What vidya has caused you to suffer recently?

what vidya has caused you to suffer recently?

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Suffering In Video Games Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

explain me this image, i keep seeing it


the corridor spam in halo ce was extremely painful to play through


Cube World, after 5 years of radio silence, you get a pile of garbage and wasted potential.

The image that saved Yas Forums.....Kino.

fire puch or something? I think his sister wanted to fuck him but then she dies.

>explain me this image, i keep seeing it
you haven't suffered yet

Fire Punch protagonist not so fire after realizing things he didn't believe could get any worse are infact becoming even worse

A guy has infinite healing powers.
Then he's set on fire.
Now he's burning, FOREVER.

Can't he just the douse the flames?

man who is constantly on fire is glad he is no longer on fire.

No. Because he's deep. And filled with vengeance.

They're magical flames that only go out when there's nothing left to burn. Because he regenerates as fast as he gets burned, it never goes out.

Sounds pretty gay.

He was set on fire by a dude with the special ability to create flames that never extinguish, so now he has both his own immortality/ instant regeneration and is permanently stuck on fire with no way to make it go out.
It's a very good Manga, with loads of amazing characters, you should read it.

Weird way to spell "KINO"

The premise is somewhat gay, it's all about how fucking crazy everything else is

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sounds fucking retarded i am glad i am not some weab faggot

dude is covered in inextinguishable flames and in constantly agony, sounds pretty metal to me.

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We're glad you're not some "weab" faggot too, normies already infest too much of this media anyway

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A mix of guilt and happiness at realizing he can trick an amnesiac girl into believing she's his dead sister
He knows it's all fake but he's already a broken man at this point

Read Kino Punch

kino punch

>absolute suffering for eons until I am strong
I hate the japanese.

He always suffering

>until I am strong
More like until he's completely broken, this isn't a battle manga my dude.

KoTOR. I hated every second of that game.


you have the same sense of humor as my sister, can we meet up?

>inb4 you do like shit like old boy

Do you want to fuck your sister?

she already fucks dudes so I'm not interested

He loves his sister. His siste loves him. Romantically. Sister dies. Stuff happens He suffers for hundreds of years. More stuff happens. He runs into random little orphan girl that looks similar to his sister. Orphan girl loses all her memories. Realizes he can manipulate and groom her to become his sister. Tries to fall in love and fuck this new not-sister but it's not the same. Complicated feelings.

It's about how no matter how much you suffer or struggle, it's all worth it in the end. It may take ages for you to find happiness, but the struggle is worth it. At least that's how interpret it. There's no power escalation in the series. He doesn't need to get stronger. He's already immortal. All he needs to do is LIVE


incest is gay though

>Stuff happens He suffers for hundreds of years.
He only suffers for 18 years. Also it's not a random little orphan girl, it's one of the people behind the foundation of the kingdom that killed his family and started his suffering, having lost her memory because he beat her retarded.

Why did his sister want him to LIVE?
His existence was agony and he ultimately made everything worse for everyone

Read Fire Punch. It's a genuine 10/10

Incest is the literal bottom of the barrel of fetishes.
Rather read scat than force myself to suffer that degeneracy.

He never fucks his sister though

Wanting to fuck your sister is for simple-minded fools.

There you go!

But he is pretty simple minded considering that he's spent the majority of his life in constant suffering.
Plus his sister was the only girl around his age that he grew up with.

I don't read bottom-of-the-barrel shounenshit about bottom-of-the-barrel imbeciles.

You read posts on Yas Forums, so that's an indication you're mentally deficient already

I come here to laugh at your idiotic opinions, not circlejerk religiously about them.

yeah a boss keeps kicking my ass with an unavoidable combo it makes me suffer because you know it's coming but there's literally 0 things you can do to stop it

Which brings even more questions to why you post, especially when those are so goddamn boring posts. Put some effort, man1

>Wipe out all life in the universe for literally nothing
>All of it could have been avoided if he had just fucked his sister

It's not a shounen though, the only similarity it shares with battle shounen is that there are occasional battles.
Why don't you actually read the first couple chapters before you make retarded assumptions about it.
Actually don't, I don't want anymore Yas Forums users potentially infesting Yas Forums.
Keep your existing retarded opinions, it's not like you were going to actually read it anyway.

Shonen is not a genre you fucking imbecile
it ran in fucking "Shonen Jump+"
Stop making FP fans look retarded

i think i need to watch this anime

>barely understands the story
>recommends it to people

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There's no anime adaptation, you have to be able to read


Stop spilling out of your containment thread in Yas Forums you massive faggots. Stop trying to force your culture in Meshi thread.

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Yep, that's the most misleading way you could possibly recommend fire punch.

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I took a look at later chapters and he's just casually walking and killing soldiers, didn't seem to be in agony at all

He's a damn good actor