
Realistically, what does Sony need to do to stay ahead of the game and not fuck themselves over with PS5 and this generation?

They got a headstart on Microsoft with PS4 but Microsoft have caught back up with better practices and new features. If Sony doesn't follow suit it will certainly look bad. Obviously Nintendo and Stadia aren't even in the equation (yet).

What do you think they need to do to not only maintain this momentum they built up but push it forward?

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No more censorship
Backwards compatibility 1-4
Better online service

Just get cheaper than MS
But it will be hard because the low end 1080p microsoft box will be pretty darn cheap.

All Sony has to do is keep being themselves and nothing else and they win. They have games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, Gravity Rush, Gran Turismo and Bloodborne that people still look forward to every year. Microsoft literally has nothing. And the Xbox has no userbase in Europe and Japan. That won't miraculously change just because their business practices are less bad than they were in 2013. The original Xbox had the most soul out of any Xbox and it still failed in any country that wasn't burgerland.

>better practices and new features
such as?



Those games are a small percentage of the games sold on the system.
Most people just want the cheapest box that have all their friends in the online community.
And that's PS4 since the launch.

It needs to be cheaper than $400.

This gen is going to be a wildly different generation that previous. It's all about ecosystems now with cloud gaming and PC gaming. The "my friends have it" reasoning is no longer valid now that cross play is going to be in pretty much every game so people will buy the platform they enjoy most whilst still being able to play with friends. Sony would have to lock people into their ecosystem somehow if they don't want to get obliterated by microsoft long term because even now MS is way ahead of the game when it comes to their ecosystem across PC, console and cloud. They even have DXR ray tracing support implemented in most major game engines now and DXR is standard on PC for both AMD and nvidia going forward.

The only interesting thing about the PS5 is their new nonNAND based SSD.
We already know what generally to expect from AMD's new console APUs. Its impressive what they can fit in a package this generation, but its still more or less the same. 51.2GB/s reads put even the best NVMe NAND drives to absolute shame.

New as in comparison to what they and others in the console generation were doing. Microsoft pretty much spent the entire generation playing catch-up and trying to appease fans with good-guy moves since, unlike the memes people spout for the other consoles, they legitimately had no exclusives to show off (unless it was called Halo, Forza or Gears). So they added a lot more to what you can get with their online service, they started the gamepass thing which has been a huge success for them, they've put a lot of games on PC (granted a lot of them are W10 only), they brought back backwards compatibility for both 360 and Xbox Original for dozens of old games people liked.

I mean, it would be a stretch to say they saved the console or anything, they still definitely lost. But they're certainly in a better place now than they were in 2013. Which gives them the chance to have a strong start in this next generation which, as the OP said, could be problematic for Sony if they don't at the very least offer similar features or something better. PSNow certainly ain't cutting it.

They have the bigger brand loyalty, so if it is the same price and with about the same performance they would win over MS again.
They only could fuck themself over if they have no backward compatibility at all and or a higher price. Even with just 9TF but PS4-BC they would win. With PS1 to 3 BC they would win by a landslide.

sony is basically forced to accept crossplay now because if they don't they are going to get absolutely creamed by the competition
they have the tools to do it, all the developers who can do it want to do it, sony are the only ones who want to hold back. and it's gonna bite them in the ass if they keep doing it.

Realistically Sony can fuck off and die.
Ain't no helping the nogaems team and the radio silence is telling, all the while M$ has monopoly money energy and is swinging their sweaty balls in Sony's face.
What does Sony even have? GoW, Bloodborne and... what, exactly?

Backwards compatibility that has nothing to do with PS Now is a must. PS4 BC is a must. PS1-PS2 would be great. PS3 is just fantasy.

Because sony know the value of locking people in your ecosystem. Realistically why should they have needed to allow crossplay when it benefits them more to force people to buy their product to play with their friends. Microsoft also knows the value of ecosystems but they're not being retarded about it like sony did. They made their ecosystem expand over multiple platforms which incentivises people more than being locked into a single piece of hardware. Sony will also go down that route next gen I feel by porting games to PC and cloud gaming, like MS.

They shouldn't even be competing with eachother at this point. Just prevent the worst of the worst like Apple and Google from breaking into the market. Their stream trash is already a blunder but it would be awful if it went further. Keep these niggers in mobile games.

>the radio silence
Cerny will tomorrow reveal some specs to us.

mentally ill

>Apple and Google from breaking into the market
Neither will be 'breaking into the market' anytime soon.
Apple is outright hostile to gaming and has been for well over a decade.
Google is terminally incapable of designing good hardware, even their phones are trash whose only saving grace is halfway decent os. Stadia doesn't even deserve a mention.

MS's big innovation is BC and streaming services? Sony has done those, and you even recognize that. You're simply trying to argue (poorly) your opinion that MS does it better. Sharing xbox library with windows is their only advantage, but why would anyone on PC want an XBOX? It's redundant. Maybe the consoles will be so powerful, pc master race will get blown out? Some of you guys are more than a bit deluded, I think.

Are you retarded or just incapable of reading anything longer than 5 words strung together? Who said they were innovations? Who even brought up streaming services, unless you count Sony's comically mediocre Playstation Now? I'd love to see you defend that, since you seem to be so fucking stupid to imply that the alternative on Xbox One (you know, ACTUAL backwards compatibility lol) is somehow worse. Let's just ignore gamepass, that let's you play tons of different games for a cheap monthly price, in addition to the free monthly games you would be getting, and the fact that Sony has no service of any kind to counter that, let alone anything equivalent. But sure, I guess because Sony did it with PS2 and then immediately scrapped it with PS3 last gen we should just be batting an eye at Microsoft's turn-around because they had a rough start, because Sony is such a stranger to that lmao. Why you would even argue this when you are cripplingly uneducated on it is beyond me. You utter imbecile. You clownish buffoon. You absolute moron.

why would anyone on pc want a PlayStation? their games are coming over now too

Holy fuck, imagine being this stupid

>game pass is a streaming service
are snoys really this dumb

>backwards compatibility with at least ps3 to ps4 games
>free online play
>no slow shitty system UI
>everything that series x has but better

But let's stay realistic, that's never going to happen.

Cerney did mention the system used an SSD faster than anything else in market.
Its going to be some bleeding edge ReRAM.

Update ps4 games on ps5 like xbox
Ps4 backward compatibility
Psp-ps3 digital library on ps5
Dont really got nothing else

but if they keep being themselves they will lose again, there is literally no reason to buy a ps4 other than exclusives, and still, xbox also has exclusives so it's a matter of taste when it comes to that matter.

you want all FPS? just like the times of 360 and ps3?

Not even trying to be funny here, but if Sony simply shows a trailer for God of War 2 and Spider-Man 2 and then it says "Only on Playstation 5" they are basically guaranteed to win.

I don't even particularly like these games that much. But those games would be fucking huge for normalfags. Xbox has basically nothing to compete with.

They just need 10TF machine with RT and a fast SSD to beat just whatever any other company can bring to the table.
People who think BC and Censorship matters are 100% delusional, removed from reality and retarded.
The online service is already the best out of all of them. PSN hasn't been offline for unscheduled maintenance in almost a year while the competition fell offline not once but twice since this time last week.

>Backwards compatibility and Censorship mean nothing

Fuck off. Lads want tits and Harry Pottter and the Chamber of secrets for Ps2

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Some game devs have been breaking NDA on a forum(b3d) and basically openly talking about the PS5 having some of the networking features that Stadia promised. Like pressing a button and taking over control of a game for a friend, sharing save states instantly, watching game streamers while you're playing a game, instantly booting the game they're playing, playing along side them. Shit like that.
The biggest things that will sell the system will be 4K60fps shit like like with the new Xboner. Thats the hot meme right now. Real 4K resolution, machine learning algos to give games HDR when they weren't necessarily designed for it, playing older gen games at higher settings automatically without developers having to change anything.
The PS5's key distinction from the new Series X will be how fast its storage is. The Series X can load some games in 5-8 seconds. The PS5 will do it in 1s or less because its proprietary ReRAM is that much faster than NAND based storage.

>Backwards compatibility
Why would they bother when they can just sell it back to you?

399 dollars and they win

i must say i am quite fond of large breasts

They meant nothing this whole gen and they are gonna mean the same for next-gen.

backwards compatibility saved xbox one

From what? Its fucking dead Jim.

>PSN hasn't been offline for unscheduled maintenance in almost a year while the competition fell offline not once but twice since this time last week
Probably because no one uses PSN with all those Single Player games Snoys love

and what exactly is the competition releasing??

Release Bloodborne 2

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I could go for a good fps, yeah. Not many of them around, even doom fell short of my expectations.

All they have to do is not do anything stupid and they'll win

Describe in 7 or more steps how they could go without doing anything stupid

>keep it same price or cheaper than the xbox series x
>announce sequels of god of war, horizon, spiderman or whatever game in big with the general populace
>full backwards compatibilty with ps4 to get their old users not to switch
>don't make psplus even more expensive
>actually make psnow a viable alternative to gamepass
there just killed the competition
at this point i'd be surprised if they manage to greed their almost guaranteed win away

PS Now will NEVER be viable EVER because it relies on streaming which will always be a shitty meme technology. If Google couldn't do it, and they sure fucking fumbled that one, Sony can't do it. Which they've already proven, because PS Now is fucking garbage. Either go standard BC or go home.

>Like pressing a button and taking over control of a game for a friend, sharing save states instantly, watching game streamers while you're playing a game, instantly booting the game they're playing, playing along side them
ngl, that sounds gimmicky as fuck
I'm just happy that this gen finally provides 4k60-ish, which finally hits the 'good enough' spot for non-VR shit. Hyped as hell to see what this gen will bring, especially since the last gen's hardware was weak as piss and already obsolete at launch, which isn't the case now.

>The PS5 will do it in 1s or less
>(x) doubt
It'll be quick, that's for sure, but come on

PSN has the most active network out of any gaming platform.

>No more censorship
too late

yeah i didnt really imply it but i'd expect that to be the case if we actually get backwards compatibilty.
meant something similar with the current option to download the actual games plus prices that can actually compete. last time I checked it was $100 a year just to get to poorly stream ps3 games and play ps4 games that go for

2-3GB/s is the range that a lot of NVMe drives can hit for peak reads/writes. The proprietary little memory card Microsoft is in this range.
Sony's ReRAM has been demonstrated to have sustained reads over 50GB/s. Even half of that would blow every NVMe drive out there away.

Move back to Japan.

>Backwards compatibility 1-4
If only, user.

It doesn't mean that shit will load instantly. I've got a solid NVMe SSD and positively ancient games still take a few seconds to load a save and usually more than a few to start in the first place.
That's not to mention the obnoxious visual trash that are the startup videos and the like.

I could really, really go for that ReRAM to replace my SSD though. Built a 128gb ram drive once but it was finicky as shit and the performance wasn't even close to what I expected.

It's only ever been about the games. They'll win as long as xbox stays as a less capable PC with gears of bore and forza.

The CPU overhead to move data around is what causes load times to have diminishing returns with faster and faster storage. Both systems have memory accelerators in their APUs to address this. Microsoft already detailed theirs.

No thanks. Cerny saved the hardware and all the games are still greenlit from japan.

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Who cares? Just get whatever toy you like.

just keep doing what you're doing. less censorship and western pandering would be a plus for your image, good BC would mean a day one purchase.