Persona 5 Royal Wait Thread

I can’t wait any longer for P5 Royal. I’ve been waiting and waiting and I’m sitting around with nothing to do during this virus. All I want to do is spend 12 hours a day marathoning Royal but I have to wait 13 more days.
How are you guys holding up on the wait? Are you looking forward to Royal?

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I'm watching the retards on Yas Forums sperging with P5R metacritic.

I'm still playing my first playthrough of OG... I play in bursts and stop.

>Are you looking forward to Royal

no, i have already played 5.

Why would anybody want to play Royal after playing 5? It's just the same game with added fanfic. The grappling hooks seem nice though, I'll give you that

Using my time to learn japanese so I don't have to wait next time

they are a small detour user

How bad will this trigger twitter?

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Don't care

"ryooji is trans"

I can see it now

Better question is how much it will trigger Yas Forums. Yas Forums spergs lost their damn mind when they found out these two lines were changed and screamed Royal was censored for weeks.

>buying censoredshit

Should I expect to play The Royal mid-April because of shipping delays?

People just wanna shitpost, and posting "CENSORED" means they can do so without trying

I’m going to get it Digital. This is the first time I’ve preordered a game digitally.

I already played Persona 5. 60 dollars for 10% more content at the tail end of the story and the redhead isn't even playable until the final dungeon.


This. I'm mad that P5 4 years later still gets more attention than any other Atlus IP but the seething is hilarious. I don't even think it was this bad when the base game launched.

>dude no I want to keep that one cringy line in the game where Ryuji gets raped
>I was lookin forward to the one off Ryuji comedy rape scene in this game and now that it’s not there I can’t enjoy it
That’s the only ‘censored’ line and it’s not even censorship, it’s just changing a line to make it less creepy. Why would you want gay deviants to have their way with your bro?

It has more changes than P4G.

There’s 30% more content and many changes throughout the whole game which are accessible early on. Stop spreading false information faggot.

these "many changes" are at best free patch content, just a few lines of code.

Balance patch, whoah. Billiards, whoah. No changes to the story structure and the dates in which you get party members, whoah. Still have march through the same game 1:1 until the content at the end of the game for 1 new dungeon, whoah.

Where do I insert my $60 and my $10 for the Joker 3rd tier Ultimate Persona that's not included?

No switch port, no buy.

Waiting for what?
A shitty nonsense videogame?

>Are you looking forward to Royal?
No, because all of Atlus' re-releases from the past 10 years (P4G, Catherine FB, that Tokyo Mirage shit...) have been far inferior to the original versions.

That’s bullshit and you know it. The new areas in the game, all the new personas, all the new confidant ranks you can do, new games, new dates and activities, the new velvet room features, new mementos features, and the customizable ‘my palace’ room are all accessible before the end of the original game. Kill yourself.

Will you buy Persona 5 Royal?
>I think I will.
>It looks like I don't have any other choice...

See Stop lying out your ass faggot.

I wish we had gotten Devil Survivor 3 instead of Persona 5 Re-Release. Already sick of Persona 5.


I hope Atlus learns the wrong lesson from P5 and actually make a good game with P6.

P5 is the best game in the series and that’s not even debate-able if you’ve actually played the other games like I have.

>Hacker woman hacks all the problems away
>Makoto kills all group bonding and all funny scenes get thrown aside for her unnecessary developer's preference screen time
>Game has nothing to say by the end and hacks Akechi and Haru's needed development and arcs for nothing

Fuck off. The original P5 before the nuclear plant disaster sounded way better than this.

Why do people shit on P5 so much anyway? It has lots of things you can nitpick but people on here constantly dismiss it as an outright bad game.

3&4 fan here, FUCK YOU new weeb-ass bitch... Your expectations are so low I am disgusted :\

Get some goddamn taste.

Learn to shit in a toilet Altus viral marketing Pajeet

You played a different game from everyone else
1 and 2 are unironically better than 3 and 4 and they’re still shit compared to 5.

>you can’t be excited about a game or you’re a shill
You really think a tiny company like Atlus can afford to pay people to post on Yas Forums of all places?

Oldfags are worse than newfags.

futaba hacking all of japan for the final calling card was the sort of thing that would have really pissed me off 40 hours of gametime earlier but by that point in the story i had checked out and was just enjoying seeing stuff on the screen

ADHD action-fag yanks hate anything that's not shooty-shooty-bang-bang / BLING BLING WAHHOO!.

Ignore them.

P5 is hated so much because it simultaneosly attracts 8 different brands of mental retardation:
- Personafaggotry (Persona has always been a mediocre series, which means that any persona fan inherently has shit taste, therefore it goes without saying that they would hate the only good game in the series)
- Nostalfaggotry (aka: "it's new therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Contrarianism (aka: "it's popular therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Console warriors of the Nintendo faction (aka: "it's a PS exclusive therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Yas Forums-tards (aka: "it has clearly left-leaning themes, therefore it's SJW-pandering, therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- SJWs (aka: "it has sexy characters therefore it's sexist (though I'll call it "coomercore" instead, otherwise people at Yas Forums will recognize me), therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Nu-animefags (aka: "at some point something happens, therefore it has """bad writing"""(TM), therefore it's bad precisely because it has some objective quality")
- FFXV-kun (aka: "it's a non-FFXV rpg, therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")


Cope harder nincel. This game is only for chad sony party rockers
Go play with yout bing bing wahoo kiddie shit toddler

We get all the original P5 DLC for free


40% of purse owner 5 players became trannies within six months of finishing the game

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I don't trust anyone that says it's a fine game.

It's OK at best. I just can't see how an average 'seasonal anime' story can be considered great.

Still I want the "No more what ifs" as my ps4 background music. Shit is tight.

>You got the (((chutzpah)))

lol, Atlus knows who makes up the most degenerates.

Also, its extremely funny the two fags assume Ryuji is into drag just because Lalachan works in Crossroads, even though it is not a drag bar. Its the equivalent of saying a place is gay if a gay dude is the owner or works there.

Kind of off topic but you should get the Tifa FF7 remake theme for PS4, it’s really nice.

Real question fags, what the best Royal OST?

How long until he’s banned?

There’s so many good ones. My favorites are I Believe, Keep Your Faith, and No More What Ifs

Literally only 2 songs, Not counting the obvious (this is persona 5 with a extra dungeon)
Take over and I believe
And colors flying high has no complete version like You are stronger from persona 5 scramble.
A shame really.
Also the ending is a bit odd.

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>Pay piggies 5: say it again edition
I can't believe anyone is actually excited to play a rerelease of a 3 year old game

Fuck Royal. I'm not paying for the same game again with an hour of new non-canon content.
Wake me up when Scramble comes out.
number one


Thank you, $60 plus DLC tax!

>being excited to pay full price for the same game on the same console

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Damn straight, I preordered the Phantom Thieves $90 edition

I don't know a lick about FF7 and am trying to not get spoiled even with any music since I'm waiting for the remake.

So true. If only it was on my Nintendy... I would gladly pay double the price!


I'd buy it without thinking if the exclusive ps4 theme background was actaully good . It's utter shit compared to what the Japs got.

the first ~15 hours of persona 5 were magical but everything after was just okay

i don't think i'll bother with this since i would get severe "that part" feelings once kamoshida was dealth with and stop playing

and pay for the whole DLC you brought for Persona 5 vanilla all over again. It's no wonder Japan has almost no jews, they outcompete them.

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Oh yes if it was on some other console I didn’t have it would then be worth buying!

The original P5 dlc is free for western players you fucking retard. Don’t talk about shit you don’t know about.



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