Not a single capable male npc, they're all stupid and useless

>not a single capable male npc, they're all stupid and useless
>almost every character is female, every female character is strong and incredibly capable of anything.

i kinda like the gameplay to be honest, it has genuinely funny shit in it as well, but jesus christ the gurl gamer pandering is off the fucking charts in here

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>Sacrifices herself
>Firehawk symbol appears over Elpis
>Credits roll
>Alicia Key's "This Girl is on Fire" begins to play
What a fucking joke.

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My friend and I audibly groaned throughout the whole thing


The game had good males. Also the focus of this game were sirens which are all female. QQ more

found the fat fuck feminist

>why arent there big strong muscular sweaty burly hairy men in my video games

Found the gayboy

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>caring about NPCs in the first place
I thought this place was anti-NPC central

My and my wife burst in laughter, that shit was awkward

such fragile masculinity

>almost every female character is strong and incredibly capable of anything
>Maya jobs and dies
>The little girl is 100% useless and literally caused Maya to die
>Lillith gets the equivalent of her kneecaps blown out for the entire story and just stays on the ship except for the very end

The only one who does anything is tannis

How did her boyfriend react?

>it's ok when we do it

>use fire/corrosive weapon on the abundance of female enemies
>their screaming is agonizingly loud and long
>pop a boner

I'm thinking it was a good thing.

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Pretty much this. I enjoyed all the focus on Tannis. Otherwise, I didn't give a shit about the story. Never have, never will. Just here for the shooting and looting.

I didnt even mention clay. How can you say this game had shit males. Clay was a boss

Hammerlock is devoid of a character anymore. Every 5 lines he has to talk about his bf winny to remind players he's gay. I miss his character in 2 when he was just the eccentric big game hunter. Only good male in this game was Typhon

based, i do this as well

The Calypso twins don't even seem evil wtf. They're kind of empathetic.

>2nd DLC for the game is about Hammerlock's fucking gay wedding and tentacles
I don't know how they managed to fuck the story more than BL2 did and make me utterly disinterested in any of the characters whatsoever.

The vault hunters have been objectively the villains of every title except the pre-sequel, which is part of why the presequel is shit.

>almost every character is female, every female character is strong and incredibly capable of anything.
Nigger all the females besides Scooters sister are shown to be selfish cunts that fuck up constantly.

Admit it. You cried, Yas Forums

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I played this game through 2 or 3 times and remember none of the characters. Then played the telltale game and didn't realise they had some of the same characters. Then went back to 2 and didn't realise they had some of the same characters. Who the fuck pays attention to these games? You shoot and loot.

Don't forget,
>Makes a fucking snot nosed brat whose actions fucking killed Maya the new leader of Sanctuary 3.. instead of Tannis, Ellie, Moxxie, Brick, Mordecai, the Vault Hunter, or LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE

>severe input lag

I hate having to listen to Moxxi go on about how Jack was a dickhead and how she never brings up how she and Lilith stabbed him in the back and tried to kill him.

Yeah but can you fuck any of them?

Not unless it's a gay/lesbian relationship.

nah, tyreen is full on omnicidal psycho. troy had an opportunity for development and was teased during that "fued" but it went nowhere and they kill him off ASAP after.

could have had a moment when he finally tries to turn and stop her even though it would be a death sentence for him if he succeeds helping the vault hunters.

Ah I see, a fellow patrician

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His 'Turning on her'' moment WAS his teamfight, where he was willing to kill her and suck her of all her essence to kill the vault hunters and unlock Elspis.

Remember when tyrene stole liliths powers? You know what would have really helped lilith? IF SHE HAD A FUCKING GUN! SERIOUSLY THE WHOLE FUCKING UNIVERSE REVOLVES AROUND GUNS AND SHE DIDNT EVEN HAVE A FUCKING PISTOL? She could have just shot tyrene in the face while being grabbed and that would have been the end of it.

yeah but i wanted him to stick around longer to see his reaction to tyreen killing their father

i still dont really understand what happened in that scene with the grenade besides the typical cutscene plot armor

>Maya dies for no reason
>Kreig still in the middle of bumfuck space and has no clue

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She condensed the grenade explosion using siren magic and shot it at him

have you played the game it actually takes loads of bullets and grenades and elemental damage and kill skills and stacks etc so this makes no sense

>Krieg was supposed to be in the base game and team up with Maya
>He was cut for Ava

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There was only 3 things they did right in this game:
>Gameplay is the best in the franchise
>Janey Springs was being set up to be the replacement of Scooter in Tales and she's nowhere to be seen
>The soundtrack alone (Sanctuary has the best IMO)

>Borderlands games
>caring about story
The story has always been shit. The characters don't have any character, they're all as flat as a board. Every last one literally just spews memes out non-stop. Everything about theses games lacks ANY subtlety in the slightest way, every last fucking character literally SCREAMS memes at you. Whats worse, they take the DmC idea of mistaking being a faggoty cunt for being "badass". Lillith? Annoying. Every NPC? Annoying. Every last one of them is little other than a snarky quip machine. They best thing any character does in these games, is die.

The actual meat of Borderlands is the gameplay, and in 3, it's actually pretty good. But the story? The characters? It's been shit since the beginning.

Reminds me of battltech.

Apparently in the future men will not do anything and it will magically be all precious women.

It does?

Oh, you're a PC cuck, nevermind.


Did you not play bl2? when Roland gets one shot by Jack's revolver
Basically guns are as powerful as the story needs them to be

Where the fuck did her tattoos go?

Lost her powers and with it her tattoos.

literally nothing is accomplished, we just lost two main characters only to replace them with a lesbian oc self insert brat. you could delete borderlands 3 from the series and I'm sure we wouldn't notice it.

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I finished 2 and 3 and have the pre sequel but everyone acts like it's the worst game of all time so I haven't started it yet. surely it's just more borderlands what's so bad about it?

I liked it. The mechanics and weapons were fun, but there are no people left online past the first playthrough. It's a shame to be honest, but with B3 out on steam, maybe it has a slight revival soon or now?
Anyway, they should add laser and cryo weapons to B3.

Who cares?

>Anyway, they should add laser and cryo weapons to B3.
They are in 3.
Only some Maliwan weapons are lasers though.

pc is the only real platform
anything else doesn't even exist
Bloodborne literally doesnt exist

Apparently he developers care greatly.

When are you fuck faces going to realize it was never about equality or inclusion it is about removing males.

PC Cuck?

Pfft you console babies are just fags.

Lol, what's your number in the special victim olympics?

oh no what a great tragedy the game isnt entirely male characters so i guess its male genocide your deep concern is noted

>Everything about theses games lacks ANY subtlety in the slightest way

No shit. They aren't trying to be subtle.

The problem is they're still painted as the heroes regardless. The writing has them all jobbing but still getting the spotlight at the same time. Your player character is almost a ghost in the story, if you notice while you're fighting to the final boss your character disappears during all the cutscenes and then pops back up after they're over, the story is about the conflict between the different sirens not about the player character.

I played through once wiht Zane and want to go with Fl4k now, but holy shit the story is so fucking bad and its in your face every 5 mnutes.
And I'm not even talking about cutscenes, which are bad enough, but all the fucking dialogue everywhere, everytime, is so cringe.
its a shame because the game itself is fun and gunplay is good.
but overall its a downgrade over bl2 and campaign is way too easy.

Oh no, game with a majority female main cast. The absolute horror. The fucking nerve of these people, women should be popping out babies and making sandwiches.

Typical dishonesty.


Why the fuck are you so dishonest about this subject?

Violence is the answer to these problems, it needs to start being used.

it's clearly virtue-signalling, user. Don't even pretend these people make these casts without an agenda in mind