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Fuck what anyone says about this game, I love it so much

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My nigga

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>Not posting the best Castlevania on the GBA
Come on bro...

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I absolutely love Aria as well, but I have a lot of nostalgia for CotM

harvest moon friends of mineral town is the best game in the series literally fight me if you think/say other wise

>I have a lot of nostalgia for CotM
Fair enough.

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Underrated niche series of games I loved
With great OST, real time combat, and waifus all on the GBA

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mein fucking nigga

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>14 posts
>only noob games
gg Yas Forums

more like a cult hit. this one and the two sting games are the most well known weeb games in the gba

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Played more times then I can count.

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thanks for the (You) dork

If it was a cult hit why did 3 never get translated?

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fire emblem?
metroid fusion??
Mario golf advance tour???
now THOSE are some fine games

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Do people not like Circle of the Moon? It was pretty solid.

Golden sun 1 and 2
Megaman battle network
Bomberman tournament
Mario & luigi superstar saga

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't get the appeal with this game. Outside of the obvious gimmick, it's a very paint by numbers game.

You can say the same for a lot of games. Some upper manager just thought it wasn't worth the trouble.

I got filtered by card RNG with no idea what drops a card and absurdly hard final boss
But I liked the game

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Bomberman Tournament

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Motherfucking MEDABOTS

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anyway a better question would be why did atlus usa bringing those niche weeb games like luminious arc or dept heaven

stop bringing*

>Advance wars
>Pokemon RSE
>Megaman BN
>Castlevania AoS
>Minish Cap
>Fire emblem 6 and Sacred stones
>Harvest moon Friends of Mineral town
>Wario land 4
>Wario ware
What am I missing?

The card system is absurdly broken in several ways, the strange controls and difficulty filter a lot of people and it's a pretty unattractive, low-key game overall. The big secret is that all of those things are a huge part of what makes it so fucking good.

>this one and the two sting games are the most well known weeb games in the gba
maybe but IMHO the most weeb game was ZOE fist of mars. it's 26 chapters follow the basic structure of a 2-cours anime even. no idea what people thought of it but i enjoyed the game a fair bit.

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Bomberman MAX 2

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klonoa: empire of dreams
mario golf: advance tour
super fucking dodgeball
scurge: hive

F-Zero GP Legend
F-Zero Climax
Sonic Advance 1 & 2
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Battle Assault
Double Dragon Advance
Mother 3

Anyone remember some JRPG game on gba where you had random battles that played like shoot em up and it had aliens?

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stealth rec thread

both Metroids
Mother 3
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Yggdra Union
Drill Dozer (even though I think it's shit but apparently that's just me)

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For me it's the Amazing Mirror.

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>tfw it played better than Super Circuit

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>noob games
One of these games is a masterpiece made by Hideo Kojima.

Sigma Star Saga. I found it to be a clunky mess.

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Can I play Rhythm Tengoku without knowing moonspeak?


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You could get an English patch

>rhythm games on emulator

Fucking this. We finally have a streamlined Medabots game and is a fucking japanese gacha.

FFTA is my favorite game of all time!

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Still my personal favorite from the series.

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I'd always thought that his series was limited by the whole Pokemon gimmick.

sacred stones is better


What is it about the GBA aesthetic that's so appealing? Is it just nostalgia?

This game is based.

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just dont grind dood lol

>ctrl+f custom robo arena
>0 results
For shame Yas Forums

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Nah, it's un-ironically soul incarnate. It's basically the SNES aesthetic but perfected.

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