This is so relatable as someone who faps to futa and traps

This is so relatable as someone who faps to futa and traps.

Attached: 😝.png (708x890, 309.6K)

Where did he get an ass like that?

Coomers are gonna freak

You are gay

traps are gay


I'm glad AC is promoting the LGBT community, it feels great.



*He... bold of you to assume

Homo Retard Tax?

Coomers and troomers deserve the death penalty

yasssss queen slayyyyyy
remember to cut your wee wee off soon

Attached: wtf.png (584x674, 352.78K)

>a human being not only thought of this idea, but drew it out, colored it, and posted it online with a caption and hashtag

>a human being
Not quite

and never thought it was cringe.

saved as "proof witcher is gay.png"

taking bbc in the ass

>human being
Twittards are not people user.

what in the actual fuck


I wish HRT actually worked

Why do ugly trannies have to exist


the twitter creature made him FtM transgender

What part of him is a she?

Worked for me. I'd post a pic if I wouldn't get banned.

You guys never seen Geralt in a white lingerie in the bathtub?


Which one is you?

Attached: tranny anime caricatures.jpg (2074x1660, 832.71K)

So it's relatable to a faggot?

>I'd post a pic if I wouldn't get banned.
You won't, I promise ;)

None of those hons. I'm 5'2.

its the needle with the "trans" that gets me.

>tomboy grows up accepting her feminine side and be more confident on being more of a woman
i would still accept her being tomboyish but as long as she's happy i'm happy

Attached: 1479365334545.png (502x502, 141.15K)

And how fat are you?

>trans awareness week
There's like 17 of these every year now, why

98 lbs. I'm a stick.

top left!

Now this is the patrician take

>it's a "Yas Forums screams about trans people because they can't fap to them" thread
>it's a "Yas Forums stalwartly refuses to talk about fucking video games on the video games board for talking about video games" episode
Do you fucking faggots ever get tired of this shit?

Attached: BOY.jpg (1280x1151, 599.96K)

>pick your faghter

It's funny because vir is latin for man

Attached: 1554132615223.png (238x351, 117.31K)

Ugly and undesirable people deserve to be culled from the gene pool. But unfortunately, welfare and social media giving every retard a soapbox allows them to thrive.

Is this the reason /lgbt/ is full of anime pictures?

very blessed post

If all of them ended up like your pic the world would be a better place

For some reason trannies are obsessed with anime

vir means strenght , man is homo

god I wish it was me

Attached: 1552691151697.jpg (2048x2048, 544.98K)

No it doesn't, vir is man, homo is (hu)man/person


I hate how trannies stole the colors teal, white and pink.I really liked that combination but if I now use it on a drawing I get mistaken for a tranny supporter. Same thing with fags and the rainbow, rainbows used to be cool

>for some reason depressed introverted socially secluded hermits like anime
truly a mystery

vir can be used for man sometimes but homo is more accurate, also just like in any other language man can mean human

Do you hate trannies if they're not in your face about it?

b r u h

I hate trannies if they leave the house

tomboys don't wear faux-hawks you fucking idiot, its a tranny

How it comes that trannies are disgusting and most of the time massive masses of fat?
Why do fat men think that becoming an anime girl is feasible?

I just find girls with dicks hot. Gay or not idgaf.

No, I don't care
I hate pride movement though out of principle, since associating with it means you enable the crazy derivatives of it, like kids in drag, overly aggressive faggots, easily distributed hormonal blockers for kids etc

not what he's saying you stupid autist, it's an actually good take/superior interpretation of a shit comic

Well at least you admit it instead of being in denial about it

p sure people that fap to futa don't fap to traps

Traps are normal in anime, which is why they're appropriating them.
Even to the point of treating the word trap itself as a slur.
They've even claimed that the crossdressing boy in that zombie idol anime is trans with YASS REPRESENTASHUN.

jesus that geralt looks like an actual troglodyte

Sit ups, push ups and Plenty of juice

>p sure people that fap to futa don't fap to traps
You would be wrong, Astolfofags are proof

>Trannys decoction


nope, Romans mostly used ''vir'' for man. I mean the word manliness is ''virtus'' and not ''homotus''

Attached: 1561837779575.jpg (984x1447, 271.17K)

Careful, you will summon trannies who will say traps and trannies are the same thing and bring Bailey as their argument

being a social outcast leads to desperate attempts to adjust into something that makes them feel comfortable with themselves. why this gives them confidence is beyond me however


















I've seen far worse offenders when it comes to "anime" drawings of real 'people'
This one at least doesn't try to draw them thin or with big breasts. Only top right is really far off.
also >we, us

funny how anime tends to handle trans character more maturely compared to the thousands of trans comics westerners do

No, that character was a legit tranny. Made me drop that anime. Funny chicken episode though.

Attached: 1583389193711.webm (352x288, 2.56M)

>traps and trannies are the same thing
aren't they?

More like they are lazy, depressed shitheads and ugly to boot, so they clinge to whatever or whomever enables them. And when people say they are "fine as they are" it leaves little room for improvement.

But what if it was a reverse trap that became girly over time?

keep crying tranny, you will never be accepted and people will not HAVE SEX with you

trannies think they are girls
traps are just feminine men


Attached: my ancestor.jpg (800x600, 335.09K)

if women discuss during an operation of a single person i can't imagine them being in political positions

Traps pass, trannies don't.

Attached: 1581163143132.webm (512x288, 2.86M)



Trannies are offended by the word trap though, reasoning that it implies they're predators.
But to be considered a trap, you need to pass so shit doesn't apply to most of em.
Most of the uggos like in are transbians anyways.