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they shook

What's his name again?

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Harvester of xbox souls

I'm hype but anyone else notice there is absolutely 0 (ZERO) news about the PS5 GPU being any good? On the Xbox side we've had devs for half a year and more recently talking loads about how amazing the GPU is and the RT technologies and stuff such as the Metro devs a few weeks ago but all we hear about on the PS5 side from devs is about the SSD and to a lesser extent the CPU. I wonder if the github leak was real. Why would they talk about CPU and SSD but not emphasise GPU improvements? Really makes you think.

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>those likes and retweets
Why can't Xbox reach this?

hardware will be roughly the same i reckon, maybe xbox has the upperhand but end up charging more backwards compat is the biggest thing (sony will probably compete here), curious to see if they designed the box to be as nicely as xboxsex

Just how many terafloperinos could it possibly have bros!? What? What are teraflops? I... they.... well, the more flops the better the games of course!

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200-400mhz less sony is gonna try to undercut price though

alphas and children dont use twitter.
only middle aged beta males and eurotrash on quarantine

I hear the PS5 is a supercharged PC this time bro!

worthless hackshit trashperson

playstation actually shaking after xbox news

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playstation is 26 years old
xbox is barely 19

most zoomers grew up with a psx


I'm so tired of this jew rat fuck.

today, i remind them

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Is this specifically a hardware showcase, or do you think they'd slip in a game reveal?

It's the other way around. Sony waited for Microsoft to blow their load and now they're going all out.

BC with all disks from 1-4 is all I ask

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Sony and Microsoft have shown they have different design philosophies over the last gen. Even though the xbox one was weaker than the ps4, you could see their goal for the machine was to make it as quiet as possible as well as include cutting edge technology such as the incision of a dedicated 3d audio chip back in 2013 which is such a big feature it's still making news with current gen consoles. Sony want a machine which can generate the most profits even if the cooling solution is mediocre such as with the ps4/pro and their main selling point isn't so much hardware but the software that runs on the hardware. I think MS will have the much better machine but Sony will have the better software for the first few years. Back compat isn't as big of a deal as some make it out to be. These consoles will sell based on their next gen games not previous gen.

You're an absolute retard. Consoles do not magically double compute by being consoles.

And even if we do follow your logic, then the X1X would outperform the 1080Ti. Except it doesn't

>here’s an example of the hardware playing Ape Escape 4!

Definitely not going to happen.
Its going to be a virtual console deal that they'll call backwards compatibility.

How much schizophrenia is needed to put this together?

>such a big feature it's still making news with current gen consoles
I mean next gen consoles

didn't read a single word

Nobody but Yas Forums would react strongly to that.

a lot, also a lot of 'tism

LOL (laughing out loud)
SNOY is insecure that his #DilationStation #TranStation is going to end up with only 9.2 TRANNYflops
Meanwhile the CHADbox Have Sex is wiping the floor with $1500 PCs.


curious to see if that pans out, ms has a good shot if they end up with the better multiplats and compete on price from the start of the gen ala 360. While sony's exclusives are a thing they often don't sell the numbers as big multiplats.

will it actually reveal some games?

This much?

>it's going to release with no launch games
>it's going to be underpowered and outdated on launch
pc wins again, this will be a repeat of 2013

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Probably not.

damn nigga you seething. save it for tomorrow.

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So this basically confirms that the PS5 is stronger than the Series X right? The specs are already out for the latter, and there is absolutely zero chance they would do this kind of in-depth hardware look if the PS5 was actually weaker.

Also, 500 dollar system incoming

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sonyroaches again hyping hyping, then running back to their holes after it turns out the shitstation is still weak POS

seethe while xchads enjoy xbox games pass
and a shit ton of new exclusives now that xbox bought a bunch of new studios

kek sure

My 2500k with an 770GTX (4GB) and 16GB RAM matched the Basedstation 4 Pro. Can't wait for the PS5 to shit the bed again against current year mid range computers. Will never understand console plebs, and I had every console until the 8th gen.

It confirms Sony has figured out their marketing strategy regarding the PS5

Rather than focus on CPU/GPU/RAM/architecture they are going to laser focus on SSD and a bunch of other mostly irrelevant stuff

can you sonyroaches that ran over after it turned out the roachstation is garbage shut the fuck up?
xbox is the platform for the BEST gaming experience on console
ALL the games run BEST on XBOX
this exclusive astroturf is so fucking pathetic, I can smell the roach on you


>Also, 500 dollar system incoming
Sucks, I would prefrer to pay 600 and have a system that wont overheat or break after two months

I wonder if it won't have games again. (Of course it won't, they are all on the PC)

say it again

>this will be a repeat of 2013
2013 ruined the board so I hope not.

they still nintendo directs so no

lol ok fag ill be enjoying fable 4

lmao no
its been known that Sony is panicking cause they can't make a profit from the PS5 like they did with the PS4

>trump awarding working adults $4k per month due to corona
I know what I'm using that money on

the xbox sex is better than 95% of all pcs, the onex is better than 70% of all pcs
you know why people game on console, and it isn't for garbagestation exclusives

>its been known
>this is what I like to pretend

they'll peddle consoles in third world shitholes for next gen

you do know a lot of business analysts are saying in order for the PS5 to break even with the rumored specs thats been floating around, it would have to be over $480 right?

They make profit enough selling PSN+ subscriptions tho

Why should it?

yea thats the sad part
which sucks but what can you do I guess
as long as the PS5 backwards compatibility isn't locked to PS+, I don't really give a shit what garbage they release for it

>still no proof on your fantasy