Indie World was the Direct, no E3, Corona-chan killed the investors, see you next year!

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where art thou videoth games mine lord

What was the sheep game called again?

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there were plenty of interesting looking indie games
what the fuck were you expecting, genuinely

where's the No Man's Sky port

No wonder PS4 is dominating sales when you don't have any Smash news in the new direct. How tiresome.

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Obligatory "Where is Crosscode?" post

Blue Fire: Based
Baldo: Cringe
I am dead: Cringe
Shooter game: Cringe
C&H game: Cringe
Summer in Mara: Cringe
Quantum League: Cringe
The Good Life: Based
The Last Campfire: Based
Pixel Junk Eden 2: Based
Eldest Souls: ???
Gungeon 2: Based

True, this was probably the worst Indie World they had so far. It was quite the cope. If the leak about a true Direct happening turns out to be fake the fans will be even more outraged than they are already.

only game that interested was Baldo because Miyazaki, and I am dead because I've been itching for some puzzle games

Blue fire looked great
the rest looked meh

>no smash

indie showcases always suck. Next week is a normal direct.

I like how their "big reveal" was just a port of a phone game from 6 months ago.

>last decade's pixel indieshit
>this decade's tumblr indieshit
Which do you prefer?

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Silksong. That's it, nothing else mattered.


>tfw no silksong info

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the only interesting game was the first one, good to see more indie 3d platformer and it has a better artstyle than shit like hat in time

I went in expecting nothing. At least there were a few games worth keeping an eye on. I want to see more of the last campfire and 2 others.

That anime inspired game looked alright and the furniture moving game will probably be fun. That was about it

Obligatory “where is Silksong” post

So Deltarune and the dlc for Hollow Knight and Cuphead are literally never coming out are they?

this decade's tumblr indieshit has a far higher likelihood of actually being a video game, and the california indie circlejerk of phil fish-types has largely died out and lost power because too many "art games" came out in too short a timeframe for people to forget that kind of garbage would've been free on newgrounds a few years back

the fun part of indies is going in expecting everything to be garbage and finding the jewels within

I missed it. When's it getting uploaded to their channel?

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Imagine making one of the most highly anticipated indie game sequels of all time perhaps THE MOST anticipated sequel and not fucking showing anything for over a year.

Imagine having standards this low. No wonder indies get a pass for being painfully unimaginative.

The platforming looked like shit though and the levels were just wide empty spaces

What the fuck happened to The Good Life? Why does it look so soulless now?

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The Good Life. It's one of Swery's small budget games that's not Deadly Premonition 2.

>No FNAF help wanted trailer even though a switch port was confirmed like 4 days ago

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Good Life, Baldo and Blue Fire looked decent. Not interested in the rest.

Hollow Knight might technically be INDIE but the game is big enough to appear in a main direct.

Putting Hollow Knight next to things like I AM DEAD and PABLO just makes the rest look sad.

either way this decade is superior because it has more to choose from. As long as you can sort through the trash you can find something you like now.

no Silksong or CrossCode. only 2 games that looked remotely interesting. what was the fucking point?

The Good Life

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Eldest Souls and that card game are day 1 purchase for me. Still not sure about Baldo.
I'm surprised they didn't show Star Renegades.

Where is that Crosscode port

>Corona-chan killed the investors

That'd be a good thing though

>no Cross Code
>no Silksong
Did I get them all?

It was worse than the last indie. Where the fuck was axiom verge 2?


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Imagine making a port of a phone game your "big reveal" you show at the end.

>Baldo: Cringe

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>The platforming looked like shit though
impossible to determine before you play the game

3d platformers live and die on their gamefeel

>and the levels were just wide empty spaces
blatantly false

That moment im proud of Yas Forums for not being the most cancerous group when discussing the new indie direct.
The youtube livechat was disease inducing madness.

I don't think you can call fnaf an indie series anymore. It's really become a franchise.

I wonder if that Mara game is gonna get translated into Japanese

Livechat was just people spamming F and coronavirus memes

Somebody on youtube said the new Sean Murray game "looked sick" how the fuck does that look sick?

I dunno, Hello Games's new thing looked nice, and i'm glad Swery's game and Gungeon are coming to Switch.

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What happened? Smashfags?

>I Am Dead
-ucking cancer of a chat, yes.

Exit the gungeon was a mobile game?

Baldie looked fun.

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Youtube chat always looks like a parody to me, no matter what kind of stream you're watching it feels like everyone in there has a sub 80 IQ

yes it''s been out since September

You people caused F
I hope you're happy

>impossible to determine before you play the game
I've played enough 3D platformers in my time to discern that shit from a glance

I was hoping for Silksong info, The Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium, but meh. Big indies like those show up on normal directs right? I remember Obra Dinn was announced in a normal direct.
I was surprised there were two argentines, didn't know games are being made in this shitty white country.

Twitch chat didn't feel too bad, but I was barely looking.

>Half a year without announcing fucking anything.
>After an E3 where they barely announced anything.
What the fuck are the devs at Nintendo even doing?

Are you guys HARDCORE enough to play ELDER SOULS?

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What did I do? I didn't write a single comment there.

Ran out of money.

Well if anything it'll be much better to play on a console with a dedicated joystick and buttons.

So how are you sure there won't be a general direct soon?

This is specifically an indie showcase user, the "big" direct will be soon

The fuck am I supposed to be upset about? It's fucking indieshit. Hard to care about most of them.

I ate my nails with milk today, so no

He's right. Real life is the best source of inspiration. Living life and experiencing it gives you true inspiration. Aping shit from games you played as a kid is only approaching the matter at the surface. Say what you want about Miyazaki, but he's right - you need to live life for a while before you make something. Itoi made Mother in his mid-30's. He made Mother 3 as a middle-aged man having experienced fatherhood and growing older. Some kid out of college won't get Mother outside of some quirky dialogue and walking mushrooms.

Reeeeee I wanted heartbeat om switch.

All I wanted was fucking Silksong fuck

they weren't even trying to be subtle

Making fun of indies feels bad.

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Uts just an extension of youtube comments and those are always braindead.

>expecting anything out of indie directs

Somehow out there, someone is going OHNONONONONO at Apple losing an exclusive to Nintendo.

I always element zap or hide the chat whenever an event takes place, I can't stomach those idiots period.

If there's a real direct next week they might show it there. It kinda would've been unfair to show it today because everyone would forget the rest of the garbage they showed.

You fucks said this last year. The only pre-e3 direct for more than promoting a single fucking game right before release was in February.

Because I have a huge cock.
I don't care.

Last Campfire is going to filled with FEELS and I am ok with that. If the gameplay is solid, I might pick it up.

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>bald guy pops up next to a screen with the word BALDO on it
>starts talking passionately about BALDO
>my sides

did they think this through

E3 is kill. May as well do something before the fiscal year is over.

Gachashit is more videogame than indieshit. Anyone who puts their hopes on indieshit is retarded. It will get pozzed much faster than corporate games because they literally have 0 defense.

>You fucks said this last year.
and it was right?
we had a main direct last year before E3

Why is Nia so perfect, bros?

I don't support indie shit. Fucking indie niggers.

Me: F

This. Gungeon is my all time favorite indie and I have put in over 200 hours and I will not be getting Exit.

Blue Fire, Eldest Soul, Baldo, The Last Campfire and Exit Gungeon seems all good

I play gachashit and even I have to disagree with this.


>Because I have a huge cock.
Can I suck it?

2/10 made me reply

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If heartbeat were to come to switch Nintendo would never promote it, it's just too controversial, bear in mind Nintendo of America is still filled with sjws, they are just kept on a tight leash.

It probably was called Elder Souls until Todd gave them a call.

ghost of a tale is getting a port

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this entire board only plays normalfag trash. just ignore shit threads like this

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Okay, trannyhole lickers.

Man fuck the unreal engine. Literally everything looks the same


Baldo in italian means bold, audacious

Blue Fire looks right up my alley. Been looking for a great 3D platformer, and that one's got a great atmosphere going.

>all those comments about toxic chat
now I regret missing it kek

Hey, another gungeon game is okay in my book.