Feminist/DOOM Eternal

>how many articles/Tweets are going to be written about how DOOM Eternal promotes toxic masculinity and unhealthy violent behavior in men

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Stop giver her attention faggot.

These feminist have nothing to do. I can wait for Animal crossing to release so these people can shut up.

Doom guy is trying to save all of Earth. These weaklings have no respect


Nigger this was like 6 years ago. Stop posting twitter threads

GTFO Annita.

Who fucking caaaaaaaares? Like sincerely, why do people who allegedly hate reading this kind of stuff spend their entire lives obsessing over it?

who cares nigger
play video games

No shit, I’m pointing out how they acted when DOOM was revealed

This so much this

>twitter screencap thread
Kill yourself nigger

None, it'll be about how the "mortally challenged" line and any similar jokes are problematic

Sarkeesian/Mcintosh are outliers in the woke crowd as far as their views on violence in games

You should care because women like her with her beliefs are gaining power in certain aspects of society that control the spread of information.

Isn’t funny how people like her and Zoey Quinn are heads of the Trust and Safety Council at Twitter for no other reason on the base of her political belief?

As well as being invited to the fucking UN to bitch and complain about people being mean to them on the internet.

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You reallly think normies that dont even know a single shit about goomergate will get swayed by opinions that demonize their hobby?

Not even peole on their side believe in this anymore because nobody was getting paid to put up with their shit

It's her that made the thread, this is how she gets attention. She makes people mock her and then plays the victim to get money from feminists.

so thankful for this thread reminding me she exists and peeking to see what she's up to these days

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Rip and tear that bitch up.

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I hate that cunt

It doesn’t matter if even normies don’t agree with her, she still has massive power over how people are allowed to talk to one another on the internet as well as dictating rules that will go as far as banning you on Twitter for a month if you say “nigger”. The crazy part about it is that she wasn’t even elected to preform these duties, she was just hired by Twitter to do what they want in the man me of “safety and protection”

People like her are chipping away your 1st Amendment rights piece by piece until they get what they want.

>he gives the attention whore attention



fuck off mcintosh

>nobody gives a shit about Anita any more
>the video game industry is still irreparably damaged thanks to her bullshit

The video game industry is at its best right now lmao

Then what’s the problem? She ain’t complaining about it now because she’s irrelevant.

The liberals have reached the point evangelical conservatives were at at back in the 90's/00's. Yet some faggots will still claim horseshoe theory is a myth.

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“Toxic Masculinity” is a term invented by pussies and cunts trying to make men subservient

Is this the final proof that she is a poser?
She is the same as those scared priest in the 90s where saying about Doom.

I’m not talking about her specifically, just people who hold her beliefs as we’re seeing the media being hostile towards straight white men


>Hates violence and dismemberment
>Promotes child killing

"I am a poon, hear me roar."

>another thread that isn't related to video games
>OP is autistic

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Nostaligiafags retards like you crying all over

don't reply to my post with this dumb shit ever again

why the fuck did you even go from videogames and hobbies to saying nigger or whatever racial epitaph on fucking twitter shit of all places

you dont need a fucking twitter account, just fucking leave if you dont like their service

Is there a medical term for seeking things to be upset at?

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I doubt that has much influence on the quality on the game industry.
Could you tell me why you believe it does?

Didn't she get laughed out?

probably "transexual" if want a less demeaning term to call them

So Yas Forums is filled with transexuals?

It only happened because people gave them attention in the first place.
If they were just a couple of literal whos and gamergate never happened, and Yas Forums and incels didn't jump on it with death threats harassment attempts neither you or me would know them by name.

Why do you think we keep reminding each other to dilate?

Journalists would've propped them up regardless.

Kinda looks like there might be some racist overtones about muh white genocide but I haven't played it yet.
God, liberals are the worst.
>violence bad
>controlled fantasy environments bad

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Oh, so you're talking about a hypothetical Twitter post rather than a real one. That's worse. Kill yourself, tranny zoomer.

Fuck off man, no one gives a shit

>heads of the Trust and Safety Council at Twitter
Wow, talk about prestigious. What do you suppose their monetary compensation is?

>>Hot Pocket jannie removes Star trek thread
>>Keeps this bullshit.
Fuck mods, fuck jannies and never fuck trannies

It's called a fetus retard-kun. It isnt a child.

If nobody made a mess of it back then they would still be whoring out for review scores.
You can't push for anything or anybody unless there's an active issue or threat, that isn't just "that's how our culture is"
Because at that point it goes from "that's just how things are" to "okay but our culture is breeding situations and people like this so it might be a problem"
This is why you see tinfoils yelling how mass shootings are all inside jobs to push for gunlaws

You ever notice all these threads complaining about what feminists or "SJWs" or queers are doing always have a social media screencap with barely any retweets or likes?

Like look at this shit in OP. None of the tweets hit triple digits in terms of likes/retweets. This had absolutely no traction which means the only way you could've found this is if you were deliberately looking for it.
It reminds me of when the Doom Eternal demo came out and you had that faggoty part of Youtube saying there was some giant SJW backlash but when you looked at everything they were posting from the "backlash" stuff like "Doom" was highlighted which means they got that off twitter search results.

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Isn't a game like Far Cry a lot more violent than DOOM considering you aren't killing demons but actual human beings in a realistic setting?
VR games are also seem way more violent.
Doom barely registers in my brain as gore.

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Well then it doesn't matter what you do so fuck it

Play video games

>And for the men out there, if you’re done with kids, get a vasectomy. Insurance pays for it in full, if you have insurance, and it is an easy operation. I had mine a few years back and it is awesome!


I'm trying, but they keep getting censored.


Genuinely why the hell are women allowed to have an opinion? I've never heard one worth hearing.

get shot nigger and stop posting here