Bros give it to me straight. Just how bad is it?
I 100% DaS1 some odd years ago and have been putting off continuing it ever since. Realistically, how much will I regret playing this?
Bros give it to me straight. Just how bad is it?
With your preconceived notions? Better to not play it. Get fucked.
>best rated Souls game on Metacritic
I know this is obvious bait from you, OP. But maybe, maybe one day you will stop seething.
It's pretty good, it just looks really bad. Most complete Souls game, best PVP, best DLC areas, weapon/magic variety, etc.
And look at it this way, at least it's not as bad as DSIII
the DLC is the best souls content in the series, at least play it for that.
DS2 is dogshit ignoring shit story, areas bosses, enemy, characters and sound the game play feels like your waist deep in water
It's a really good game.
I don't know. Some people hate it, some love it. I think it is good game. Bit worse level design than DaS1. But everything else is better. And game is not unfinished in second half like DaS1.
It's not awful but it's clearly a middle child. The graphics are mostly dogshit in comparison with the huge leap they took with DaS3.
Honestly you could go either way; wouldn't hurt you to play it before 3, wouldn't hurt you to skip it to get to 3 either.
It's not bait. There isn't a single thread DaS where I haven't seen a great majority of people shit on it for one reason or another. I just wanted to know if it's fundamented or not.
Also I've heard some wonk shit about i-frames being tied to a stat and max health decreasing on each death. What's up with that? There's algo the ugly downgraded graphics but that's universally infamous by now and doesn't really bother me if it's otherwise enjoyable.
>regret playing this?
If you liked the first one but want more but with worse atmosphere go for it. Its really not that bad, I've had my fun with it
People hate it cause it's actually hard. Not meme hard like DS1.
no people hate it because its shit
>and max health decreasing on each death.
You lose a small bit of max health on each death, you recover full health with a humanity. Only shitters hate it.
What's the difference between meme hard and actual hard?
>and max health decreasing on each death.
That is true. But you reverse/null that effect once you use the human effigy item (aka Humanity in DaS1). And yes, you can farm it. And the game has limited enemy spawn, but you can use item called bonfire astethic which basically turns the area around the bonfire into NG+(++++), and allows you to fight the same bosses again and farm certain items. If you want. Too bad we didn't see this mechanic in other games.
I installed it yesterday because a friend decided to give it another try (last time we played he dropped it at shaded woods) and coming from playing bloodborne almost daily the camera and movements are clunky as fuck, and I forgot how annoying it is when you start the game that even if you roll enemy attacks still hit you because of adaptability
Dark souls 2 apologists can only spout buzzwords without any kind of actual argument, like this retard
>and max health decreasing on each death.
You mean that feature that was there in Demon's Souls and makes it so turning human is a risk/reward thing? Fucking retard.
>and coming from playing bloodborne
Then go and play the Bloodborne reject
>decide to give DS2 another try, with an open mind
>only get as far as the shitty pirate wharf before deciding never to touch that massive soulless turd again
No thanks, both souls sequels suck ass
Not that user, but Dark Souls (1) has some seriously weird meme bosses:
>Capra fight-me-in-toilet Demon
>Taurus you-can-get-pass-me Demon
and let's not forget personal favorite
>The Bed of Chaos
Same except I only got to the forest of fallen giants, the awful controls and camera were enough to make me want to uninstall it and never touch it again
Dear diary: today user wasn't a faggot
If you really liked ds1 you'll enjoy it and be able to get past the frustrating parts
Samefagging this hard.
Being a fucking retard
Is the worst of the From software souls, but is better than any of the copycat souls like The Surge.
The levels are about as good as the 2nd half of DS1 and the game is overall worse in a few other ways
Yes, faggot. We know that if you post from your PC and phone, and do multiquote, you won't get (You) on both posts. That's not something new. Good try, though.
Still being a fucking retard
Oh look, he actually uses both PC and his phone.
Fuck, that was too easy.
About as bad as DS1 depending on your tastes and preferences. Just don't go in expecting it to play the same as the others. It doesn't.
It's okay user, you can't win them all.
>that seething ds2 cuck claiming samefag when his "muh ds3" doesn't work
You do know I'm the one that posted both and , right?
DS1 is hard only until you understand the controls and if you wander into areas too high level for you. Once that's dealt with, the is concentrated like this
>90% of deaths by falling down ledges
>10% of deaths by hard bosses like Artorias
But the game is overall extremely cheeseable.
DS2 on the other hand it's much more consistent. Enemy placement actually factors into the difficulty and becomes thus something the player has to keep track of during combat. Rolls and shields aren't as reliable. Neither is poise. Bosses are generally more dangerous at least in the early game.
>when you start the game that even if you roll enemy attacks still hit you because of adaptability
Just don't roll through attacks user. It's not such a hard concept to grasp
>have i frames in every single game when rolling
>except in ds2 because reasons
>just get used to it
Fuck your shitty turd of a game
are you completely retarded? ds2 is the very definition of "meme hard". its marketing and even its presentation were based on the "this game will fuck you in the ass" way of thinking. and then all the difficulty came from cheap shit like bad controls, broken hitboxes and enemy spam.
man, ds2 fags are completely delusional, holy shit.
Congratulations, you took 20 minutes to post that while I posted both of mine a minute after his post.
Fuck, all me.
>game play feels like your waist deep in water
You're not used to smooth animation boomer
> Bit worse level design than DaS1
> The graphics are mostly dogshit in comparison with the huge leap they took with DaS3
DS3 looks like shit
>needing iframes
If you level ADP you are a fucking casual
>People hate it cause it's actually hard
DaS2 is easy.
Better than 3, not as good as 1
Is such ignorance even possible? Is this the peak of buyer's remorse?
I literally started the Sunken City yesterday, why is there so many goddamn enemies??
>doesn't know how to dodge away
>If you level ADP you are a fucking casual
>just let the enemies kill you bro
Are you actually retarded?
It's a great game, stop listening to seething retards on Yas Forums.
>and then all the difficulty came from cheap shit like bad controls, broken hitboxes and enemy spam.
I think the delusional one is here
It's not you colossal retard, if you think ds2 and 3 are good by any stretch then you're a fucking mongoloid
>Best rated souls game on metacritic!
>By paid reviewers
>Worst rated according to users
>DS2 contrarians are so far gone that they've resorted to admitting that 2 is shit and pretending 3 is just as bad in a desperate attempt to drag it down to their level
>ds2 fags actually baiting for you's
pathetic. like your game.
its worth a full playthrough, its not worth playing through multiple times
It's the easiest Souls game by far.
>Enemies despawn if you kill them enough.
>Can increase Iframes to fast roll level and beyond regardless of equip burden.
>Souls are the most abundant they have ever been.
>Unlimited supply of healing wares, very easily obtained.
And a bunch of other small details like no twinking and enemy a.i bugging out.
>memorize boss movements
>repeat fight until you win
only faggots that gain some kind of accomplishment from beating video games can actually enjoy this piece of shit
Yes, iframes are connected to AGI which is boosted by the Adaptability trait. Not a big deal, just sink like 10-15 levels into it.
Yes, your health goes down with each death.
It is actually a fucking great game. Flawed, but great. I like it much more than 3 and bounce back and forth between liking it more than 1, though I love the layout/backtracking/exploration in 1.
Better to not play it and not know what it is. It has nothing to do with the other 2. People saying its good are baiting, its objectively bad.
Literally just beated it a few days ago and I was wondering the same. The game is way worse than the other Souls, but it isn't nearly as bad as some people say it is. I had a lot of fun and some of the areas are pretty good (though is truth some of them are a piece of shit). Overall is a pretty good game, it's just not masterpiece-tier like some of the other Fromsoft/Miyazaki games.
>It has nothing to do with the other 2.
DS1 didn't need a direct sequel.