Half-Life is the best shooter game

This game was released just 3 years after Doom and yet Doom nowdays looks like unplayable mamonth shit, but Half-Life still has kick ass graphics.

Gabe is genius.

Attached: 5454353.jpg (2560x1440, 730.99K)

Half-Life 1 = best ever game

Attached: 45435.jpg (2560x1440, 690K)

>Doom nowdays looks like unplayable mamonth shit, but Half-Life still has kick ass graphics.
quite the opposite except for the graphics part

Where do you see such cool art style in shitty fps like Quake or Doom? They don't have it.

Attached: 363636.jpg (2560x1440, 618.56K)

It is Quake 1 engine. Quake 1 look better than Doom. Doom look better than Wolf 3D. There are all few years apart. You can make Quake 1 look good too. Anyway OP is faggot.

bait thread.

anyone that replies past this post is a moron.

>HD models

Attached: 1582938094804.png (500x400, 16.22K)

Half-Life already had realistic characters back then in end of 90's. Quake was just a shitty game comparing to Half-Life.

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HD textures are soulless

Attached: 20180728193057_1.jpg (1920x2160, 607.51K)

What are you talking about? I just got this game from Steam and didn't install any mods. What HD pack? There's no any. It looked just like this back in 97!

Attached: 7657567.jpg (2560x1440, 746.9K)

Attached: 1564676890999.png (1313x150, 17.84K)

This is not original Half Life. They were like humans made from cardboard. Stop it.


Attached: ruh roh.jpg (1920x1080, 104.63K)

>can't look up without mods
>breaks the game unless you add more mods to rebalance it

I started playing it and it's getting repetitive as fuck. Blast Pit is a drag

>It looked just like this back in 97

This is such a brainless meme. The OG models look like shit. Everything is pretty seamless and ages a lot better when you install the HD models. Especially if you get mods that put in the ultra HD models from the PS2 version. If you REALLY insist on using the low def models then have the sense to use the software graphics and thus have low-def textures and sound too. THAT is the OG Half-Life experience. Playing with low def models in 1920 by 1080 is for simps who are just larping about "soul".

Doom was already inferior to System Shock and Ultima Underworld.

>HD models

>This game was released just 3 years after Doom

>Doom nowdays looks like unplayable mamonth shit
It does not.
And that mod is awful.

Attached: 1341320627673.jpg (1680x1050, 350.75K)

>mp5 turns into an m16

Half-Life (1997) looks like THAT?!

Attached: Half_Life_(1997).jpg (3840x2160, 1.34M)

>anime reaction pic

What's wrong with idfags?.

I can't believe this was made in the 90s

Attached: gonarch.jpg (1920x1080, 556.49K)

I know this is just shitty bait, but for any retards on the board - Doom came out in 1993. It was later re-released in 1995 as The Ultimate Doom with an additional episode. That's 5 years before Half-Life.

Attached: 1584409941743.jpg (720x1038, 293.28K)

Who are you trying to fool? There's no any mods. A pure build from Steam.

Attached: 435435345.jpg (2560x1440, 724.26K)

OP's pic has a gunskin that's not in vanilla tho

This is what your shit looks like. It's not even comparable to Half-Life.

Half-Life just owned Doom.

Attached: DOOM2_1.9.png (320x240, 18.65K)

How long before someone actually explains what the HD models are? Or are we going to be all on 6 layers of pretending to be retarded while accusing the opposition of being genuinely retarded?

>How long before someone actually explains what the HD models are?
Are you genuinely retarded or only pretending? Go into the options in Half-Life, under video there is a setting where you can choose to play with the HD models. See top is vanilla and bottom is HD textures.

OP is trying so hard to look like a great troll, but instead he realized why his parents left him by commiting suicide and shits his pants yet again. The saddest part is that his brain (if it's there was damaged so hard that his only reacon to all that is cringe child laugh.

>This is original game from Steam... with HD models on and some weird textures and lighting that looks way too ugly and doesn't fit original Half-Life. I swear, it's all part of the "original" game.

Doom is more fun to play than HL though.

I'm playing Black Mesa, replayed the original a couple of years ago and I'm starting to feel it wasn't that good as a FPS.
Combat/gunplay is nothing spectacular and you spend a fair amount of time walking doing nothing or solving really simple puzzles.


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Reminder OP is the same schizo as pic related and he's desperately trying to falseflag.

Attached: 1575524873868.png (5120x2576, 1.78M)

What HD models? I downloaded this game from Steam and just put all graphics settings to highest in menu. It says it is Half-Life, not some shitty mod or Black Mesa. Look at the main menu you retard.

Attached: 4324234234.jpg (2560x1440, 446.62K)

it's called pacing doombaby.
cope doom sucks.

Who high gamma chad here?

Half Life Source(your screenshot) doesn't even have the HD models without mods you lying falseflagging nigger.

Attached: 848658.jpg (1364x768, 129.4K)

What you're talking about retard? It doesn't say it's Half-Life Source. The main menu says it's just Half-Life game, so it is a Half-Life, not some shitty mod. Also here are the settings, I don't know what HD models you're talking about. I just set everything to highest.

Attached: 5435345345.jpg (2560x1440, 256.37K)

>Doom (1993)
>Half Life (1998)
>3 years

Attached: xen.jpg (1920x1080, 396.21K)


>that tiny hud at 1440p

>Calling everyone who can think and point at his bullshit a "retards".
>Can't see "Load HD content if available" option in the settings, even though he made a screenshot of it,

I really wonder what kind of idiot OP is and how often this sort of people appear here.

So many people getting baited in here

He's a troll you idiot, and I'd say not a very good one, but apparently he baited you all.

And what does it say about models? HD content means just better graphics. As I already said I set all graphics settings to the highest.

I know, and you were baited as well. We're all idiots, after all. Are you even trying? Come back when you grow up and can troll people better, which means never.

This looks better. Get taste faggot.

Attached: image.jpg (614x676, 385.17K)

Both DOOM and Half-Life are the best FPS ever made. Anyone that says otherwise is a kid.

That's outdated. A few anons found his reddit and other accounts.

Attached: the ultimate autism1.png (5128x3144, 2.46M)

It's 5 years and 3D acceleration cards for home computers were invented in the meantime, which was the greatest leap that ever happened in video game graphics

Half Life was always for people who weren't smart enough to understand Deus Ex.

>regurgitated hick conspiracies of le evil people at the top killing us patriotic citizens via viruses, terrorists, and technology


Existentialist conspiracies>>>>>socio-political conspiracies

Retard. The issue here is that it's the Source version.

Serious Sam FE, SE
Duke Nukem 3D

Doom II
Serious Sam 2
Half-Life: Opposing Force

Quake II
Serious Sam 3

Blood 2
Half-Life: Blue Shift

Only ranked things I've played.

Haters aside.

This is what modding does to games.

Keeping an old game alive.
Updated so the newer generations can play what we saw during our youth.

>Half-Life: Blue Shift

>Half-Life: Opposing Force

Are you retard?

Blue Shift was better than Opposing Force.

Blue Shift is at least canon. Opposing Force is a fanfic similar to Hunt Down The Freeman.

you think this looks good?

Attached: 1584472184499v2.jpg (613x401, 206.86K)

Still better than Doom or Quake.

Attached: 532532.jpg (3082x1738, 853.82K)

I know exactly what the HD models are. I know they are an abortion left over from the PS2 and failed Dreamcast port. I know they were added to steam and are enabled by default. I was commenting on the entire thread bring OP false flagging for not knowing it and a bunch of people calling him a retard; and even THEN only some of those posters could actually tell OP was false flagging and make jokes at both OPs expense and the people who thought OP was genuine. For some reason it didn't amuse me anymore.

Unreal was better

Blue Shift is two hours and unremarkable in every way. You just said that BS' only mark against Op4 is that it's canon. Wowee. Op4 is six hours with new aliens, new weapons, and some of the finest surface level fighting in Half-Life.

ITT: Tinted goggles

Reminder that the best you could possibly get at a playable frame rate in 1998 was 1024x768 with 16-bit colors, and that's being generous. A single Voodoo 2 is mostly balanced around 640x480, and dithering artifacts are quite evident.

Attached: QuakeII_2_split.jpg (640x480, 83.29K)

But this is alpha version. Doom in 93 already had reflections but shitty-life didn't.

Attached: 621176046.jpg (1600x900, 133.05K)

This is true Doom.

Attached: L9mhfc3.jpg (1920x1080, 623.91K)

>tfw almost none of us die to smallpox or hunger before the age or reproduction as opposed to 50-75% of each generation before modernity
Feels bad, man.

HD models look better

It does pretty good job with environmental storytelling but it's nowhere near being a good shooter game. The shooting mechanics alone are basic as hell and has 0 gameplay depth. Even modern ubisoft shooter has more value as a shooter than valve fossil. Take off your nostalgia goggles already.

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Why are people not playing Black Mesa?

Attached: blackflop.png (320x65, 29.76K)