Why it is so comfy bros?
HoMM thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw I just focus on single hero
>mfw I skip a week quickly just to build an army (skip more if gold is not enough) to quickly rush for artifacts and chests around
>mfw I just quit when someone kills the main hero
4 was more comfy
oh and also
>auto combat always turned on
I just want to see the goddamn artifacts, and rush for enemy heroes when I find the shackles so that faggot Solmyr can't spam chain lightning and retreat.
False. 3 is as comfy as it gets.
Should i get it while its cheap on sale currently?
Does it run well on windows 10?
>auto combat always on
>not autistically minmaxing every fight so that you take no losses
Never gonna make it.
Nice music, nice map, shit factions.
I used to do that but then I realized that I am a fucking consoomer and want to see what the map brings me.
Heroes 3 complete is 75% of on GOG.
Go for it. Runs great. Get the HD mod or install HOTA though.
Works fine, get the russians' HD+ mod, not official HD. Brings quality of life updates rather than just graphics.
Thats why im thinking about buying it
Heroes 3 succession wars mod is also Peak comfy.
10/10 retro art style
11/10 music
Guess ill get it then, thanks for letting me know
Any other mods i should look up?
Surely you jest.
>more ornate art clashing with blocky H3 UI design
>Fortress is literally just drawn over in MS Paint
>new creature sprites are all visibly amateurish
If you're ever thinking about playing multiplayer then HOTA is a must-have, this is where the community gathers. Adds a new town(another one soon), new campaign and has the HD mod already included.
I don't think you need anything more desu.
I recommend this 101 hand made maps, I just download it, I am testing some maps, it´s great!
Same user another question, are the majority of mods on sites like moddb or on their own sites?
OP here, I will never install HOTA, I hear the new town is overpower and they nerfed my Necropolis.
fuck it!
Oh wow that looks neat. Are ghosts OP as fuck like in HoMM 2 or did they tone that down?
this game should be banned. it's extremely dangerous. I seriously have never played any other game in my life that is as dangerous as hom3.
>ah well I will just play a game for 90 mins to chillax before I go to bed. work starts tomorrow at 8 o clock
>suddenly it's 3:40 AM
>mfw I can't upload any reaction faces due to some faggot abusing the 4ching-chong shittery and range-ban IP for upload funny cat macros
> I hear the new town is overpower
Cove is actually weak
>and they nerfed my Necropolis.
Good fucking riddance
You mean Cove? It used to be really strong sure, but they nerfed it pretty badly. I'm assuming the necro nerf is so that people are actually allowed to use it in multiplayer without being called cheaters. Let's be honest here. necro was always too good.
They are better than ghost in HoMM3 for sure.
Maybe that's why every game since 3 was released unfinished, no one could contain such power, only Russians came close.
Some guy on Youtube make the 100 weeks grow Cove vs any other town, and Cove always win.
>Cove is actually weak
>2nd upg for 3rd tier for gorgon stare
>300hp Haspids
>those shot and cast sorceress
>dat Craig Hack 2
>100 weeks growth
So not really an actual gameplay situation.
i think the ambient noises (birdsong etc) that play during your main turn help alot
for me, it's always been Castle
Heaven is on our side
Is that in HotA?
No, it's a recreation of an NWC in development screenshot that never saw the light of day.
>100 weeks grow Cove
Have you ever had a game that took 100 weeks?
It was the originally planned faction to be added to the game in the first expansion but it got scrapped after autists sent death threats to the devs.
They had a point, that 40k shit would spoil the comfy, there's a reason HoMM generally avoided that aspect of M&M lore.
It was truly a gift to mankind.
Where the fuck is new hota update? They promised a new town on new year's eve and we're already halfway through march.
Wish they went for recreating it instead of doing whatever Factory is turning itself into.
Sandro was best vilain in strategy game up to date. Nothing comes close to his raw evilness and convoluted planes.
You mean Solmyr the Based?
For me it would be best if they never dropped cathedral, and gave us evil castle we always deserved
I kinda liked how they tried to tie the factions into the magic system but it did suck how they basically mashed a bunch of homm iii factions together.
Forge would've been worse. Sci-fi level makes sense as a climax and a twist of an RPG adventure, but in HoMM, theoretically every faction should start on an even footing. In that regard, even steampunk-ish Factory is gonna have a hard time fitting in
When was Solmyr a vilain?
is it possible to be a mermaid empire in these games?
I'm being hones here. Please listen and understand, I'm absolutely being frank when I say this game is dangerous for us mere mortals. It's demonic or angelic, I do not know, but it's otherworldly, that I know.
I don't even...I was never even interested in these type of games my entire life. I installed HoM&M3 for shits and giggles and it almost depleted my lifeforce. It will ruin your grades, make you fail your exams, sabotage your PhD, make your fiance leave you.
It's THAT powerful. You have been warned.
bro you just posted cringe
Is Heroes 6 good?
It's okay if you take it as an adventure RPG with a decent fantasy story. As a Heroes game, it's pretty terrible for a variety of reasons.
No. Anything past 5 is garbage.
2D > 3DPD
I think we know who wins this battle.
Are HD voxel models as expensive to make as HD sprites? I always liked the visual clarity that frankly all top down games had before 3D models became the norm. Or did they look better simple because the visual direction was better?
never touch Factorio