Monster Hunter
why is he so mad
He's literally going nuclear
What is HIS problem?
He's literally going super saiyan
He's upset that people don't realize he's half-lion.
>see turf war between luna and nerg
>luna shits out blue fire during it that actually damages you
>that's the only time i've seen a monster damage you during a turf war
It's like Luna takes every opportunity to be hated.
I wonder why the Huntsman decided to take on a job in the Research Commission, and why he hasn't returned to the Old World yet.
>don't want to get spoiled on the fights
>have to leave Yas Forums until PC update hits
It's not like Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang are new monsters to the series.
I know you just want to bump, but that's a stupid thing to say.
There is nothing to look forward to in the game apart from those two
>same person carts all 3 times without changing their play style at all
It was to the acid glavs knive chop too
There's nothing to look forward to period. The game has reached it's end and they aren't going to allow anything more powerful or interesting than the Safi gear. So that's that.
And I'm saying that it's dumb to avoid spoilers on monsters that have existed for years. Furious Rajang has existed since Freedom Unite, back in 2008. That's 12 years ago. Raging Brachydios has existed since 4 Ultimate, back in 2014. That's 6 years ago.
Neither of these are new monsters and you've had over half a decade to get familiar with them already.
No it's not. Not everyone played previous games and even then both monsters are not going to be ported straight into the World.
This is how you play monster hunter
- no health booster
- no vigorwasp
- only one of these is allowed: max stun resistance, max earplug, max tremor resistance. Black diablos allows two of them to be used
that is all
None of that proves that the weapons will be surpassed, instigating a drive to farm for something better. In fact it states quite the opposite, even siting previous gen monhuns that had the same problem as a "justification".
There will be better raw variants, according to the guy.
And don't forget this is not a shitty MMO and parsing niggers are rather an offense to the game than something normal
Play an actual MH game
>Heard Kulve had another phase where she didn't have her armor
>Googled "Naked Kulve"
I have mixed feelings about these results.
I'm using them all and there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop me.
Honestly fuck stuns.
>The game has reached it's end and they aren't going to allow anything more powerful or interesting than the Safi gear. So that's that.
Bros, it's Kulve Taroth, nothing will surpass this stuff! MHW is done
Have you never destroyed Kulve's mantle? The teams I'm on always end up shattering it by the time we get to the fourth area.
Stuns were fine prior to World. Fucking with the stun mechanics now pretty much bar shit like green Narga, Narjarala, Seltas Queen, or any other monster with stun attacks from returning without a rework. You can kiss green Narga goodbye as stun was its main gimmick.
>come back to World after a while
>fight Azure Rathalos
>get stunned, poisoned and burned at the same time
forgot another one
a cart is a restart
Clutch to head
Launch rocks into eyes
Azure crashes down
Stabbity stab stab
>water-element Great Sword
Why would you use element with a GS? Do the devs even play the game?
As far as I know some monsters get exhausted faster and not everyone plays TAutism builds with full offense
why would that be true?
Hell, Kulu and Tzitzi have attacks that are guaranteed to stun and Teostra stuns you so quickly, you might as well count him
if you play frostcraft GS, element is usable since you have crit element + crit draw
The fuck is wrong with you?
Where is
>no mantles
>no claw
That's the first I've ever heard about element doing additional exhaust damage to certain monsters. It's less about TA bullshit and more that elements have traditionally been more useful on multihit weapons because how element works is kind of stupid.
I see, that makes sense then.
Tail circumcision
Put it on PC then, faggot.
I play MHW because it's the only MH game that's on PC. No, emulation doesn't count.
Kulu and Titzi have stuns moves that are extremely easy to dodge. People eat a hydro pump from Seltas Queen on a daily basis.
Raging was a miserable reskin without anything new. Not the case anymore. So yeai, it's new.
since he represents us oldfags, it makes sense that he's complain about shit being confusing and retarded while still going along for the ride
Remove crutch claw.
Or make all weapons wound in one crutch claw hit.
This is bullshit. Dropping slinger ammo is fuckin POINTLESS, its ONLY use is wallbang and any ammo type will do that.
I maxed out my Dragon bow set yesterday so I'd be ready for Safi to drop, and now I find out that Bow is the one weapon where Safi stuff isn't an upgrade.
Good, you deserve it for being a bowfag
>MHW gets two variants
>Dauntless actually gets a 100% brand new monster
>giant fire ape, way cooler than Rajang
Fuck off shill.
>dauntless shilling all of the sudden
>way cooler than Rajang
>clutch azure rathalos
>he does a stomp
>well I'm on the head so I should be safe
>knocked off and poisoned
I see
seething weaponlet
clutch claw needs to be removed, but not for the reason you gave
looks like he had too many potions
>thinking going without any if those makes the game hard mode
>be completely screwed if you dont use unga bunga weapons
Nah fuck off. All weapons need to wound in 1 hit.
If I remember correctly, he uses claws to get you off himself. Tail is safe in that case
Yeah no, I like not having instances every few yards and running the game at a good fps, port it to something worth playing on
How far are you into the game?
Slinger ammo is hyper useful, you can stagger most monsters out of their worst animations/combos
I'm at end game and I have NO FUCKING USE FOR SLINGER GARBAGE.
In fact I wish the slinger wasn't even in the game. The Admiral has it right I CAN THROW THE DAMN THINGS MYSELF.
>stagger monsters out of animations
Pointless. They recover in a half second and start again anyway, and the only real moves it would be useful on are things like teostra/luna/nergi's 'ultimate' attacks which it DOESN'T WORK ON. Plus if you do that, you can't attack them during the recovery at the end of the animation.
>Real MH game
Not again dammit
How do you fight tempered Savage Jho?
>in MH
No such thing.
hit it until it dies
play lance
Break his chest and attack that the whole time
why the fuck does no one use fire against leshen
because no one plays leshen and muh RAW meta.
and also its a pain in the dick maintaining a set for each element
Like the element, or Igni?
>and also its a pain in the dick maintaining a set for each element
Just have a silverlos set and change out the element damage stuff?
Fuck grinding for MR, wake me up when there's a cheat to set MR to 100.
Grinding guiding lands levels is annoying but I can put up with it. What I won't put up with is needing to spend 30 fucking hours killing shit I don't care about just to unlock the one monster I do care about.
Make a Velk/Nami set, and change out the element stuff, then.
But muh RAW.
Also while we're on it FUCK the MHW team for making brute tigrex shit practically required for any non ranged weapon.
Because using Igni on the Leshen itself is a waste. It has a cooldown and you will need it to free pinned teammates if you don't want to spam flashpods or have enough red slinger ammo to flinch him out of the pin. In his final phase Leshen absolutely spams the fuck out of his pin attack. Instead it's better to slap down a health booster to cover the revolture aura and wail on him.
So he's permanently super saiyan right?
Does that mean he's also permanently enraged or does he go even further beyond?
I'm sure the Admiral will calm down eventually.
>low quality pic of a brute wyvern gangbang
Fitting end for this cheap whore
Better question is what the fuck is up with his donkey kong rip-off spinning slam attack.
Post 'em
Post killscreens if you want to show something that at least has the potential to be interesting.
shit, wrong one
>muh RAW meta
2 more days
play hammer. slinger thorns becomes your best friend because you can charge your swing, shoot a slinger burst to stun the monster and instantly unleash your charge attack.
Okay sure,
If you've never fought him before, yes he has an enrange on top of his already enraged state.
Freeza killed Kuririn