What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

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She was voiced by Karen Strassman

Secretly wanted Nohrian prince cock but didn't tell anyone


She's a myrmidon in a game with hybrid roll RNG.

Crappy myrmidon in a game where you get a red lobster swordsmaster that can solo the entire game and has double range on his personal weapon.
Also nice character design wasted on a shitty personality.
The same goes for all fucking retainers in this game. There's way too many of them and all of them are obsessed with their royal so none of them are paticularly interesting.

>can't damage enemies in her introductory chapter in Revelations
>even with weapon triangle advantage
What the actual fuck were IS thinking when they designed Revelations?

She was a mistake.

Attached: hana.jpg (600x599, 150.9K)

They weren't, it's legit the worst FE game
They threw in nearly every single fucking unit in without balancing jack shit
You'll be using the royals and a few other units you got from the beginning, then the single longest bench in FE history.
Fuck there are unpromoted units by chapter 17

this comic feels like it could apply to a lot of FE characters, thanks for posting it

she was in fates

>That chapter where Xander and Leo's retainers come in and they die to everything on the map
Revelation is dogshit and should either have not existed or have been the only version so they could make a balanced game with a coherent story

She's cute.

But then IS wouldn't be able to charge people extra for low effort true path bullshit. Not only was it fucking atrocious it was also the greediest shit they ever pulled not counting the actual gacha.

Her bare legs make my dick hard

>glass cannon as fuck
>gimped because of Fates RNG

She could've been the greatest myrmidon of all time.

I couldn't sit through the shitshow that was Fates, but god damn were her and pic related top tier waifu designs

Attached: Hinoka_art.png (3306x3500, 2.98M)

I got your best Myrmidon right here

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She is but she’s kind of a cunt

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I like bitches

FE10 Edward comes to mind

Same, it's a shame such great art and character designs wasted on an awful shitshow that is Fates.

At least we got a decent not-Hinoka in a different JRPG series

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>that fucking voice
What the actual fuck were they thinking

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Have you heard her Warriors voice?

That shit was so jarring she sounds like a literal man doing a female voice

Not him but it's somehow even worse than her Tommy Pickles Fates voice, it's really fake and overacted. Her original Japanese voice is a bit deep and subdued and it's really pretty and then both of her eng VAs are just shrieking women

Nope. Thankfully that had dual audio so I switched that on the moment I could.


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Birthright is kino.
Conquest and Revelations are trash though.

She was definitely trying too hard for the tomboy aesthetic, she sounds perfectly fine in other roles

It's even worse
Then it gets even worse when comparing it to another female's voice
Listen to the Minerva and Hinoka supports, holy shit the difference is staggering

>Birthright is kino
did i read this post correctly?

I want Hana to shit talk me while she sits on my face after a long day of training so that she's extra sweaty

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>that massive forehead
no wonder the enemy can't miss

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>massive forehead
even better

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Hana is an underrated waifu but I guess people would rather have "Big titty sister" or "Cuhrazzy bitch"

she's a weeb

In her defense, Minerva has the voice of a goddess in Warriors. She'd make anyone's voice seem bad.

They would if she just polished it
They can't hit her if they're blind

One of my favorite things to read while jacking off is a fire emblem fates fanfic where Hana and Effie get into a fight as to who's the better retainer, with Effie saying she can protect Elise better from the outside and Hana saying she can protect Sakura better from the inside.
Then Sakura and Elise show up, and to settle the dispute Sakura swallows Hana whole while Effie swallows Elise whole.
Then Effie and Sakura dump the remains of Elise and Hana into ceramic urns

she happened to be one of my favorites from day one

Remember when Fates characters were first being revealed and she was immediately one of the most popular characters? And so was Rinkah for that matter.

Being a good unit goes a long way for popularity, unless you have other undesirable traits to the FE fanbase like Camilla.

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Camilla is a godtier unit though

No she doesn't come close to being on Rutger's level

>Then it gets even worse when comparing it to another female's voice
They have the same english voice actor

I remember someone once called her the feminist swordsman, and it stuck with me. Now I can't all I can remember when I see her is feminist swordsman.

Okay how the FUCK
The direction they gave the VA for Hinoka is preposterous


She likes it in the rear

too weak

She's an inferior weeaboo version of a better FE character.

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what the fuck was her problem?

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All foolish post

i want mia and hana to take turns bullying me with their sweaty bodies

Nothing, Forrest has the special honor of being one of the least hatable characters in Fates

OP said problem

Hana + Anal = God tier, why is there no porn of this


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Just because there's a strictly better version of her available doesn't actually affect her whatsoever. You have multiple deployment slots and are allowed to field as many of each class as you want. If Hana was good then people would use both her and Ryoma. Her problems are unrelated to Ryoma.
