

Attached: mIbLb8p.jpg (907x1208, 617.28K)

>that disgusting pubic neckbeard and the fat gut bulging out of the shirt

jesus christ

That's his mom isn't it

his sister i bet


it's me :3

cope unfuckable incels

Attached: EHRDvWSWwAAUX1B.jpg (2048x1536, 346.36K)

Lol like a bunch of cats in a cage. Chill out pussies.

If you couldn't see her face you would know right was a girl because of how flat chested she is fucking christ

>Soi Eternal
>Animal Cucking

disgusting people aside, do you guys really need to try so hard to hate everything? Doom and AC jokes are not funny and whatever but they're literally harmless. How devoid of life are you that you have to hate a joke about two video games releasing on the same date?

>the bull has the best taste

Attached: neuer-inhalt.jpg (482x332, 117.65K)

loooooool :D

I literally lost my dick and balls just by looking at this picture.

imagine the sex

>have to Photoshop a logo on because nobody on the planet gives a shit about Alyx


i look 10x better than that overweight neckbearded probably balding soilent with ugly ass teeth. rather be a good looking virgin than an unattractive "man" that fucks roasties.

no, alyx chads just arent soiish like AC and DOOM fans. they don't wear graphic tees

Attached: virgin outfit.jpg (1915x1089, 260.95K)

epic, like le wojack meme! xD

That’s kinda funny but obviously the fags wearing it are cringe.

Why is it always that fucking face.
Holy shit at this point you'd think they would stop.

aren't these normal jeans?

wow that was pretty based! You forgot to add the wojak to your post though xDD

It’s always some disgusting, pathetic incel that says ridiculous shit like this.

>passive agressive cuck response
like clockwork

more like cuckwork am I right? :D

I guess they are a bit too baggy, only dads are able to use them.
I guess regular acceotable jeans would be Slim fit ones.


you have to go back

Attached: Reddit moment.png (594x582, 41.33K)

Nah skinny jeans only everything else is for incels.

make me :^)

normal jeans look like garbage, makes you look like a formless burlap sack. skinny jeans make you look human

how do we fix women?

Attached: 1579565112352.png (1054x888, 793.28K)

yes, numales like them on their wives.

based based based based based based

omg this is such an epic maymay! do you get it my Yas Forumsrosephs!?! its because both of these games come out on the same day and yet are totally different! xDD so quirky!

Unironically that guy should be played by Idris Elba

There is NOTHING wrong with finding forgiveness through Christ.

>mouth open
>meme shirt

leddit was a mistake

Females are such cancer.

Fat and ugly people should be fucking killed.

this but unironically, if you don't look good in skinny jeans i feel sorry for you


There's a difference between 'forgiveness' and 'spending 10 years of your life trying to get a murderer set free'

>nothing wrong

Attached: 1538235973460.jpg (987x1024, 94.47K)



Kill redditors 2020

>females know what loylaty is :^)
They literally fuck the guy who killed their brother. Females are scum, never try to tell anyone otherwise.

Skinny if you are skinny yourself and/or are under 20.
Above that you'll just look like a tool. Slim is better for most ages except boomers.

How much time do you people spend combing Reddit and Twatter for these kind of pictures?
Where do you even find them? Why do you look for them and share them?


















Post a picture if you're so good looking. Oh right you wont because you probably 100x more onions than the guy in the pic

Post photo faggot

have sex

>t. Anons mad that a literal neckbeard can be in a loving relationship when they can't.

>big black cock news

post face and body

Try being human.

> Jeans that most of the population wears
> Shoes that 90% of the population wears
> Fucking graphic tees
This is the laziest fucking bait.

You've upset the uggos.

rare shot of his wife without her boyfriend

>being the emotional tampon of a cheating roastie is a desirable outcome for him

Yep. Even if you are a bit chubby you’ll still look better in form fitting clothes. Incels are retards and try to hide their terrible physique but just make themselves even more gross looking.