I'm playing Dark Souls for the first time and I'm 13 hours in. When does it start getting good?

I'm playing Dark Souls for the first time and I'm 13 hours in. When does it start getting good?

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1. rub your butthole
2. smell it

For me it got good right after the bell gargoyles. I dropped the game one year before because of them but when I got the hang of it the rest of the game was a blast

If you don't like it 13 hours in it's just not for you man. Not every game is for everyone.

When is that? I'm at Undead Parish.

It gets good once you start exploring.

Are you that desperate to fit in that you're playing a game that you dont like for 13+ hours or have you just been stuck at Taurus Demon?

You're literally in the area.

>Being at undead parish 13 hours in
user what the fuck are you doing? How are you that slow?

I just killed isshin sword saint. When does sekiro get hard?
Not even kidding.

It kicks up a gear once you've rung both bells and get taken to Anor Londo.

About 13 hours ago.

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13 hours ago

I'm not very good.

When you grow up and finally put your childhood nostalgia for Ocarina of Time aside.

>play dark souls 1 for 13 hours
>still in undead parish
>still havent slain the bell gargoyles

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Second half of the game unironically a major drop in quality, so if you're not shitposting, try to have fun while it lasts

You're supposed to be there in 1-2 hours, looks like you're doing something wrong then

>the first 10 hours is peak vidya.
>blighttown brings it down
>sens fortress and anor londo pick it back up
>game fucking drops the ball to the abyss after lordvessel
might aswell stop playing after o&s.
not a single good boss, area, mechanic fucking basically anything afterwards. It goes from a 10/10 game to a 3/10 trash.
bing bing wahoo level design
>oh no its dark
>oh no its ghosts
>oh no the floor isnt there
>oh no the floor is lava
dlc bosses are good tho, aside from kalameet who has weird hitboxes where just touching him hurts you at points.

I'm stuck at the bonfire under the bridge.

YOU CAN DO IT user :)

Poor evaluation overall.
>Blighttown bad.
Unless you played on console there is nothing wrong with this area.
>bing bing wahoo level design.
You haven't explained why changes in the level design that effect gameplay are a bad thing. This isnt a critique, it's a baseless insult.
>Post OnS bosses bad.
They range from garbage to good. Nito is good, 4kids are alright. Seath and every boss on the Bed of Chaos run sucks. The rest are fine.
>No mention of the Painted World
Hands down the best act of the game.
>Kalameet bad because on some attacks his body becomes a hitbox.
If that's your viewpoint then fine but it's not consistent with your previous statements.
This happens with Taurus Demon, which you stated was 'peak vidya'.

Better drop this garbage and play sekiro.

Playing my first playthrough too, trying to get down the crystal cave, and I keep dying to these fucking invisible path
The game is really good

This got me thinking.
Is Dark Souls the Ocarina of Time of today?

Alright, I made it to the bonfire by the blacksmith. Now I just have to fight Large McHuge in the church.

When is this going on sale again? I just realized that if you own PTDE on steam you have a permanent 50% discount for the remaster version. Apparently you can combine this discount with a sale discount and get the game really cheap, fucking wish I knew that before.

As soon as you complete Blightown you'll know whether the game is for you or not.

Stream it, baybee.

Centipede demon is based.

I beat the big guy and am now at the gargoyles.
If you really want to, I can set up a stream.

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>>blighttown brings it down
I struggled hard af my first time playing and was ready to quit and accept that the game just wasn't for me. Blighttown unironically was the best part of the game for me and what got me "in" to Dark Souls. Having a linear route with a clear end goal and very few side paths to distract you makes it the most effective 'sink or swim' moment of the game

>13 hours in
>I'm at Undead Parish

I would like to watch you die to the gargoyles.

>When does it start getting good?
When you git gud

Centipede sucks bro.

why not just play ptde

OP are you literally me? I am still stuck with the base armor.

About 11 hrs ago

base armor is good

When you get good

I was away for a while, but now I'm back. I'll set up a stream.

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I've never tried streaming anything, but it'll be up soon at twitch/believeinthenet

good luck user !!!! =)

What is pic related from

Killer7, one of my favorite games.

Attached: 1582759268846.gif (564x395, 3.6M)

the best game of all time

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It's up btw.

it gets good when you start Dark Souls 2

post it user, it'd be fun to watch

>Undead Parish in 13 hours
What the fuck? That's the first two hours of the game.

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I liked it after about 5 hours in, at around the Chapel area.

bro just backstab fish the rapier guys instead of getting dabbed on by them

Didnt know lautrec could espace early.

when you do

The moment you gain control so I'm assuming you've either spent 13 hours in the main menu or that you're dumb.

I'm only 10 hours in and I think it's pretty good. Eerie atmosphere, engaging gameplay with real stakes (not losing your souls/progress), lore which you learn about piece by piece as you go through the world.

>Unless you played on console there is nothing wrong with Blightown

Never thought anyone would ever defend that turd of a level design, but here we go:

>already when you enter from dragon path, you see that puke green filter popping up
>enemy ai is so retarded, if run past the trolls, they just follow you and fall down
>therefore they put in enemies that follow you on vertically level, with 20 ladders and the waterweel with shitboxes
>there are not one, but two kinds of poison, with the antidote of one of them dropping on the other side of the map in the forrest
>the NPC invader is fucking retarded, eventhough it served for one or two good doujins
>half of the level is slow and poisonous swamp, with too many dead ends and fucked up ambushes
>merchant just disappears if you don't talk to her fast enough in story progress
>boss is cool, but gets stuck sometimes in attack pattern loops
>the secret passage is fucking cool aswell, but the ground of the swamp is the sky with sunlight on the beach ? can't be some magical place either, since you see tomb of giants. But people only cry about lava land ontop of the windmill in DS2

Fuck man, I mean it could've always been worse, but by now when I get to this point, i just try to get it over with as soon as possible

okay now what please tell me to taste it next

Dark Souls feels heavily influenced by OoT, yes. Many people have made that comparison.

I'm thinking about restarting.

>tfw you beat the game but never found Painted World
Is Dark Souls meant to be played with a walkthrough?

>muh pike green filter
You mean the kino atmosphere shift?
>Barbarians fall down by following you!
I wouldn't know. I dont run past enemies. Even then, this is a non issue.
>enemies follow you on a vertical level with lots of ladders and an evelator?
Yeah? The level is vertical. What's your point here? Is the fact that enemies can follow you down ladders somehow bad?
>Two types of poison!
Yeah, and?
>Antidotes are hard to find!
They both can drop in Blighttown. You're wrong.
>NPC invader is retarded.
Unless you elaborate this will remain a baseless insult and not a critique.
>slow poisonous swamp!
Theres islands to stand on, antidotes and healing wares, rusted iron ring also. There are ways to play AROUND this level hazard. Not an issue.
>Too many dead ends and ambushes.
You get ambushed at the bottom of Blighttown? What, by the leeches?
Also the whole area is open, the only dead end is the one with the dragon scale which is valuable loot.
>Merchant disappears!
If you mean Quelana, then you need a +10 pyre flame to have her appear. She didnt disappear, she simply never spawned. Learn about the game you're trying to critique.
>Boss gets stuck in attack loops!
This can happen with every boss in the first half. Peak Vidya huh?
>Ash Lake doesnt make geographical sense!
Non issue, people complain about shit like this when they cant think of anything more substantial to complain about.
Yes this applies to Earthen Peak and Iron Keep too.

my strat for Souls is generally to ignore walkthroughs on the first run and then go straight to them as soon as I finish the game so I can figure out what shit I've missed

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No, you're just supposed to miss things.

The game has themes of communal help. So you could actually argue yes.
From seem to think so anyway. Even their most recent game has huge pieces of content so well hidden that you need a guide to find them.

Learn english.

Do the Japanese even watch that? Seems like Miyazaki takes more stuff from his favorite animes and mixes it with european stuff he thinks is cool looking.

damn, way to just cover the man in your fecal matter. basado

im high atm, you still understood it, stay mad kid