will it be loud as a jet engine
can it play my PS3 games
every other question is irrelevant
>actual console reveal
>only 2 threads about it up on Yas Forums
Still won't show what it looks like and still wont release full specs
clearly this means the series x is both weaker and more expensive than the chadstation 5. sony always wins, baby!
Wonder how they will deliver the news that its weaker than the Series X.
>taking console wars seriously
unlike smashsoys, sonychads are mature adults who don't feel the need to spam the catalog with a million redundant threads.
It's going to be a big black box
>Also On PC
The PS5 is already irrelevant.
>sonychads are mature adults
Yes, there should be at least 30 threads like with Smash announcements
Only literal toddlers spam 16 threads
Finally we get some news
>sonychads are mature adults
>Given zero information from sony to generate hype
>Sony wonders why noone is giving a shit.
Well except the Sony Ponies and chad-daddies
Based Microsoft forcing Sony's hand. I now have some entertainment during my self isolating.
No, as they're actually shelling out for decent coolers.
I know you can play PS4 games, but I'm not sure about PS3.
snoys are too busy defending their brand and bringing up nintendo in literally every thread
>sonychads are mature adults
fuck off back to your discord, smashcels. adults are talking.
Talking non-stop about VR will be their card!
>I know you can play PS4 games
everyone knows that, genius, but do you know what else can play my PS4 games? my PS4.
I want to get rid of that shitty fucking block of a PS3
It's a 2ghz GPU it will be hot as fuck
You seem upset. And trashing at ghosts
The playstation franchise is the same as the xbox franchise at this point, what do you expect.
The only surprising thing is that the playstation fanbase doesn't get laughed out of the board like xbots were.
Do your own research if you're going to be a rude fuck.
>Sony so quiet about their console because it’s going to be inferior to Xbox SeX
That's why not long ago we had 27 threads simultaneously about one game. Guess the title
I'm sure this place will get flooded tomorrow anyways.
-1 day to the ultimate cope of xbots
They will talk about actual games.
Can't wait for Sony to release their new budget PC with one exclusive, then get fucked over by sony on a daily basis.
Is it in an hour, or 25 hours?
My time zone makes american 'tomorrows' confusing.
Just announce some games you fucking faggots
Can't wait.
Oh Wait TLOU2 and urm, well the other exclusives going to PC. Hahahahaa
Yeah user because everyone plays video games on PC
Uhh the man is mad
more like snoy cucks, jesus
Please respond.
Why doesn't kirby turn into noodles?
The fact that sony "fans" get hated by PCgaymers the most goes to show how many bitter boxtards and nintendkiddies abandoned their fandom to become a PC gaymer in order to talk shit about sony.
TLoU2 is the new TLG at this point.
Same can be said of the Series X. However PS5 has games exclusive from the Series X which is all that matters in a console war.
Well Children should play consoles put adults should save up that money and game on pc
nothing new, losers need to cooperate to stand a chance against winners
So, are they gonna show off any software (ie, games) for the new system demonstration? Seeing the specs isn't really good enough by itself.
>However PS5 has games exclusive from the Series X which is all that matters in a console war.
Like 5% of PS4 owners have Bloodborne.
>kirby eats food in game
>doesn't turn into food
>I'm a corporate cocksucker!
It's a little bit weird that they're pushing this shit out the day after Xbox announced their shit. Reminds me of them always going second after Microsoft at E3.
It will be in 25 hours and 7 minutes from now.
PC fags just have to wait 4+ years to get those games.
>Seeing the specs isn't really good enough by itself.
It worked for Microsoft, at least until Sony decided showing up.
>no games
sonybros are jerking themselves raw right now. the only issue i have with this "reveal" is that its mark cerny and hes gonna talk for two hours about nothing. we might get to see the console and hear the specs but i doubt we will see anything about launch titles.
i think its already confirmed to be atleast PS4 back compat which is nice.
Right but adults wont do that because they dont give a fuck autist. They want to play a game, not mod in their waifu nudes.
>will it be loud as a jet engine
THIS. 2 fucking consoles now. Silence is what I want. Can't deal with the noise anymore
Ahhhh can’t wait to have my slightly more powerful console that plays third person over the shoulder immersive games!!!
All jokes aside, what’s the point of new generations of console? It seems to me that things haven’t changed much since the 360/PS3. Graphics looked good back then, it’s not like a N64/PS1 to Gamecube/PS2 situation. I mean do we really need much more aside from slightly better textures? I guess they could fix the shitty PS4 OS
But why?
I didn't say the PS4 has games.
At this point the only reason why I have a console is to play with my friends who don't have pcs. Obviously that means I would prefer the one with the most console exclusives and not pc exclusives.
>corporate cocksucker
Why NPC? Socialism will never work. I buy things for myself. I could have saved money by buying a corola instead of my impala but I'm not poor so why not buy what I want?
Yea it's almost as if Sony have only just allowed their games to be ported to PC but somehow that's fault of Pc gaming in general.
Fuck off child. Beg daddy for the PS5 and watch him beat you with the belt when he sees the price tag.
Thank you.
open your eyes. foliage, modeled environments (i.e. brick roads), etc. were improved on drastically this generation. fewer flat green grounds being called grassy plains.
Because they don't have powers. Just like regular enemies don't have powers but you can eat them.
So this basically confirms it's weaker than the Xbox, and that's a good thing. Being Arrogant will only get you so far.
Without any games to cover their ass, Snoy are looking pretty bad...
>Without any games to cover their ass
The irony.
okay but where the fuck are the games
>World is literally collapsing
>Martial law will possibly be announced tomorrow
>"Flattening the curve" will only work is the quarantine is extended for months, if not years
And Sonygros want to announce the PS5 now?
Same box different shape. I don't think it will be that much different to have 1080p vs 900p comparisons like the base PS4 and Xbox One. If they had the quick resume shit, they would have talked about it already so that is one thing Microsoft has going for them. Wouldn't be surprised if they also had proprietary SSD memory cards.
The Last of Us and The Last Of Us Part 2 counts as 14 games to sony ponies!
sorry man, Sony is going hard on the emotional stories for launch. we wont be seeing Kat for a long time
i think it was a given that it would be weaker. i think the 9TF is probably what you can expect. which is still impressive for a console.
Better than any PC exclusive released the past decade.
But you don't get a PC for the exclusives, you get it for the better "everything else".
If you wanted exclusives you would get a Switch anyway.
#TranStation 5
>illness only lasts a few weeks
>no signs of reinfection
>years to flatten the curve
Sure doomer.