder of Carls
>the pictures in it are 10 years old
oh god

Attached: secoff.png (1130x900, 68.01K)


>no more template threads
>no more YLYL
>no more Waifu Wednesday
>barely ever get threads where someone plays a game and posts screenshots to follow along anymore
>work overnight so even if 4am threads are still a thing I'm never there for them


Attached: agent carl.jpg (1130x900, 146.66K)

nunna dis mattahs

>nobodys even saying anything related to the game in Carl's voice

and it's also badly done

the person who did this should die and be buried in some niggers asshole

Alright I put way too much effort into this but here you go. I have my obligations same as the rest of us.

>There ya go...
>Finish it.
>That's right.
>Now then.
>Let's go see your sister...

Attached: Carl Marty.png (1130x900, 59.42K)

this one is nice 9/11

thanks for the cancer now my medical insurance is worth it

I think it's actually nicely done
I'm proud of you kid,are you going to show it on show and tell next week?

Man, fuck you.

fuck, forgot the door

Attached: loss.png (1043x1041, 821.64K)

wojaks really did ruin everything

I did it mom

Attached: MANAGER.png (1130x900, 144.16K)

nice one


please delete this shit

is athf the best show out?

Attached: 1584482324859.png (1130x900, 110.98K)

Yes, the only thing that comes close is Venture Bros.

I've seen so many 4am threads 404 these days

not more than 1 minute by the looks of it

Attached: yo senpai we gonna go in the friggin tv or wat.png (1130x900, 42.42K)

Half an hour with a mouse

Attached: light up the night.png (500x339, 317.57K)

are you proud?

IGN 7/10™ times I post one I get banned for it, last time was a full month.
Unfortunately I've regained control so I'm no longer awake for them unless it's a weekend

Attached: stu1.jpg (1624x800, 199.85K)

stealing this

I don't even get what the problem with them is, they're just threads where people either bullshit about video games or their problems, it's no different from Friday/Saturday night threads

if mods are banning for 4:00am threads, they need to be fucking replaced. Fuck those newfag tranny tourists.

Attached: 1584482324857.png (1130x900, 475.97K)


I tried

Attached: 1584482324859.png (1130x900, 59.99K)

thats why niggers should not be allowed to use a computer

I wholeheartedly believe that the mods are trying to kill Yas Forums as we know/knew it. They keep deleting and banning threads that are longtime cultural staples.

Attached: image.jpg (437x326, 130.28K)

I would suck that

Yas Forums died 8 years ago.

I made this one like a year ago.

Attached: carpplio.png (680x542, 43.84K)

people are being too harsh on you
I think it's amazing what people can do with a extra chromosome and paint

It's not just Yas Forums. Sakurafish was banned on Yas Forums.


this is why Yas Forums has some bad rep out there
