What video games do females play, Yas Forums?

What video games do females play, Yas Forums?

Attached: 345.jpg (474x636, 26.82K)

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>faggot stops drawing porn
>lose all interest in him and his fetish shit

this looks like a crop of that face Donald Trump always makes lol

Mostly puzzle shit.

Imagine putting your cock in a womens mouth

sims/mobile trash

Animal crossing, the sims, and stardew valley

Attached: 4567.png (678x786, 39.14K)

I know one girl who was into The Witcher 3. She must have been 220 lbs heavy.

I know one girl who was into Final Fantasy. She must have been IQ 82 dumb.

I know one girl who was into Metal Gear Solid. She must have been IQ 74 dumb.

I know one girl who was into Nintendo crap. She was pure Reddit, nuff said.

ey wat dat mouf do

Shit lips. Peach has the best dsl.

my pp hard

>Animal Crossing
>Persona 3-5 (Popular with josei audience in Japan, weeb girls overseas)
>Danganronpa (Also very popular with the female weeb crowd)
>Mario Kart
>Just Dance
>Stardew Valley
>Fire Emblem

So most huniepop players are women?

Females don’t exist. They’re a myth, like bigfoot or a round earth.

0.1 of that 7% in grand strategy are biologically female.


God that's disgusting, literal nigger-tier lips

Yeah, I much prefer a bloodless gash on a woman's face.

You forgot Sims

KF2 it seems

>tfw im not being catfished by a dude and its actually a female
:( i like being catfished by dudes tho

Not even niggers would have lips like that.

It's an anime shape, anyone with that in real life has collagen injected.

ask them

I knew a girl that played World of Warcraft all the time.

Sauce on image before this thread dies, faggot.


Attached: ruh roh.jpg (490x381, 45.13K)

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Is coffee good for you?

>What video games do females play, Yas Forums?

My wife plays whatever I play now that we're both suck at home. So just a lot of local coop games like DST, Overcooked, Outward, Rayman Legends, stuff like that. Also we're fucking a lot.

Virgin hands wrote this post.


A supernormal stimulus or superstimulus is an exaggerated version of a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved.

Attached: supernormal-9.png (495x700, 83.4K)

fucking this
>lips even bigger than the fucking tounge

Attached: fu.jpg (720x697, 37.95K)

females and "females"

>needs botox'd Bogdanoff lips to get off
>decides to insult others
Why are tripfags always the embodiment of self-destruction, and that sort of lukewarm apathy toward life that makes one approach everything in life with that listless shambling?

Women tend to play casual 'games' and nothing else. The only exception is FFXIV; for some reason a lot of women play that. Most of them are fujos but still.

nice, I love niggers now

>i-it's only possible with Botox!
lmao that cope

What a shitty comic. Poor panel layout and worst of all the joke was only slightly funny, amusing the best.

Imagine the kind of person that comes here and wants to be known by name.

There's you answer.

Sucking dick

the artist

It's only one page of the full comic but it gets the point across
>results show that the exaggeration and "supernormalization" of key features linked to attractiveness, such as eye and lip size, are frequently found in art.

Attached: y935y3zfstm41.jpg (1534x1532, 109.55K)

So for example, a female's reaction to insects?

I was fucking my hands before I started fucking women, so no, they definitely aren't virgins.

He comes into a website that allows for anonymous discussion and decides he needs to have a name.
He's brain damaged basically.

Here’s the nigger tranny trip faggot again

lame shit

Somebody spoonfeedme the artist


Attached: 038A270E-8F44-4FFE-92D3-546270E59113.jpg (892x535, 134.15K)

your hands weren't fucking you? you were just thrusting you dick through your hands??? Sounds kinda gay.

Attached: 1583277477720.png (356x372, 111.86K)

Women tend to play MMOs in general. There's been at least 2/3 in every high end raiding guild I've been in.

95% of them are healers

So uh, who invited the Yas Forums faggots?

I love making out with big sloppy lips

>RTS absent at all
I will assume that it is 100% male and not that its so irrelevant people making the survey forgot it.

No one invited them
They've been here for several years

Can you really blame them? Yas Forums is a shit board so they gotta go elsewhere for interesting topics. Even so, it's a shame they only have a few pre-recorded phrases to share with us.

100% Koreans

Furshit like Spyro

shut up namefag who fucking cares what you think

>I was fucking my hands before I started fucking women

100% of those female MOBA players are streamers, and most of them whore themselves when playing it.

mobile games

>calling them females