My cat has intestine cancer. She is 16 years old. I love her so much...

My cat has intestine cancer. She is 16 years old. I love her so much. I have no friends so I was hoping if Yas Forums could help me cope?

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She loves you too, user.
Cuddle up with her instead of getting called a faggot on here maybe

Spend time with your cat and accept your loss like a man. It's your job to make the cat feel good.

I can’t she is at the vet for a week connected to an IV.

Cute cat, you should pet her and tell her I said so.

I'm sorry that you dont have someone to vent to. Im not into adding random internet people, but I'll be here while the thread is still up.

She looks very adorable. What are some your favorite memories about her?

>leaving your best pal alone in a strange place while they are dying
holy shit user get it together.

Hope it suffers. Only way to cope is by blowing your brains out you pathetic faggot

>trying to get the thread pruned by getting other anons to report your post
nice try, fag

Cute, what's her name? This is mine

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>16 yo CAT
>staying at the vet for an IV TREATMENT
What's next you're going to pay for surgery on the flea magnet? It's a fucking cat 16 years is long enough. Cancer in animals is due to them being too old. It's just going to get it again. Let it die and get a new cat, they're like 60 bucks

You should have prepared for this. When cats get to 12/13, buy a kitten and have the kitten learn the mannerisms of your older cat. Dont be like OP clinging on to a half dead flea ball

>reporting posts cause they were mean
Sorry I committed wrong think. Maybe you should head to reddit

i'msorry user your and your kitty are in my thoughts

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>it's a pet cuck thread
Fuck off to your shithole .
Do you post this drivel because it bothers you so much when you realize your worthless dog doesn't care about you and is incapable of feeling complex emotions and is no different than a pet rock?
Is it because you know in the back of your mind how much of a cuck you are feeding this dumb animal everyday getting nothing in return? Literally picking up it's shit?
Both dog owners and cat owners are idiots and are completely cucked by their respective animals. They waste time and money providing for an animal that has basically no benefit personally or on a societal level.
It's even more disgusting when you realize the scale of it in western countries and the US.
Dogs and cats in the vast vast majority of cases (sorry but you're a not a blind farmer), are pure luxuries and not needed. The push by the pet industry and pet evangelists to normalize pet fetishization and seeing the pet as family member is disgusting and needs to be stopped. We have people think of dog as family member and on level of human, why is this okay? It's like normal person version of waifus, except they have even more cognitive dissonance and it has much worse impacts on our lives. Waifus are mostly harmless. Compare to dogs which average has carbon footprint of two SUVs and there are about 80 million dogs in the US alone. Why should accept this? All this waste just so some sad fucks can delude themselves into thinking their brainless pet "loves" them?
How retarded is the idea of no kill shelters? We have an epidemic of stray dogs that are useless and a drain on system at best. So what do pet lovers do? They campaign so that they cannot be killed and instead we have to waste money and time caring for these dogs that do nothing and will simply die eventually. Strays should simply be killed on the spot and it should be legal for any one to kill one. Similar to population control for deer.

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I'm sorry user, losing a cat you've had for years really does hurt. Stay strong.

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He's an autist with no life user. The only way he can speed up this process is by fellating a shotgun barrel.
Unironically and unequivocally based

Her name is tabby :)

I have t work user.

Shut the fuck up faggot, I will get her treatment if she needs it.

Feed her whatever she wants up until the end.
Unlimited petting too.

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16 is a good age for a cat, let her go

You need to get your shit together, user

>Trolling outside of Yas Forums
>Participating in or instigating a flamewar
Take your pick, but either way I'm not reporting you since this thread is gonna get pruned in a few minutes anyway.

You're the most reddit poster in this thread. Kill yourself.

That sucks user, but 16 is a reasonable age to expect for a cat. Unfortunately those random cats that live to 20 and even near 30 are a rare occurrence

While I disagree with your claim that they can't feel complex emotions, I do agree with you on killing strays. Those fuckers mess up the ecosystem.

you'll see her again in your next life, don't worry user, just need to be patient

I hope that pest didn't kill any wildlife

my cat died two years ago
i still havent got another and i don't know if i ever will

>cuck cuck cuck cuck
Jesus is that all you people know how to say

Trying too hard to be edgy.

I just lost my 6 month old kitten to leukemia last week. She was such a sweetheart, whenever I would close my office door to play vidya she would paw at it for a solid 30 minutes before giving up. I had to watch her slowly fade out of life, and when we finally went to have her put down, the vet accidentally left her eyes open. I watched as the life drained from her body, it's really got me fucked up.


Put down the video games and spend as much time with her as you can while she's still here.
You'll have tons of regrets, but don't let one of them be that you missed your last few chances to spend time with her.
Talk to her. Animals can parse a few words from our languages after enough exposure. Tell her that you love her.
Don't let her be alone when the time comes.

> Yas Forumsermin calling any other board a shithole
genuinely choke on a spoon you spastic

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>caring about rules
user, you're posting in an off topic thread.
>sympathizing with an attentionwhore that posted an off topic thread

fucking based

if you expect me to feel bad for your pet it better be something cool as shit, uncommon and unlikely like a falcon, a hawk or a crocodile. this is just another dead cat.

Stay strong user. Remember the good times you had with her, it will hurt but the longer time goes on the pain will dull.

You absolute fucking idiot. You need to spend time with her and make sure she dies comfortably rather than alone hooked up to a machine.
You are a monster, fuck you.

Hey snowflake. This is 4channel. Reddit is two blocks down.

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Not video games. Don't care. Fuck you and OP's dying cat


I'm the faggot? You're the only crying on Yas Forums about an animal, and not only that. Trying to unnaturally prolong an animals life. The cat, tabby is the name right (so original btw, tabby cats tabby name) wants to die. It's a pet user not a person. They arent meant to live forever. Tell anyone you have a 16yo cat, they would be surprised. I'm sure the vet even asked you are you sure, shes pretty old. But your bitch ass said "yes doc, I'm sure, do anything you can". An IV drip isnt even medicine, they just told you that so you could have some peace of mind. Tabby is dying and or is already dead. GET OVER IT

My dog has sex with me so, everything you said is irrelevant.

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work > everything

Get off my website you genuine fucking faggot.

Based rational poster. Brain dead "animal lovers" will call you heartless

Why are you like this?

She lived and enjoyed a good long life user.

Take a week off and spend time with her, give her the best week ever. Put her down and stop letting her suffer because of your own selfishness.
For fucks sake, every post you make makes me unironically seethe. You are a terrible owner and a terrible friend. I feel extremely bad for Tabby, knowing her owner abandoned her in her time of need.

Stay strong and help your kitty out. 16 years is a lot for cats, she was (and I guess still is) loved and lives a happy life. If its possible - put her to sleep so she won't have to suffer. My cat died unexpectedly a year ago, she was clearly suffering and it was horrible.
Pic - my current pet, former stray kitten.

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Who do you want to please, your boss or your cat who has been with you your whole life?

I forgot NEETs aren't functioning adults.

What makes you think complex emotion is worthwhile? You haven't done anything of value with your life despite it.
Dogs know all the relevant emotions.

user you got to put her down, don't make her suffer just because you will miss her. She is a poor animal who doesn't know why her body is hurting

Holy shit what is this absolute fucking faggotry?

>tfw had five dogs
>tfw one randomly died last year and we don't even know why
>tfw another was blind, diabetic and had a heart murmur, then recently developed kidney problems and we had to put him down
>tfw we have three more and they're all over 10 years old

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Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.
enjoy what time you have left, she'll be at peace soon and all will be well. Missing her is ok, but we all pass eventually, she was lucky to have you for 16 years faggot. Godspeed.

Put her to sleep; there is nothing but suffering ahead of her.

im sorry friend. but that is a very nice age. just spend some quality time together.

I see a lot of one eye cats. Do you have to clean their socket or something? Or is it ignored?

Video games.

Autistic NEETS user. They care about pets more than people and responsibilities since they've lived pathetic and friendless existences.

You are projecting.

You get them surgically shut

It's not about the rules, it's about sending a message. That message: ____________fagit________

we merged 3 years ago actually

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>paying for animals
what the actual fuck

well you are double projecting and here is an epic wojak image

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>time of need.
terminal illness isn't really "time of need"

based and redpilled

The duality of man...

No thanks!

fuck you

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Your boss that wants you to show up in person a pandemic lol

I'm sorry to hear that, user
When I lost my fuzzy buddy ten years ago it was the most painful day of my life, but it helps to know that the pain you feel is equal to the love you had for them

Yas Forums is one of the worst boards possible you could have asked for advice

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Nice. What VIDEO GAME is this?
Seriously though user. You're a fucking faggot and I hope your ugly cat suffers. Also, kill yourself.

>animal lover
>Forces an old creaky cat to live an extra couple of months because "I'm not ready to let go"
They are the selfish ones, it's not love

I'm just stating the facts, no need to let your feelings blind you

As much as I'd like to say, you can get one for free. That takes time, you have to buy shots, get the balls cut or spayed. Thats going to cost you 400. If you want a pet, 60 for a healthy cat is a good price

Sorry user. 16 is quite old so it was gonna happen, but take comfort in the fact that you gave her a good, long life, and cherish the time you have left together.

Not video games.

God, I'd hate to be dying only to have my one and only friend abandon me at some hospital because he had "work"

Good job OP now your cat not only has cancer but she also has a broken heart.

We took her to wet, he cleaned it out and sewed it. That's it basically.

His cat doesn't give a shit about him like it hasn't given a shit in the last 16 years either. Stop personifying animals, fag.

That's why I put animal lover in quotes

My 2 year old cat died due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy this September and I'm still coping. I'm happy you got to enjoy 16 years with your sweetheart and I hope she has even more time to come with you and your family. I still cry about my cat and I have his 2 year birthday candle right here next to my monitor where he died. Much love to you, OP. I hope everything will be fine. Pic related, my baby.

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Fuck cats and fuck cat owners, your shitty stinky animals mess with local wildlife and fuck up everyone else's gardens. Keeping that fucking pest inside solves nothing, since the bastard thing is meant to roam free inside an ecosystem built for it, not get fat and die childless while you post in battlestation threads.

go back to your normalfag shithole

I feel for you, user. Make sure when you put her down to have the vet come to your house so your cat isnt scared before she goes. Its worth the money trust me.

Animals can't process intricate emotions such as this, especially in their last moments. Nice job outing yourself as a jobless NEET

What a cute fat cat

fuck off Yas Forums no one finds your "Edginess" funny

Get laid, kid. So edgy.

Not him but I do. Animals have no souls.

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Nice video game. When's the release date?

Apricot kernels. Check out alternative health websites about the dosage for a cat.
A lady I know cured the mouth tumor or her cat by giving her 10-15 kernels daily

> muh Yas Forums
I don't give a fuck about Yas Forums you dumb faggot, his cat does NOT give a fuck about him. If he passed out for too long the fucking thing would start eating him for fun. You people are absolute retards.

Could've said it a bit nicer but you are right. There comes a point when you just have to pull the plug.

My cat gives a shit about me, she's very attached and when I come home she demands I pet and hold her until she calms down
I couldn't imagine leaving her in a hospital for a week for a treatment that won't even work

>Yas Forums
Literal redditfag

are you seriously this dumb

>xd animals r for killing xd
>btw im not pol lol!
Yeah okay.

If you croaked she would eat you and promptly forget about you.

pet threads are a part of Yas Forums, simple as that

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