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>Wojack thread
>Getting upset that another game scored higher than the one you were waiting for
Fucking cringe, hidden

Who cares what score some review site gives to a game that you like? Just enjoy what gets you.

how is persona 5 the "same game" as doom eternal?

Kys personafags you will all remain virgins and never get an underage waifu

I think he meant "same game as previously in the franchise".

Based retard

I've never played a persona game before, and couldn't care less about the series.

yes game journalists don't like games that are actually challenging and have good game design. more news at 11

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but what if like both?

Funny, both games are for dumb consoomers, you just have to dangle something different for them. For one group it's shitty waifus and anime plot, for the other it's the "RIP AND TEAR FELLOW DOOMBROS XDD" and they all suck dick.

I don't understand, they both seem to be reviewing excellently

Read the reviews that P5R is getting, it's literally sony bonus

Based. Wojacknigger OP btfo

>hey guys look at me i play fallout new vegas and bloodborne which are the only games approved by my fellow based 4channers, i haven't played any new game since 2014 and i just come here to be a bitter autistic piece of contrarian shit to seem cool and different by the way i'm 25 and virgin how could you tell?

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imagine the seethe of the person who made that image lmaoo what a loser

Who are you quotating?

t. obese otaku tranny


How new

Why did you randomly start talking about yourself

To be honest, you are already a subhuman if you like any Persona game after 2.

Just watch a high school themed anime already.

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weebs are worse than furries

Kek fucking owned

what kind of game is persona? is it a story rpg?

Honestly pretty based

Persona 5 is a bad game, but would pass for a masterpiece compared to any shooter. Don't see anything wrong here.

Seethe more wojak-nigger.



No matter how many ‘style over substance’ comments get made, no matter how hard contrarians try to shit on it, P5 is one of the greatest games of the generation and immensely more entertaining than anything the west has put out in the last decade. Suck my dick, choke on it.

Imagine a jrpg, but without a cool setting, and without good gameplay, where you take FUCKING ONE HOUR or more, depending on which one you're talking about to get into combat, or be given freedom to explore. That's just it, high school trash, intersected with some paranormal filler bullshittery, and the only thing people even discuss about it is waifu wars.

Persona sucks. Play Nocturne, Strange Journey, SMT IV, Digital Devil Saga, or Devil Summoner. You should only play Persona if you live on a limbo where you are both a waifufaggot and a tranny in denial. You know, if anything, by censoring the game, they were just doing what the main public of Persona wanted. I can't phantom somebody playing this shit without being a proud homo already.

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Kek, westshit devs BTFO

Tales of Berseria >>> Persona. Better gameplay, better story that is not "muh high school trash", better characters, and way more freedom. Persona is for queers. Gravity Rush 2 and Ys 8 are also better than Persona 5.

>more entertaining than anything the west has put out in the last decade
Everything the west has made in the last decade is shit. You are not doing any favors to your shitty game by comparing it with literal shit.

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It's a shitty "teenagers in high school but with super powers" in a dating sim form.

Holy mother of based

I like Persona and Doom

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absolutely based

>one of the greatest games of the generation
It's funny that you think this speaks highly of persona 5.

me too :)

>Summary: Prepare for an all-new RPG experience...

Persona a shit.
Play SMT.

Anime website

Have to put Ys IX over all of them.

The only SMT game I enjoyed was Nocturne, the rest of them are woefully mediocre.

Is there an Ys that's worse than any persona?

cute wife

Imagine being this mad because of some jrpg lmao. Ii'm a huge SMT fan, but persona is good, stop whining like a whiny little bitch.

I like Persona, SMT and Doom!

I got into the series with SMT, I've played Soul Hackers, Nocturne, Strange Journy, 4 and 4A and I loved each one, Nocturne and 4 are top 20 games for me. Still love Persona too double nigger.

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What version did you play?

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You played Strange Journey?

How dare you calling me double nigger for telling you that persona a shit.

>not playing both
>also adding there Animal Crossing and FF7R
Lmao @ fake gamers

Suck it dudebros. Weebs now run this town.

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i hate the age range for this shitty forum. theyre going to shit all over ff7 remake and resi3 too.

persona is a shit game anyone that plays and enjoys it would have more fun reading a book for young teens.

fuck weebs. play real games you brain dead cunts.

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Extremely fucking based

I could care less about Persona. I just think you're a turbo-autist.

red and basepilled

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So you do care about Persona?

DooM is one of the best fps of all time. It aged like fine wine and can still be enjoyed to this day even by Zoomies.
Meanwhile Neo-Nu-Doom is a piece of Redditera shit that smells of rancid excrement and menstrual blood.

>Fuck weebs
>Post weebshit

>doesnt even know where his reddit meme man face comes from

satania is based

>getting this angry over someone not liking your products

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both are shit