Who was in the right and who did you side with? I always siding with Mr. House because I think he's the best choice...

Who was in the right and who did you side with? I always siding with Mr. House because I think he's the best choice, not just for Mojave but for humanity as a whole. NCR is an acceptable alternative, but the Legion... I can't stand them.

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House and Legion are the best

Anyone who thinks house has anything other than selfish interest is a moron. That being said the best answer is the selfish one. Take new Vegas for yourself

Legion is the only pragmatists' option. Welcome to the post-apocalypse. Literally every other faction is destined for chaos and failure.

House is the 2deep4u, fedora option.

Only actual, irl, correct answer is NCR.

Is the question "how do we implement the same corrupt democracy that destroyed the planet the first time?"

Why would NCR work? It's the same thing as the pre war government, and we all know how that turned out.

Depends on the Courier.

If the Courier is a Mary Sue Yes Man is the best.

If the Courier is an actual human with flaws House is a much safer choice.

Legion is fun but ultimately worse than House.

NCR is shit and anyone who thinks supporting a bloated corruption filled democracy that can't even protect it's people from junkies with gun is somehow better than the three listed above is insane.

NCR was well intentioned but even if you do like the NCR you should fight them because the NCR collapses if it wins the dam while the loss of it allows it to shed some of the beaurocratic incompetence that was dragging it down and come out better for it

House is the only logical choice because he continues to rebuild a sustainable society with unparalleled efficiency while you personally live like a king because he realizes that you're both loyal and a killing machine

People will deny this to the end of time but House deserves New Vegas because he was the one who saved it.
It's that simple.
He could have easily just let it die with the wasteland, but instead he took measures to protect it and rebuild it in the new age, so he deserves to keep it.

>Still caring about humanity and the well being of the mojave
When will you empathetic fools learn...

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How do I play a bad guy?
I'm always ended up as a goody two shoes and never join the Legion.

You remember that all the profligates that populate the wasteland are degenerates that belong on crosses.
And then you beat them to death with your power fist.

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answer should be pretty clear

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C-can I use stim packs?

It wasnt inherently corrupted democracy that ended the world. The US was well on its way to being able to survive solely off of nuclear fusion. It was the international tension that caused the war, and china was probably as big of a turd as it is here in real life.

how does the legion feel about super mutants and ghouls?

>Who was in the right and who did you side with
the answer is always Elijah

All factions are shit independence is the only correct choice

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>beat them to death with your power fist.
But I prefer guns...

Friendly reminder this bald cunt's answer to deathclaws is a bunch of chucklefucks in football gear rags with machetes.
Legion was so close to being sick as fuck but there's 0 in-game support for their narrative. NCR fucking body the legionaries in every encounter they have with one another. Legionaries are total dumbshits and even their endgame guys come with less armor than Rangers and just end up being less threatening versions of other endgame threats.
Meanwhile everyone treats them like they're tough and there's this total disconnect from it and it makes no sense as to why they suck so much ass in-game instead.

If the game wasn't being rushed than maybe the Legion could've been more of a morally grey faction instead of the straight up bad guys they are.

>answer to deathclaws is a bunch of chucklefucks in football gear rags with machetes

Legion is the high test choice

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NCR or Independent.

Tit for tat, NCR has the best actual outcomes for everybody involved but Independent/Yes Man is the most kino thematic ending.

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I think IMO, the Legion needed the following tweaks:

>Make them primarily ranged fighters much like the NCR, but still make the fact that in melee and unarmed combat they are monsters a key feature, the idea being that NCR conscripts can just about point a gun, but Legionaries are killing machines in all avenues of combat
>Similarly, NCR soldiers defecting and bolting when the tide turns whilst Legionaries are North Korea tier loyal. This is already somewhat present, but amp it up
>Demonstrate both sides to the medical issue. In the FO universe it's possible to make healing medicine from tribal herbs, so have that work but have storylines with the NCR running out of Stimpaks or Doctor's Bags and entire units being fucked up because they havent' got enough pre-war medicine to go around whilst for field injuries, the Legion are experienced tribal herbalists. This of course would then bounce around to advanced medical issues like cancer or brain tumours aren't curable this way
>Tone down/change women's roles in the Legion. For the most part they should still be servants, brood mares and nurses/teachers but not literal chained slaves in constant pain and suffering. Make the Legion more brainwashed totalitarian "for Caesar" "For the greater good" etc where a number of brainwashed women are happy to be second class citizens if it means supporting the great leader/their state. Women shouldn't be hated/ingrained as inferior, the attitude shouldn't be "Women are dumb bitches suited for nothing but creampies" but rather "Everyone must serve the Legion as best they can, and amongst many women they may serve our Legion and Caesar best by producing great sons that will overtake California and the Mojave."
>Show towns east of the Colorado that are under the Legion banner but not part of it in the literal sense. They're well protected and largely safe, but live in fear of Legion's moralistic rules and at any moment could be completely ransacked

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Nuclear war was what destroyed the world. Not Democracy. House and Caesar are despots.

I'll take being a wageslave over a literal slave.

it had a war and everything went to shit. those are outside factors to the argument of what lifestyle is better.

yo, who lives well under House? leftover mafia style families and NCR troops.... oh sure he can build a rocketship alright, but 95% of the people under him are in abject poverty.

The state of the Legion.
I can't believe I'm going to join with them for this playthrough

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>how do we implement the same corrupt democracy that destroyed the planet the first time?"

Imagine making this argument in a series in which literally the opening monologue of the first game makes the point that no matter the ideology or the resources at stake, mankind will devolve into bloody conflict.

I used to side with the NCR, but now I think independence (sans the canned man) is the best option. I wish you could have some kind of free-vegas+boomer+followers ending.

There's no point in aligning with literal despotic slavers, nor with a corrupt bureaucracy. Forget about the disconnected old-world boss, too, who just uses people as means for his own ends.
The Mojave is a tough place, and truly lasting progress can come only on the terms of those who live and understand life on that frontier, and through the cooperation and mutual aid of said people. The courier can't force or order this, but could use his means and connections to guide people towards guiding themselves.

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It's very much worth noting, and this is a VERY common mistake that I'm sure certain people in this thread even believe, that the Courier is NOT Mr. House or some sort of leader of the Mojave in the independent ending. It is explicitly total anarchy. The Securitrons act as a security force for the Vegas Strip itself and as a general deterrent to the NCR and the Legion ever returning, but the Courier does not rule the Mojave in this ending. At best, the Courier sticks around and runs the Strip, selling Hoover Dam's power to the NCR. But the ending is written in such a way that your Courier could head off for parts unknown immediately or slip off Hoover Dam and die and the results would be the same.

This isn't an argument against Independent, but just a clarification.

I am split between NCR and Independent the same as another user in the thread:

>All the ending slides are nice, and everyone gets a good ending. Brotherhood, Followers and the Kings particularly get shafted in other endings and don't in this one.
>Main quest is the best paced/structured and if you want a Courier who isn't a spotlight type person but more of a wanderer/mercenary, it works well as Legion does.
>Democratic republic government is the best choice realistically compared to totalitarianism, technocratic dictatorship or anarchy and it's pretty clear that the NCR is in the midst of a particularly bad administration during Vegas rather than being inherently fucked, and that the whole point is that democracies are only as good as the many, many cogs that make up the machine
>Cover art man is NCR

Wild Card:
>Working for the NCR the whole game but slowly building Yes Man up and then "betraying" the NCR at Hoover Dam right when General Oliver comes to thank you is kinographic
>Being the middle man playing NCR and Legion off of eachother and coming up on top is great as a Fistful of Dollars/western homage for the game as a whole
>Helping the NCR win Hoover Dam is actively rewarding terrible people in power and terrible foreign policy that is undeserved and only works because of a fluke hero, and the NCR losing gives them a hell of a slap and likely sends them on a better course overall
>NCR, Legion and House being Old World embodiments. Theme of the game being letting go of the past and finding something new.
>George Lucas tier pottery of the Courier having apparently through his wandering created a new community in the Divide that was wedged between Legion and NCR, had the best of both but the worst of neither and was going to be something new but was then destroyed
>The Courier in the independent ending is effectively going to finally set the road for the Mojave to become the community that the Divide could have been.

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House>power gap>Legion>NCR>power gap>Yes Man

If anyone actually picks Yes Man for anything but achievements, they're retarded.

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Yes Man.
Letting New Vegas fend for itself is the safest way to ensure its collapse.

If that's your goal, why don't you just kill everyone?

use healing powder for roleplaying
legion doesn't prohibit guns, all the high ranking legionaries use guns, other than praetorians and legate of course.

>Slave state

>Old world ideals

>Ego-maniacal becomes practical god king of wasteland
>Better choice for the future

>Can send the wasteland into a raider state
>Can send the wasteland into a number of smaller factions in control of their own choices and actions

All options are viable, all options have ups and downs

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I think rather than making them ranged fighter they should have shields, approach with testudo formation and then overwhelm the enemy. that would be cool but near impossible in new vegas engine.

IMO the Yes Man ending bottles it because it clearly was not thought over:

>Despite there being numerous mini-questlines throughout the game to strengthen the Follower's position, flow of supplies and relationship with surrounding groups in Freeside that have no actual end point or reward of any kind, they still get the same ending if you do that as if you had never even entered The Old Mormon Fort
>There is literally no ending slide for if you left the Brotherhood alive but also upgraded the Securitron Army. They just skip over it. Even if there was, there should be an additional variation for Couriers who are esteemed members of the Brotherhood with McNamara as Elder.
>Novac ending is written to be basically either fail-state, Legion or NCR. Since both the Wild Card and the House endings make mention of it "remaining independent of NCR" even though that doesn't make any sense in a free Mojave

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Legion because cultural assimilation and homogenization. Everything else is irrelevant and needs to be destroyed for the greater good.

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>reaches the pacific ocean

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Caesar's return to the Boneyard sounds kino.

big bad ncr shitting bricks every time you mention those chads, raiders and junkies won't even ambush the supply lines the merchants use they're that brutal

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>Another New Vegas politics thread
We've had these so many times, hell I've spent a lot of time arguing in these, but why the hell can't we discuss ANOTHER aspect of this fucking game?

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Can you join the Legion and still be a good person(neutral good)?

Yeah, there's Good, Neutral and Evil karma endings for all factions, though it's way easier to have good karma with the NCR and bad karma with the Legion.

It's heavily implied that the moment the Legion reaches the sea it will rip itself in half, similarly if the NCR were to take the East

Realistically speaking they shouldn't be leaving it up to my 1int 10 luck brain damaged mailman to decide the fate of the region, so I go with Yes Man to put it off and let someone else clean up the mess

that's what new vegas is all about you moron

>there's Good, Neutral and Evil karma endings for all factions
How do you join the Legion and still maintain good karma, I though they pretty much kill and enslave everyone?

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The NCR ain't doing shit to protect your trade caravan.

Caesar is a cuck and you can fail practically every mission he gives you, kill him and get away with it. You can literally do every quest in the game BEFORE visiting him at the fort, this way you barely lose karma.

Once the NCR take the dam and legion is pulled from the area, protection is instated

When someone else makes a new game that outdoes a rushed and bug ridden old game that still has better writing than most games today

Yes. What does it say about their actions whenever there's a new threat?

I have been slowly working on a logical quest order for the game. As in, which quests it makes the most sense to do when and in what order narratively.

Weirdly, the Brotherhood storyline and Veronica come up super early.


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There's no such thing as sequence breaking in an RPG. Do whatever you want.

>Kills the Tunneller Queen

Pssh, nothin personnell

Who gives a shit? Your character doesn't even live there. Fuck this faggot game.


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LARPing fedoras
Shabbos goys
Saviour of mankind.

>New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment.
>The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon.
>What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers.
>With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit.
>100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.
In the meantime, you'd rule Vegas as some kind of dictator?
>I prefer the term "autocrat."
>I would rule as a chief executive. I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity.
>Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
What's to keep you from abusing your power?
>My judgement.
>I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time.
>Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions.
>But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economic visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have.

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