King Virus has infected the princess!

King Virus has infected the princess!
Use your vidya knowledge to save her!

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Download cheats and use God Mode.

Turn 360 and moon walk away, that thot is done for and I won't get infected.

Start coofing to scare away the virus

Aren't those the germs from Jimmy Neutron, the episode where he gets everyone sick?

I wrap the princess in toilet paper

that's not even the right kind of virus

Those are what viruses look like yes.

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They’re bacteriophages

That's a bacteriophage. They don't cause illness in humans.

Based virologist.

working on it.

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She will be fine. That's just a phage.

Thanks doctor

Just wait 30 seconds and her health will stop ticking down.

We are too late. The princess must be purged.

Fucking phonefaggots draw something you posers

those virusses infect bacteria, not humans
literally just walk right past it


I got this here tablet right in front of me but you were mean so no.

Thats a bacteriophage not a virus you quadrouple brainlet

those are UB

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What? How can you even consider that?

Which one should i use.

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I won't draw for you shitty thread, the princess isn't even hot fuck you.

yeah but he's really big and humans are like large bacteria tho

>Just walk past it bro! It can't harm you!

Thanks fags.

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Look out, user! Chinese knock-off HUNK is after you!

at least the wound won't be infected

>the princess isn't even hot
dude she's fucking 39 °C what are you talking about

>evil virus
>in the shape of the chad bacteriophage

Attached: _66413229_m0900092-bacteriophage_virus-spl[1].jpg (1024x576, 39.23K)

these things terrify me
they look so ominous and the fact that they're kind of alive but technically aren't is creepy as hell

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She should take some paracetamol to lower her temperature.



wow i can do this shit in my sleep

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god damn it how do i get around this

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Sword, wide sword then long sword


>surprise them with sword
>when they side step attempting to dodge a second sword hit the with wide sword
>when they try to escape after taking all that damage hit them with long sword
You are a genius user

>draws a phage, which infects bacteria

the rest of the world will thank me in the future when they don't get sick from this virus

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>the princess is actually harmful bacteria and the phage is trying to save you

do i have the right idea

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Bacteriophages are viruses.

It's like saying humans aren't apes because apes don't build houses.

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How long until the virus causes her to grow a dick?

it's crazy how chemicals can just stick together in so many different ways that just by chance they eventually create a tiny self-replicating machine

Now it's a waiting game
Virus king goes to the hospital or he dies

Don’t you mean make her dick grow bigger?


so are these things like alien nanobots or what

I distract him with succulent bacterias for him to phage on so I can sneak by undetected

But what if your princess is a bacteria?

I'd like to use my vaccine digimon.

In the order I specified, sword wide sword then long sword

all life basically just boils down to a bunch of grease bubbles that happen to contain environments suitable for obscure chemical reactions inside them

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Fox 3 is a radar-guided missile.

i thought it was a big schnoz

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